Ethereum biweekly: Ecosystem and Projects’ Updates, Opinion and Research Articles

Published in
21 min readJul 23, 2019

Biweekly update 9th July — 23rd July

Happy Birthday, Ethereum! Five years ago, on July 22nd, 2014, the Ethereum dream began! The Ethereum crowdsale went live, kickstarting years of developer, startup, entrepreneur, and enterprise fervor. Five years later, the blockchain ecosystem is diverse, global, increasingly decentralized, and growing in importance, recognition, and prominence. Still astonishing to reflect on how far they have come. We wish the Ethereum team to keep willing an idea into being, built a vibrant community, and spread the ethos of decentralization to the world! ◊

For all Ethereum lovers, we have a lot of essential news as usual! During these weeks, the team was working assiduously so they made significant progress with current development. Community calls took place: Core Devs Meeting, Eth2 implementers call, Plasma implementers call. Ethereum 2.0 development updates were published: Prysmatic Labs, Nimbus, Rockethouse. Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.27, Geth v1.9.0, Parity v2.6.0-beta and v2.5.5-stable released. For those who are a little behind of times, Justin Drake, an Eth 2.0 researcher at the Ethereum Foundation mentioned that the phase zero of Ethereum 2.0, which enables Proof of Stake, is targeted to launch on the 3rd of January 2020, only seven months from now! Also, Ethereum planning to reduce issuance by 10x in two years according to him. The ecosystem is impressive and it continues to flourish! New projects appear constantly! Developers have been working hard over the period of the last two weeks so many updates on projects build on Ethereum appeared: Metamask for mobile is out. Celer’s alpha-mainnet, Cygnus, launched. Augur launched Liquidity Partner Program. 0x Mesh p2p network is in beta. Dai Stability Fee went up first to 18.5% a few days ago and then it went up to 20.5%. Ocean Protocol went live on POA Network. Uniswap’s SOCKS got forked. WBTC added to Compound. KyperSwap now has limit orders. Microsoft made research on leveraging Ethereum to make machine learning models more accessible. And worth to mention, FEC said federal candidates can give ERC20 loyalty tokens to their volunteers. These weeks ETHNewYork videos, research and opinion articles were published. Vitalik Buterin wrote on sharding and on economics (visit forum for more info). The year is well underway, cherry blossoms have fallen, and Devcon is quickly approaching! The conference fifth incarnation returns to East Asia later this year! Save the date — Osaka — October 8th-11th, 2019, and stay sharp! Ether is more than tangible and serenity is just a matter of time. More to follow!🦄✨


The technical side of Ethereum’s efficacy is 100% an engineering exercise

- Vitalik Buterin

GitHub metrics:

Developer activity (from

Protocol updates

Constantinople is successful so far.

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting #65 [2019–07–18]

  1. Istanbul EIPs Chopping Block
  • EIP-615
  • EIP-1344 vs. EIP-1965
  • Can we make a decision on EIP-1344 independently of EIP-1965?
  • EIP-1283
  • There was an AMA with no further questions about the EIP.
  • EIP-1962
  • EIP-2028
  • EIP-2024
  • Other EIPs under consideration
  • State Rent EIPs
  • ProgPow
  • Everything else gets pushed from Istanbul?
  • Update EIP-1679: Istanbul Meta

2. EIP Refactoring

  • Given EIP-1702: Which of the Istanbul EIPs live only in version 1 code? Which live in version 0 and version 1 code?
  • Proactive refactoring of the client implementations to make EIPs more simple, and reduce their conflicts.

3. Conformance Testing

4. Review previous decisions made and action items

5. Adding “Security Considerations” to EIP-1

6. Working Group Updates

7. Testing Updates

8. Client Updates: a) Geth, b) Parity Ethereum, c) Aleth/eth, d) Trinity/PyEVM, e) EthereumJS
f) EthereumJ/Harmony, g) Pantheon, h) Turbo Geth, i) Nimbus, j) web3j, k) Mana/Exthereum, l) Mantis, m) Nethermind

9. EWASM & Research Updates

According to Hudson Jameson:

Eth2.0 Implementers Call #21 [2019/7/11]

  • Testing Updates
  • Client Updates
  • Research Updates
  • Network
  • Spec discussion
  • Open Discussion

Nimbus Development Update — 12.07.2019: Nearly up to frozen spec, 10–15x speedup in crosslink processing, better monitoring, nim libp2p, nim language for ewasm.

