Humanode: BotBasher has been updated to Gen3 and the server has been reset, Biomapper servers have been updated and reset, Humanode partners with BonusBlock, collaborates with Script Network, AANN and ClicksChain joined BotBasher Anti-Sybil squad, Cointool has integrated Humanode EVM, Impossible Finance script issue resolved, and more!

Published in
11 min readDec 13, 2023

Biweekly update vol.63, 29th November — 13th December


Hello, fellow humans and tech aficionados! As December unfolds, we are excited to continue our longstanding tradition of providing a recap of the latest developments from Humanode. Significant strides have been made during this time, and we’re eager to share some exciting updates with you!

BotBasher has been upgraded to Gen3, and the server has undergone a reset. Discord server administrators are required to create a new role based on Gen3 BotBasher for verified accounts. Users need to undergo bioauthentication for Gen3 BotBasher and tie their accounts to the new role for seamless functionality.

The Biomapper servers have been updated and reset. Participants in LP Staking are advised to undergo bioauthentication again to continue earning staking rewards. Visit the Humanode LP Staking app for immediate bioauthentication, requiring a small amount of eHMND (5 HMND).

The good news is, that the issue with the HMND/USDC LP staking on Impossible Finance has been resolved. Chainport bridging has been unfrozen, and the assets are now available. A misconfiguration in the code on the Impossible Finance side has been corrected, and the Chainport cyber security team has verified the resolution.

As for partnerships, Humanode aligns forces with BonusBlock, an influential project in the Web3 engagement sphere. This partnership sees the integration of BotBasher, empowering Web3 projects to deploy Sybil-resistant campaigns on the BonusBlock platform. Echoing the spirit of innovation, EclipseFi, a steadfast ally of Humanode, has pioneered the first-ever Sybil-resistant referral campaign on BonusBlock. See BotBasher in action with EclipseFi’s referral campaign here.

The integration of Cointool with Humanode EVM unfolds a tapestry of possibilities within the Humanode ecosystem, spanning from token creation to transaction management. Dive into the details here.

An integration unfolds as Humanode partners with Script Network, a layer 1 open-source live TV platform and storage network. This alliance, fortified by BotBasher, guarantees Sybil resistance within the Script Network Discord community. The team launched an exclusive Galxe campaign to celebrate this partnership. Join to win a special OAT!

In a bid to revolutionize social media, Humanode joins hands with ClicksChain, a fully decentralized and private platform accessible to all crypto wallet users. The integration of BotBasher in ClicksChain’s Discord ensures secure and genuine interactions, marking the initiation of a promising partnership. To celebrate this collaboration, ClicksChain is generously offering $500 worth of ClicksToken. Participate now to win.

And last but not least, AANN, an advocate for online social authenticity, self-sovereignty, and genuine reviews, integrates BotBasher to fortify its Discord against Sybil attacks.

Keep in mind, that Humanode is extending an invitation to visionaries in the blockchain space to join the team as Sentinels. If you have a deep understanding of blockchain projects and want to turn your expertise into a source of income, this opportunity is custom-made for you. To apply, kindly click here.

Stay tuned for the latest in Humanode’s journey of decentralization and progress!

Main News

Biomapper servers have been updated and reset

For those who are participating in LP Staking, this update means that you need to go through bioauthentication again to continue to earn staking rewards.

Please go to the Humanode LP Staking app in order to bioauthenticate immediately, and remember that you will need a small amount of eHMND (5 HMND) to bioauthenticate. It is important to remember that you will only be able to receive rewards while you are biomapped.

The issue with the HMND/USDC LP staking on Impossible Finance

The issue with the HMND/USDC LP staking on Impossible Finance has been resolved, bridging via Chainport has been unfrozen, and are both available at this time.

The core issue, a misconfiguration of the code on the Impossible Finance side has been corrected, and checked by the Chainport cyber security team, and 114,300 of USDC have been returned to the pool.

Please, note that 80% of your LP tokens are now unstaked, you can find them in your EVM address. You can put them back into the Humanode Biostaker anytime.

Check the live updates here.

Previous news:

🔺 Humanode’s Nonlinear Liquidity Staking went live

In the evolving landscape of DeFi, Humanode introduced a new staking model: Biometric-based Sybil resistant Nonlinear Liquidity Staking.

With the deployment of Impossible Finance and Occam DEXes on the Humanode chain, the team announced the launch of Nonlinear Liquidity Staking on Humanode. This Sybil-resistant approach, powered by Humanode’s biomapping technology, heralds a new era in liquidity pooling and reward distribution. Here’s a closer look at what this entails:

Biostaker app:

Step-by-step guides on staking:


Humanode Dev Updates

i. Major updates

🔺Updated FaceTec and reset Biomapper and BotBasher servers

🔺Resolved Impossible Finance script issue and restored LP staking

ii. Batch-transfer contract

🔺Implemented Batch Transfer contract

iii. Biomapper-svc

🔺Updated allow methods in cors layer

🔺Switched markers type in implementation of AppError

iv. Biomapper-web

🔺Implemented Specific error handling for flowRestartRequired case

v. Humanode-exporter

🔺Upgraded CI

🔺Updated packages

Humanode EVM

🔺 EVM compatibility on Humanode mainnet

After extensive testing on the Humanode EVM Testnet “Israfel”, the team has incorporated feedback and made the necessary adjustments. With the success of the public testing phase, Humanode EVM is now ready for mainnet action.

  • For the devs out there: the Humanode network now supports dApps and smart contracts developed in Solidity and other EVM-compatible languages. The seamless integration means you can now deploy your smart contracts directly onto the Humanode chain.
  • Users, rejoice! Swap HMND for eHMND and transfer eHMND using popular EVM wallets, including MetaMask.

