Humanode: BioDeFi-based Nonlinear liquidity staking introduced, KuCoin is initiating staking for HMND, BotBasher is now protecting 300+ Discord communities, Collaborations with UBD Network and Lamas Finance, Phase 2 of the Genesis NFT contest voting, Community call on Oct 20, Join the newly established Humanode Dev Telegram community, and more!

Published in
16 min readOct 18, 2023

Biweekly update vol.60, 4th October — 18th October


Greetings, fellow members of the Humanode community! It’s another Wednesday, and you know what that means — it’s time for our biweekly recap. In this 60th edition, we have some exciting developments to share, from innovative staking models to partnerships and NFT contests. Let’s dive right in!

One of the core tenets of the Humanode project is to ensure fair and decentralized reward distribution among liquidity providers. To achieve this, the team has been hard at work developing the BioDeFi-based Nonlinear Liquidity Staking model. This groundbreaking approach ensures that rewards are not solely proportionate to the amount of liquidity pooled. It’s all about creating a level playing field for all participants. Following the successful launch of Humanode EVM on mainnet and the introduction of on-chain biomapping, the team is now in the final stages of deploying the Bio-staking liquidity pool.

Moreover, KuCoin, a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is playing an instrumental role in this endeavor by initiating staking for the HMND token with an impressive 100% Annual Percentage Rate (APR). This move adds an element of excitement to the community, allowing everyone to prepare for the upcoming on-chain liquidity staking.

Mark your calendars for this Friday, October 20th, 2023, at 14:00 UTC. The Humanode team is hosting a special Community Call featuring the co-founders, Dato and Victor. This is your chance to engage directly with the visionaries behind Humanode, ask questions about the project’s direction, and gain insights into upcoming developments. It’s all about fostering an open dialogue and including the community’s voice in shaping the future.

Humanode’s innovative anti-Sybil tool, BotBasher, is now protecting 300+ Discord communities, making waves across the crypto ecosystem.

Recently, the UBD Network integrated Humanode BotBasher on its Discord, enhancing security. To learn more about this partnership, check out the details here. In celebration of this integration, Humanode has launched a thrilling quest on QuestN. Completing tasks could earn you a share of a $50 prize pool.

Lamas Finance is also tapping into the power of BotBasher by integrating it into its whitelisting process, ensuring Sybil-resistant participation in their upcoming sale. Find out more about this collaboration here and join the special Galxe Quest to celebrate this partnership.

The Genesis NFT contest is in full swing, and the winner of the Best NFT in the collection has been chosen — Entry #14! Congratulations to the winner. But, the fun doesn’t stop here. In the next phase of the contest, NFTs will be minted and awarded to community members. The goal is to see these NFTs actively traded, and the creator of the “most traded NFT” will earn a prize of $500 worth of HMND. Community members can sign up for the raffle in the Humanode Discord’s #sr-roulette channel to participate. The team will conduct a raffle event to distribute the NFTs once they are minted. Additionally, a smart contract will be deployed to collect trading fees and distribute them equally to NFT creators on a monthly basis. More details will be shared after the signing-up phase concludes on October 20th, 2023, at 23:59 UTC.

If you’re a developer, builder, coder, or innovator, Humanode invites you to join their new official Humanode Dev group in Telegram. This community hub is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and contribute to the world of crypto-biometric technology.

Plus, don’t forget that the Developer challenge is ongoing until October 30th, 2023. You have the opportunity to showcase your Web3 dApps, embrace Sybil resistance, and earn rewards totaling 400,000 HMND. It’s not just about winning; it’s about innovation and real engagement. Impress the team with your MVP and gain access to the Humanode VC network with over 200 connections. Dive into the details here and submit your work on Humanode Dework.

Humanode is also extending an invitation to visionaries in the blockchain space to join the team as Sentinels. If you have a deep understanding of blockchain projects and want to turn your expertise into a source of income, this opportunity is custom-made for you. To apply, kindly click here.

That’s a wrap for this biweekly recap! Stay tuned for more exciting updates, and let’s embark on this adventure together as we shape the future of Humanode. The journey continues, and we’re glad to have you with us.

Nonlinear Liquidity Staking on Humanode

This staking model is designed to ensure decentralized reward distribution among liquidity providers in a way that rewards are not proportionate to the amount pooled.

After successfully launching Humanode EVM on Mainnet and introducing on-chain biomapping, Humanode is introducing BioDeFi-based Nonlinear Liquidity staking

These will be the first liquidity pools secured by a network run by unique living human beings.