Ethereum 2.0 Development Update #30 — Prysmatic Labs: biweekly updates written by the entire Prysmatic Labs team on the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap. Up to date on spec, updated SSZ in Go.

Development Update — 17 July, 2019: Rocketpool’s Eth2 staking pool with a beta on testnet is coming soon.

Introducing the OVM — A Correct-by-Construction Approach to Layer 2. Plasma Group’s Optimistic Virtual Machine, a correct-by-construction VM for all layer 2.

ETH2.0 Phase 0: basics for new contributors by James Zaki.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Ethereum 2.0 in Status blog.

Eth2 — Beyond the Beacon Chain by Dr. Robert Drost.

Ethereum 2.0: A Complete Guide. Scaling Ethereum — Part Two: Sharding. Here’s Scaling, part 1.

Another Ethereum 2.0 Testnet has Launched. What’s next for Ethereum?

Development tools

Using automatic analysis tools with the MakerDAO governance code that had a bug a few months ago.

How Formal Verification Could Help to Prevent Gridlock Bug in Runtime Verification blog.

Understanding Ethereum Meta Transaction by Andrea f Speziale.

Truffle DB: gradually introduce TruffleDB as the primary data store and slowly deprecate artifacts. Etherlime v2.1.5 with ZeppelinOS and Chainlink integrations.

Simple Contract With Remix.

Nethereum playground now has support:

How to build a Decentralized Oracle on Ethereum — A Step-by-Step Guide: Build an oracle with iExex tutorial.

Turning Contracts into Software Libraries with OpenLaw’s Dynamic Contract Clauses: OpenLaw adds contract clauses as libraries to its markup language.

Automated testing tutorial

Atra adds relational database tables to its abstract-away-blockchain platform.

Deep Dive — OpenZeppelin’s ERC777 Implementation.

How to build on Celer’s state channel network using their gaming SDK.

Samsung releases a “blockchain SDK” for interacting with Ethereum.

Infura Plus: premium subscription tiers.

Zero Knowledge Proofs & Ethereum: Elena Nadolinski’s list of zk tools.

Making sense of state channels for devs, pt 2

Cobra: new development environment framework.

Waffle 2.0.14 supports human-readable ABI as output.

Ganache TimeTraveler: move forward or backward in time

An easier way to deploy your code with TruffleTeams.

Speeding up IPFS with Piñata.

Drop in ENS support with React component.

A Time Ordered Index of Time Ordered Immutable Data: What does Trueblocks mean when it says it is a decentralized block explorer?

exeDAO: Secure Arbitrary Execution on Ethereum Smart Contracts.

Governance and new standards proposals

Per the Latest core devs call notes: EIP 2028 accepted for Istanbul fork, EIP2200 tentatively accepted. ProgPoW audit not done so not included in Istanbul. EIPs with reference implementations 1352, 1845, 1985, 2027 and 2046 still under consideration for Istanbul.

ERC2181: Increase Clique’s diff_inturn.

ERC2182: Reduce the Clique signer_limit.

ERC2183: Increase Clique min_wait for out of turn blocks.

EIP2200: Rebalance net-metered SSTORE gas cost with consideration of SLOAD gas cost change.

ERC2193: Alias — decentralized type system.

Outsource sybil resistance in your DAO to HumanityDAO.

dxDAO now owns DutchX, and Gnosis has stepped away from dxDAO.

Transmission Gas Cost Reduction — What Ethereum’s Mainnet Has to Say: Analysis of block size vs. uncle rate on Ethereum, including our high-load test conducted on Mainnet on Monday July 15 2019, supports EIP 2028 and the new gas cost of 16 gas per byte. In fact, this data suggests that gas cost can be further reduced in the future.

Check out Istanbul hard fork wiki.


Discussion thread for Hardfork Meta

The list of EIPs in 1679 are the canonical status of EIPs

This will be maintained as an overview page, can also view the Istanbul GitHub Project in the ECH repo to track progress.

James Hancock has created an automated Google Sheet that covers additional milestones


The deadline for EIP proposals for Istanbul was May 17th. All of these EIPs intend to prepare for inclusion in Istanbul, but Core Dev acceptance, implementation, testing, audits, and other work needs to be done to prepare them. Each EIP has a “discussion-to” link where you can find more information, usually on the EthMagicians Core EIPs forum.

  • EIP 615: Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM
  • EIP 1057: ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work (contingent on positive audit results) — @IfDefElse
  • EIP 1108: Reduce alt_bn128 precompile gas costs — @zac-williamson
  • EIP 1283: Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps @sorpass
  • EIP 1344: Add ChainID opcode — @fubuloubu
  • EIP 1352: Specify restricted address range for precompiles/system contracts
  • EIP 1380: Reduced gas cost for call to self — @axic @jacqueswww
  • EIP 1559: Fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain
  • EIP 1965: Method to check if a chainID is valid at a specific block Number
  • EIP 1702: Generalized account versioning scheme — @sorpaas
  • EIP 1706: Disable SSTORE with gasleft lower than call stipend
  • EIP 1803: Rename opcodes for clarity — @axic
  • EIP 1829: Precompile for Elliptic Curve Linear Combinations @remco
  • EIP 1884: Reprice Opcodes + optional new opcode, @holiman — Discuss
  • EIP 1930: CALLs with strict gas semantic. Revert if not enough gas available
  • EIP 2028: Calldata gas cost reduction

Follow All Core Dev calls and the EIPs repo.

Ecosystem updates

Wave #1 of Devcon V tickets have been reserved:

Ethereum users use ETH: After the start of sales, mass transactions ran into issues with card payments. Nearly all of those affected reverted to crypto payment options.

The team will have this resolved in Wave #2 (for credit card fans), and a greater # of tickets will be available too.

𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝐯𝚌𝚘𝚗 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚗‏ @EFDevcon on Twitter:

The State of the Ethereum Network: 2019: On the 5 year anniversary of the Ethereum pre-sale in 2014, a look at the Ethereum network and crypto community in 2019.

N = 78 projects | Dates: 1/31/2018–1/31/2019 | Electric Capital Internal Data | Excluding closed code repositories Source: Electric Capital a site for beginners to discover things to do with Eth.

Distributed pre-image archive in Swarm.

ENS 3–6 character name reservation process is now open.

Oracles: UMA publishes its Data Verification Mechanism. Joey Krug tweets his “current state of Ethereum oracles”:

Ethereum governance survey results:

Toward an interoperable name service.

MetaCartel has 750 ETH in its grants DAO to support UX and usability of web3 apps.

Infura Launches New Infura+ Subscription Service: Infura+ offers enhanced Ethereum blockchain infrastructure support for decentralized apps and projects.

How Ethical Advertising Will Transform the Blockchain Industry: Introducing CodeFund for Blockchain.

The First International Ethereal Summit Will Take Place in Tel Aviv: ConsenSys is thrilled to announce tickets are on sale for Ethereal Tel Aviv, September 15th, 2019.

Why Web3 Developers Are Switching to the Pantheon Ethereum Client: 5 reasons why PegaSys’ Java Ethereum client is becoming the top choice for devs building public and private blockchain networks.

What Ethereum Should Learn from Libra: A Content Perspective: How accessible content design can help Ethereum reach more users.


Announcing the Augur Liquidity Partner Program.

The Closed World of Conventional Sports Betting and How BlitzPredict and Augur Can Change the Game.

Augur Weekly Report — July 10th.

Augur Weekly Report — July 17th.


A Colony for Developers.


Trade smarter, only on Coinbase.

Incident Post Mortem: June 25–26, 2019.

Continuous Integration at Coinbase: How we optimized CircleCI for speed and cut our build times by 75%.


Decentraland SDK Hackathon starts September 2!

Bring Decentraland to life with ‘Publish to LAND’.


How to Make Money Selling Crypto with Dether During Your Summer Vacation (in five easy steps): Looking to earn some crypto while you’re on the move this summer? Become a human crypto ATM, with Dether!