KuCoin is initiating staking for the HMND token on KuCoin Exchange with 100% APR

The Humanode development team is currently working on launching Nonlinear liquidity staking on the Humanode EVM, which will be the first of its kind where liquidity pools will be secured by a network run by unique living human beings.

To add an element of excitement and offer the community an opportunity to prepare for on-chain liquidity staking, KuCoin has chosen to initiate flexible staking of HMND tokens on the KuCoin exchange.

This promotional staking phase will last for 30 days, starting October 11th, 2023 (10:00 UTC), acting as a pre-staking phase before Nonlinear LP staking.

The main features of this staking offering include:

1. Total HardCap: 5,000,000HMND

2. The soft cap for a single user: 500 HMND

3. The maximum limit for a Single User: 300,000HMND

4. Redemption period: 3 Days

5. Staking Duration: 30 days (flexible)

6. APR: 100%

  • How to participate:

During the promotion period, you can go to KuCoin Earn ( and choose the desired product for staking.

This liquidity staking on the Humanode chain is expected to be launched before the end of this staking offering by KuCoin, so the stakers will simply have a chance to shift their tokens to the on-chain staking liquidity pools.


Humanode Dev Updates

i. Major Updates

🔺The dev team has been working tirelessly to finalize the development and deployment of the bio-staking liquidity pool. Currently, it is in the final stages before deploying on the mainnet.

ii. Humanode network

🔺Update to the latest rust and solve the issue with wasm builds generating unknown opcodes

🔺Bump warp

iii. Bio-mapper-svc

🔺Bump oauth2 from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2

🔺Bump axum from 0.6.19 to 0.6.20

🔺Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 2 to 3

🔺Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 2 to 3

🔺Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 3

🔺Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4

🔺Bump docker/metadata-action from 4 to 5

Humanode EVM

EVM compatibility is live on Humanode mainnet

After extensive testing on the Humanode EVM Testnet “Israfel”, the team has incorporated feedback and made the necessary adjustments. With the success of the public testing phase, Humanode EVM is now ready for mainnet action.

For the devs out there: the Humanode network now supports dApps and smart contracts developed in Solidity and other EVM-compatible languages. The seamless integration means you can now deploy your smart contracts directly onto the Humanode chain.

Users, rejoice! Swap HMND for eHMND and transfer eHMND using popular EVM wallets, including MetaMask.

Remember, post-update, Human nodes will need to update the launcher app and reauthorize to facilitate this network upgrade.

Want to delve deeper? Check out the detailed blog post on this milestone launch and the potential it unlocks for the Humanode network.

The Humanode EVM Explorer is now available on Subscan

This partnership allows you to explore and interact with the Humanode ecosystem, ensuring you have all the information and tools you need at your fingertips.

Check the explorer:

Read more about the added features and how to utilize them here.

Humanode Bot Basher

BotBasher for Discord

BotBasher for Discord is an application that has been created utilizing the Humanode private biometric verification technology, allowing Discord users to verify that their account is owned by a unique living human being, and Discord servers to create Sybil-resistant channels, by limiting specified channels to verified human beings only. As the BotBasher for Discord works alongside other popular Discord applications, the servers will be able to provide their users with Sybil-resistant voting (1 user, 1 vote), Sybil-resistant whitelisting, Sybil-resistant airdrops, NFT mints, and more!

As the technology behind the application is the Humanode crypto-biometric technology, the users are able to conduct private and secure uniqueness and liveness checks over anonymized data, without revealing any private information or fear of having their biometric data hacked.

As a note of caution, one user is only able to create one bio-authentication, meaning that the user can only tie one account to their physical identity, limiting their access to the BotBasher-enabled Sybil-resistant channels (or servers) to that verified account.

Once an account has been bio-authenticated and receives the role of a Verified Human, they will be able to utilize that verification for all servers that are BotBasher enabled.

🔺Understanding BotBasher’s Biometric Privacy and Security Approach

Curious about how BotBasher protects your biometric data? Dive into Humanode’s blog post to explore the advanced security measures they implemented.

🔺 BotBasher now protecting 300+ Discord server communities

Integrate BotBasher to your server:

Humanode Mainnet

Beginning as a dream in 2017, put into action in 2020, and 4 public testnets with over 10,000 unique participants starting in 2021, Humanode has launched the first crypto-biometric blockchain network where one human = one node = one vote that brings Sybil resistance and innovative governance models to the crypto industry using biometric technology.