The District Weekly — July 20th, 2019: News and updates from the district0x Network

The District Weekly — July 13th, 2019.

district0x Dev Update — July 9th, 2019: Development progress and product changes from district0x.


The Burner Wallet and Gnosis Safe are Teaming Up.

Gnosis is Stepping Back from the dxDAO.

July 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update.


2019 Mid Term Goals Update.

Brass Golem Beta 0.20.1 patch release.

Brass Golem Beta 0.20.0 — gWASM and RASPA have arrived!

Keep Network:

Keep Network June Roundup: Conferences, team additions, Proof of Work newsletter, and more.

Maker DAO:

Executive Vote: Raise the Stability fee by 2% to a total of 22.5% per year.

Collateral Onboarding Guide: How to Nominate Tokens for MCD.

Governance Poll: Stability Fee Adjustment Poll — July 22.

Introduction to Auctions and Keepers in Multi-Collateral Dai.


Your Crypto Minesweeper: The 5 Most Common Support Inquiries.

Ocean Protocol:

Technical Update — July 1–15.

The Commons Marketplace in Pacific Network: Improved consume flow, burner wallets, multiple networks, and much more.

Our July AMA with Bruce and Aitor: Get the 411 on Pacific Network, Ocean’s PoA Mainnet, and much more.

Raiden Network:

Raiden Service Bundle Explained.


Nimbus Development Update — 12.07.2019.

Dapp Discovery — A Brave New Curve.

Help Translate Status! Traduire Status! Status übersetzen! 翻訳ステータス.

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Ethereum 2.0.

Town Hall #39 Monday July 22, 2019.

Trinity protocol:

Trinity Biweekly Report — Early July.


Announcing the fourth wave of Zilliqa Ecosystem Grant awardees.

Zilliqa Technical Update 16 July 2019.

Zilliqa Community Update 9 July 2019.

Other projects updates:

Geth v1.9.0 — a massive milestone release with performance improvements and tons of new features. Lefteris’ tweetstorm summary of the changelog:

Parity v2.6.0-beta and v2.5.5-stable.

Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.27 — BEAM sync prototype.

Metamask for mobile (BETA) is out

Trustless Two-Way Bridges With Side Chains By Halting.

Celer’s state channel network live on mainnet.

Nexus Mutual’s smart contract cover is now live on mainnet. That means GovBlocks is also live on mainnet for co-op governance.

Burn relay registry: burn small % of fees for spam resistant layer 2 transaction relayers.

Atomic swap Plasma predicate architectural design.

MESG’s Plasma Guard — demo and code of OmiseGo Plasma watchtower.

StarkDex pt3, the STARK core engine.

Next steps for Veil: Veil is sunsetting its prediction markets product.

KyperSwap now has limit orders.

NiftySwap: a Uniswap fork for ERC1155 NFTs using Dai and metatransactions

Panvala’s beta is live on Rinkeby, so you can choose what slates get PAN tokens.

Digital Asset Lending via Decentralized Lending Protocols Q2 2019: Loanscan Q2 report on DeFi lending.

DefiPulse adds the DefiList.

Why we decided to fork SOCKS: Uniswap’s SOCKS got forked.

Uniswap sETH Pool Liquidity Incentives,

Introducing Trend Trading Strategies on TokenSets: Set is launching a new category of automated portfolio management strategies.

Spank.Live Update — International and Fiat.

Streamr attending My Data 2019 (September 25–27) alongside Microsoft, IBM, European Commission and more.

Opinion and research articles

Bitcoin Cash: a short-term data availability layer for ethereum? Vitalik on sharding.

Highlight: Robin Hanson’s more owner-forgiving modified Harberger tax: Vitalik on economics.

Minimal fully generalized S*ARK-based plasma by Vitalik.

Burn relay registry: Decentralized transaction abstraction on layer 2 by barrywhitehat, Lakshman Sankar.

Alacrity: A DSL for Simple, Formally-Verified DApps by Jay McCarthy, Head of Research, Alacris, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell: Alacrity is a domain-specific language for writing decentralized applications. It provides automatic solutions to a few key problems faced by blockchain developers: verifying that the DApp is trustworthy, ensuring the smart contract is consistent with client-side software, and abstracting over different blockchains.