Be sure to claim tokens as you need some to deploy the node:

🔺 Humanode explorer by Subscan

🔺 Humanode Explorer by Subscan — How does it work

🔺 Validator Ranking

Humanode’s Developer Challenge

Humanode’s 8-week developer challenge has just kicked and it will end on the 30th of October, 2023.

Seeking the best Web3 Dapps out there. Got one? Bring it. Or fork & optimize for the Humanode chain. Unique opportunity: Embrace “Sybil-resistance” to reshape your Dapp’s mechanics. Make every DAO, game, or NFT special!

Rewards? Massive! 400,000 HMND split across two tracks. And remember, it’s not just about winning, it’s about innovation. Impress the team with your MVP and access the Humanode VC network of 200+.

🗓 Prize snapshots:

  • 1st phase: 30.09 (1/3 prize pool)
  • 2nd phase: 15.10 (1/3 prize pool)
  • Final phase: 30.10 (remaining 1/3)

Judging by average daily human interactions with your Dapp. Real engagement is key!

Let’s build the next-gen, human-centric blockchain future together!

Awareness & Events

Community Call

This Friday the team planning a special community call featuring Humanode co-founders. As you all know, there have been some exciting partnerships and developments around here, and Dato and Victor would like to sit down with the community to go over them with you all!

This is your chance to ask questions about the direction Humanode is heading, about what is upcoming, and voice your opinions.

🕰 Time: October 20th, 2023, 14:00 UTC

📍 Place: click here:

Join via Link3:

Humanode Conference 2023 — A Review

Thanks to all the speakers, panelists, and especially you — the community — for making this event an unforgettable experience. From insightful lectures to interactive panels and community engagements, this conference has been a truly enriching journey.

If you missed out, don’t worry — you can catch the highlights on these YouTube streams [Part 1, Part 2].

Conference Agenda

  • Opening Ceremony and Welcome Address by Dato of Humanode Core
  • Talk on “Early Stage Advisory & Incubation” by Calvin Chu
  • Presentation on “DAO and Decentralization in Gearbox Protocol” by ivangbi
  • Panel on “Sybil Resistance” featuring Dato, Victor, Gitcoin, Galactica, Kleros, and Proof of Humanity
  • Lecture on “BioDeFi” by Sasha Shilina
  • Presentation on “Humanode EVM” by Dimitry Lavrenov
  • Hangout with the Humanode Development Team
  • Lecture on “After the Dust Settles: DeFi 23–24” by Alexander Bokhenek
  • Panel on “The State and Future of Crypto” with Victor and special guests
  • Casual Hangout with the Humanode Team
  • Talk on “The New Financial Ecosystem and Crypto Assets in the Web3 Era” by Kaimin H.
  • Conference Wrap-Up

Here’s a comprehensive recap of the conference, covering everything from intriguing lectures to interactive quizzes. Dive in to catch up.


UBD Network integrates Humanode BotBasher on its Discord

BotBasher now has verified 240K+ users and is integrated by 300+ Discord servers.

Dive into know more about UBDN and this partnership details.

And to celebrate this integration, Humanode has launched a quest on QuestN. Complete tasks and stand a chance to win from a $50 pool! Join the quest here:

Lamas Finance integrates Humanode BotBasher for Sybil resistant Whitelisting

Lamas Finance has adopted Humanode BotBasher for its whitelisting process, elevating Sybil-resistant participation in their upcoming sale. Dive into the details:

To mark this collaboration, the team launched a special Galxe Quest. Join in and celebrate this new chapter!

Previously, Humanode teamed up with ChainPort bridge to bring USDC and WETH to Humanode EVM

This integration facilitates low-fee bridging of USDC and WETH from Ethereum to Humanode EVM. It also extends HMND’s availability across 18 additional chains and enables BioDeFi by introducing these coins to Humanode EVM.

Sentinel Program

Join Humanode as a Sentinel

Humanode is actively recruiting Sentinels. If you possess a keen understanding of blockchain projects and wish to monetize this expertise, this position is tailor-made for you.

➡️ For more details about the program, read this article.

➡️ Ready to join the program? Apply here:


HMND is listed on KuCoin and Bitmart, BingX, SimpleSwap, and Lunar Crush.

In the meantime, here are a few reminders to all:

  • HMND cannot be traded on any DEX at the moment.
  • The only places you can buy HMND at this moment are KuCoin and BitMart, SimpleSwap, BingX, and Lunar Crush.
  • ALWAYS check the official announcements.

The links to the trading pages:




🔺Lunar Crush:



Dawn of BioDeFi — The HumanodeEVM quest series on Galxe

‘Dawn of BioDeFi’ is a six-week quest series on Galxe. And like its name, the aim of this campaign is to guide you through all the building pieces enabling a new kind of DeFi: explorer, bridge, swaps, liquidity pools, biomapping, and quadratic staking with HumanodeEVM.

➡️ How is it structured?

Over the next six weeks, the Humanode team will release tasks on Galxe. They will alternate between weeks focused on on-chain activities and others that incorporate learning HumanodeEVM’s special sauces for the DeFi and web3.

After 6 weeks, anyone who scored 50% of the maximum number of points will get 10% additional retroactive rewards* on Quadratic LP staking while winners with the most points will share a prize pool of 100,000 HMND.

*Additional rewards per individual should not exceed $300 monthly.


Humanode Sybil-resistant Quests on Zealy

Join Humanode’s Zealy Questboard for the chance to earn rewards. Anyone can join the quests, whether you are a new community member or a long-time participant. Solve quests, find secret codes, get involved in the Humanode community, and learn about Humanode and BotBasher.

📝 How to?

1. Visit Humanode’s Zealy Questboard, and log in to Zealy using your Discord account.

2. Complete the quests to unlock experience points (XP).

The more experience points you gain, the higher your level goes on the Zealy Questboard. The higher your level on Zealy, the more roles you can acquire, and the greater your chances of qualifying to share the prize. Zealy keeps track of the amount of XP you earn.

Here’s the link >> <<

Wondering how the team will decide the winners and dish out $HMND rewards? Here’s a breakdown of the winning determination process:

🏆 Top 10 Sprinters: When a sprint ends, they will give a shoutout to the top 10 players who scored the most experience points (XP).

🏆 Monthly Retroactive Rewards: At the end of each month the team will retroactively reward the top 20 XP gainers on the Zealy Questboard.

Whether you aim to secure a top spot in the sprint rankings or strive for monthly recognition, every quest you finish and every XP you earn brings you closer to the prize. The determination of winners will be based solely on the XP earned. So, focus on completing quests, engaging with the community, and expanding your knowledge to maximize your chances of securing a top position.

Important things to consider:

  • The team is rebooting XP every 3 months so that everyone gets a fair chance to win.
  • You can only win 1 spot on each sprint and similarly will be eligible to win 1 spot on a monthly retroactive reward list.
  • The team will be adding more quests progressively.


The first stage of the Genesis NFT contest has concluded with the vote for the Best NFT

The winner of the Best NFT contest for the Genesis collection is Entry #14! Congrats!

Time for phase 2 of the Genesis NFT contest

As mentioned before, in this phase of the contest, the team will be minting the NFTs, and awarding them to members of the community. Although those who submitted may be nice as keep-sakes, the goal is to see the NFTs traded! Thus, the winner here will be the “creator of the most Traded NFT”, which will be given to the creator of the NFT that is traded the most (average number of daily trades) in the two weeks after the NFTs official minting event.

To join the fun, community members are encouraged to sign up for the raffle in the Humanode Discord #sr-roulette channel!

As you can see, the channel has a “sr-” in front of it. This means it will be in the Sybil-resistant channel, meaning one person, one entry into the raffle.

To enter the raffle, go to the #sr-roulette channel (which you will only be able to see if you are a Verified Human) and type “Add me!” ONCE. Please refrain from typing anything else in this channel, as they will be deleted upon discovery.

As the NFTs are minted, the team will have a raffle event to see who the NFTs will go to. And once they are all minted, then the game is on!

The creator of the NFT that is traded the most will earn $500 worth of HMND, and the plan is to deploy a smart contract that will collect fees for trading the NFTs and distribute the trading fees equally to the creators of the NFTs once a month.

And yes, although this is a fun event and it is a “contest”, it will help the team greatly as a live test of NFTs on the Humanode Chain, so please do participate even if you just want to earn a few bucks by trading an NFT.

More details to follow after the “signing up phase” concludes on Oct 20th, 2023 (23:59 UTC).


  • Scam alert: there is a Humanode Hub named group with a different handle. Check for links.
  • Humanode invites all of you to join the newly established official Humanode Dev group in Telegram. This group is your hub for connecting with like-minded developers, builders, coders, and innovators, sharing your ideas, and contributing to the world of Humanode’s crypto-biometric technology.

Subscribe to Paradigm!

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For more information check out Humanode’s:



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