Safety Without Silos: Why Businesses Will Learn to Love Public Ethereum by John Wolpert, who leads Web3Studio, a unit of ConsenSys. Before joining ConsenSys in 2017, he served as the global product executive for IBM Blockchain and co-founder of Hyperledger.

Integrating Blockchain, Smart Contract-Tokens, and IoT to Design a Food Traceability Solution by Mark Kim; Brian Hilton; Zach Burks; Jordan Reyes. Information asymmetry exists amongst stakeholders in the current food supply chain. Lack of standardization in data format, lack of regulations, and siloed, legacy information systems exasperate the problem. Global agriculture trade is increasing creating a greater need for traceability in the global supply chain. This paper introduces Harvest Network, a theoretical end-to-end, vis a vie “farm-to-fork”, food traceability application integrating the Ethereum blockchain and IoT devices exchanging GS1 message standards. The goal is to create a distributed ledger accessible for all stakeholders in the supply chain. Our design effort creates a basic framework (artefact) for building a prototype or simulation using existing technologies and protocols. The next step is for industry practitioners and researchers to apply AGILE methods for creating working prototypes and advanced projects that bring about greater transparency.

Geo-spatial Surround Vote Matching: deep dive in surround vote matching as a geo-spatial problem, by Protolambda.

Minimum Committee Size Explained by Chih-Cheng Liang.

Press and podcasts

Robert Leshner: Compound — An Automated Money Market for Ethereum Tokens (#295)

In this episode, hosts caught up with Robert Leshner, founder of the Compound protocol. Compound is a fascinating smart contract protocol, running atop Ethereum, that allows users to lend and borrow specific ERC-20 tokens with a duration-free interest model. The protocol acts as a central borrower and lender of user tokens and algorithmically prices the interest charged to borrowers and lenders. Compound is one of the first examples of a well-functioning lending market built using smart contracts.

Topics discussed in this episode:

- Robert’s background and how he came to found Compound

- The workings of the compound protocol

- Statistics of usage of the protocol

- Intended plan for governance of the protocol in the future

- Business model of the company and the protocol

- Comparison of compound to other lending protocols on Ethereum

- Outlook and future plans

POV Crypto Episode 62 — Truffle: Making Ethereum Sweet, With Tim Coulter: Tim Coulter the founder and CEO of Truffle Suite and Trufflecon comes on to POV Crypto to discuss how he is working to make building on blockchains easier and better.

Topics Of Conversation:

  • The beginnings of Truffle
  • Separation from Consensys
  • Truffle Download Numbers
  • Examples of companies using Truffle. What are they building?
  • Builders view of ETH as a SoV
  • Non-Ethereum use of Truffle
  • TruffleCon!

TokenCard: Path to a Self-Sovereign Banking Service

Mel Gelderman, co-founder and CEO of TokenCard joins the podcast to talk about his team’s vision of building a self sovereign banking service on Ethereum. TokenCard currently has a smart contract wallet that allows users to securely store ETH and ERC20s. From there, users can apply for a TokenCard Visa card which allows you to spend crypto out of your wallet at any merchant that accepts Visa worldwide. They have big plans for the future in integrating DeFi directly into the service and are rebranding very soon.

Zexe: Decentralized Private Computation with Pratyush Mishra: In this episode, hosts sit down with Pratyush Mishra, CS PhD Student at UC Berkeley and one of the co-authors on the Zexe project, to discuss the Zexe protocol. They cover how this paper came to be, what it aims to solve, how it works, and how it could be used. Recorded at ZCon1 in Split.

Set Protocol: Automating Asset Management with DeFi: Set Protocol team members Felix Feng and Alex Soong join Into the Ether to talk about building baskets of tokenized assets on Ethereum. They spend most of the episode talking about their TokenSet product which allows users to invest in unique trading strategies all wrapped inside an ERC20 token. Have your portfolio auto-rebalance between ETH and BTC or use technical indicators to automatically move your position around. This app is a dark horse to become the #1 DeFi app when ranked by value locked.

InstaDapp: A Bridge to Decentralized Finance: Sowmay Jain, co-founder of InstaDapp, joins Into the Ether to discuss building a bridge to DeFi via their dashboard. They discuss what InstaDapp can offer and how it makes the user experience for DeFi much more seamless. They currently integrate with Compound, Maker and Uniswap and have plans to expand on that offering and the features offered. They discuss their plans for the future and even how they may offer a staking service.

#61 Augur: A Conversation on Crypto User Acquisition with Joey Krug: User acquisition is one of the least covered topics in crypto. This week, Augur creator and Pantera Capital’s co-CIO Joey Krug joins hosts on the show to change that.

They talk about:

- How Augur bootstrapped its first users

- UI/UX tradeoffs in decentralized apps

- Companies building on Augur: Veil, BlitzPredict & Guessr

Hashing It Out #53 — Trail of Bits — Dan Guido: Dan Guido, CEO of Trail of Bits, comes on the air with hosts to talk about how tooling is evolving in smart contract security, the landscape of security auditing today, and we have the opportunity to congratulate him on being named a leader in Forrester Research’s Midsize Cybersecurity Consulting Services, Q2 2019 report. They go over advancements in fuzzing, static analysis, formal verification, and some interesting and unexpected problems found in smart contracts.

Base Layer Episode 050 — Hugh Karp (Nexus Mutual): Hugh from Nexus Mutual joins Base Layer for it’s 50th episode! Nexus Mutual is building a decentralized alternative to insurance. They are using blockchain (Ethereum) to build a mutual (a risk sharing pool) to return the power of insurance to the people. It will allow anyone to become a member and buy cover. It replaces the idea of a traditional insurance company, because it is wholly owned by the members. We spoke about Nexus Mutual help users be covered for events like The DAO hack or Parity multi-sig wallet issues. This is a super interesting space evolving — one to listen to!

New Territories Podcast — Ep 4: What is Legal Tech and How Will it Transform Businesses?: How will the Big 4 Accounting firms adapt to legal-tech? What is a Virtual Law Firm? Will technology replace lawyers?

About the Guests: Stevie Ghiassi is the inaugural President of the Australian Legal Technology Association (ALTA) and Co-Founder, CEO of Legaler. Stevie is committed to pursuing a better world through technology to advance the delivery of legal services and expand access to justice by leveraging distributed ledger technologies such as blockchain. David Cios is Corporate Counsel at ConsenSys with a focus on designing and implementing technology solutions that streamline the provision of legal services. Prior to ConsenSys, David was an associate at Latham & Watkins’ Equity Derivatives Transactions group.

Episode 11: Wednesday Coin with Mike Vargas: WednesdayCoin’s Mike Vargas on Wizard of Dapps.

Art Thou an ArtDAO, art DAO’s Gene Kogan on Digitally Rare.


ETHNewYork 2019: video playlist.

cadCAD Simulations | Billy Rennekamp, Founder Clovers.Network, Artist, Developer

Part 2 of lecture “Clovers + cadCAD: Modeling Game Economics”. Lecture recorded at TokenEngineering Meetup Berlin in June 2019.

Whiteboard Series with NEAR | Ep: 24 Pierre Krieger Parity

In this episode, they had Maksym Zavershynskyi from NEAR team interviewing Pierre Krieger from Parity Technologies about Libp2p library which is a backbone level-0 solution for several blockchains including Substrate/Polkadot.

Reinventing The Online News Economy with Jarrod Dicker of the Washington Post

As media businesses struggle to find sustainable revenue streams, journalism faces new scrutiny, and online information and platforms become less and less trustworthy, there is much need for rethinking the core building blocks of the digital news experience.

In this chat, Mike Kriak, Global lead of the Consensys Media Circle, sits down with Jarrod Dicker, VP of Commercial Technology & Development at the Washington Post, to explore how Web 3.0, blockchain, and decentralized technologies can help rebuild the online news environment.

They discuss the current state of media, from intermediaries and ad supply chains to rights management and digital identity, and end with the opportunities for builders and entrepreneurs to create new value in the space.


Paul Brody on EY, Ethereum, and Enterprise: E&Y’s Paul Brody does an EthCommunitySeries interview.

[AMA] We are the Eth 2.0 Research Team (Pt. 2) The first was in January.

Upcoming events


Information from (July 23rd, 2019):

Ethereum is back over a million transactions in a day.

Information from


When I came up with Ethereum, my first thought was, ‘Okay, this thing is too good to be true.’ As it turned out, the core Ethereum idea was good — fundamentally, completely sound.

- Vitalik Buterin

Constantinople is successful so far.


Istanbul is planned for Q4 of 2019. Planned date is October 16th, 2019, 12:00pm UTC.

More details on the road to Istanbul.

Next Timelines

Cheesy Hardfork 6 Month Schedule

Current discussion is on moving towards a 6-month cycle. Danno is leading discussion on a Cheesy Hardfork Schedule

  • “Asiago” April 2020
  • “Brie” October 2020

Serenity / ETH2

Serenity is meant to move from consensus through Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake.

See the ETH2 Specs Github Repo.

The ETH2 Project Management repo holds ongoing notes and meetings.

Phase zero of Ethereum 2.0, which enables Proof of Stake, is targeted to launch on the 3rd of January 2020.


FEC says federal candidates can give ERC20 loyalty tokens to their volunteers.

Microsoft research: leveraging Ethereum to make machine learning models more accessible.

Uber Subsidiary Grants Ethereum Startup Access To Entire American Fleet: Ride-sharing giant Uber has taken another step towards blockchain with news today that its healthcare subsidiary, Uber Health, has granted access of its entire American fleet to Solve.Care, a startup using the ethereum blockchain to connect nearly every aspect of the healthcare ecosystem via a shared ledger of transactions.

Singapore’s Stock Exchange Backs New Ethereum Security Token Platform: A new trading platform for security tokens has launched with backing from Singapore Exchange (SGX), the country’s public stock market, and technical support from ethereum startup ConsenSys. The 1X platform has gone live Wednesday with its first listing of an ethereum token, purchasable with Singapore dollars. The token represents about 7 percent of the shares of a Singapore fund manager called Aggregate Asset Management (AAM). AAM raised about $4 million in fiat currency in the six weeks since May 4, 2019. Investors in the round received the corresponding ethereum tokens to account for their ownership, which is now tradable on 1X.

Vitalik Non-giver of Ether‏ @VitalikButerin on Jul 14:

Vitalik from the Future‏ @OldVitalik on Jul 18:

This is what we get when there is no one to represent Ethereum/alts before congress:

“Ethereum is quietly becoming the global platform for every asset”:

Final denomination metal wallet, .1 ETH, now finished!

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Ethereum community continues to grow. There is constant slight growth in Ethereum social media channels these weeks.

Facebook — Official announcement channel. Recent publications — about Ethereum Core Devs Meetings, Conferences (20–100 likes per publication).

Twitter (Ethereum) — Official announcement channel. Duplicates news from Facebook page (250–500 likes per publication, 30–50 comments). Average number of shares is 100–200 for one post.

Twitter (Ethereum Network) — News from DApps (10–20 likes per publication, 1–5 comments, 1–10 shares).

Twitter (Ethereum Report) — Retweets from official announcement channel and team members’ pages.

Reddit — News about projects and blockchain, links to interviews, podcasts, upcoming events. The longest thread has 161 comments (Welcome to r/ethereum — the Reddit frontpage of the Web 3.0).

YouTube (Ethereum) — Last video on July 27th, 2017 (5000–20 000 views per video).

YouTube (Ethereum Foundation) — Videos from conferences, meetups, Ethereum Core Devs Meetings.

Ethereum Community Forum. Recent Discussions: Forum has been hacked, Security alert, Forums Database Compromised, Help Stop Forum Spam, Developing Guidelines for acceptable Promotion and Marketing on the Ethereum Forum.

See also Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians forum.

There is a constant slight growth in Ethereum community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ethereum Reddit subscribers, Twitter followers and Facebook likes. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

Main sources:

Ethereum official social media

Ethereum subreddits

Core Devs Meetings

Eth2.0 Implementers Calls

ConsenSys blog

Week in Ethereum by Evan Van Ness

What’s New in Eth2 by Ben Edgington

Projects build on Ethereum official blogs

Ethereum in news

Crypto Twitter in general