Remember, post-update, Human nodes will need to update the launcher app and reauthorize to facilitate this network upgrade.

Want to delve deeper? Check out the detailed blog post on this milestone launch and the potential it unlocks for the Humanode network.

Check the explorer:

Humanode Bot Basher

BotBasher has been updated to Gen3 and the server has been reset

For everything to work smoothly, the server administrator of your Discord will need to create a new role based on the Gen3 BotBasher for verified accounts, and users who have been freshly bio-authenticated for Gen3 BotBasher will be able to tie their account to the new role.

Although some servers may not update immediately, for those on the Humanode Discord server, you can go ahead and become a verified Human again as soon as the update happens. (As a note, this one verification process will be good for all Gen3 Discord Servers, and you will just need to tie your freshly verified account to the new role on all Gen3 servers. Old (Gen2) roles can still be used in Gen2 servers, but new Gen2 roles are unobtainable once the update happens)

This means that:

➡️ Server admins — Please prepare new roles (or tweak and update current roles). Check this article out to see how to do it.

➡️ Users/Everyone else — Please claim your new roles! (i.e. Go to linked roles, select your role (in the case of Humanode, Verified Human. Other servers may have other names for the role, such as Verified Seilor, Verified carbon-based being, and so on), and go through the verification process again.) It is important to remember that you can only tie your biometrics to ONE Discord account. If you tie it to a wrong account, well, you will have to wait 6 months for the next reset.

What is BotBasher for Discord

BotBasher for Discord is an application that has been created utilizing the Humanode private biometric verification technology, allowing Discord users to verify that their account is owned by a unique living human being, and Discord servers to create Sybil-resistant channels, by limiting specified channels to verified human beings only. As the BotBasher for Discord works alongside other popular Discord applications, the servers will be able to provide their users with Sybil-resistant voting (1 user, 1 vote), Sybil-resistant whitelisting, Sybil-resistant airdrops, NFT mints, and more!

As the technology behind the application is the Humanode crypto-biometric technology, the users are able to conduct private and secure uniqueness and liveness checks over anonymized data, without revealing any private information or fear of having their biometric data hacked.

As a note of caution, one user is only able to create one bio-authentication, meaning that the user can only tie one account to their physical identity, limiting their access to the BotBasher-enabled Sybil-resistant channels (or servers) to that verified account.

Once an account has been bio-authenticated and receives the role of a Verified Human, they will be able to utilize that verification for all servers that are BotBasher enabled.

🔺Curious about how BotBasher protects your biometric data? Dive into Humanode’s blog post to explore the advanced security measures they implemented.

🔺 BotBasher now protecting 300+ Discord server communities

Integrate BotBasher to your server:


Humanode partners with BonusBlock

BonusBlock is known for its growing impact in the Web3 engagement space. This collaboration brings Humanode’s BotBasher into the mix, empowering Web3 projects to roll out Sybil-resistant campaigns on BonusBlock.

On top of that, Humanode partner EclipseFi launched the first-ever Sybil-resistant referral campaign on BonusBlock.

See BotBasher in action with EclipseFi’s referral campaign here.

Cointool has integrated Humanode EVM, opening a world of possibilities on the Humanode chain

From token creation to transaction management, explore how this enhances the Humanode ecosystem. Read more here.

Humanode partners with Script Network — layer 1 open source live TV platform and a storage network

ScriptNetwork has integrated BotBasher to ensure Sybil resistance in its Discord. Dive in for details here.

They’ve launched an exclusive Galxe campaign to celebrate this partnership. Join to win a special OAT!

Humanode is joining forces with ClicksChain

ClicksChain aims to revolutionize social media, bringing you a fully decentralized and private platform accessible to all crypto wallet users. Say goodbye to data privacy concerns and hello to a seamless and secure experience!

ClicksChain is using Humanode’s BotBasher in its Discord to ensure the interactions remain secure and genuine. This integration marks the initial phase of the partnership, and the team is eagerly exploring more collaboration opportunities as synergies align.

To celebrate this collaboration, ClicksChain is generously offering $500 worth of ClicksToken. Participate now to win.

Welcoming AANN, to BotBasher Squad supports online social authenticity, self-sovereignty, and genuine reviews, helping to create a trustful social fabric. They have integrated BotBasher to ensure Sybil-resistance in its Discord.

Humanode Mainnet

Beginning as a dream in 2017, put into action in 2020, and 4 public testnets with over 10,000 unique participants starting in 2021, Humanode has launched the first crypto-biometric blockchain network where one human = one node = one vote that brings Sybil resistance and innovative governance models to the crypto industry using biometric technology.

Be sure to claim tokens as you need some to deploy the node:

🔺 Humanode explorer by Subscan

🔺 Humanode Explorer by Subscan — How does it work

🔺 Validator Ranking

Humanode’s Developer Challenge

Seeking the best Web3 Dapps out there. Got one? Bring it. Or fork & optimize for the Humanode chain. Unique opportunity: Embrace “Sybil-resistance” to reshape your Dapp’s mechanics. Make every DAO, game, or NFT special!

Rewards? Massive! 400,000 HMND split across two tracks. And remember, it’s not just about winning, it’s about innovation. Impress the team with your MVP and access the Humanode VC network of 200+.

Judging by average daily human interactions with your dAapp. Real engagement is key!

Let’s build the next-gen, human-centric blockchain future together!


HMND is now listed on CoinEx

This listing marks another step forward in our mission. For more information, please refer to the official CoinEx website and their communication channels.

HMND is listed on KuCoin and Bitmart, BingX, SimpleSwap, and Lunar Crush.

In the meantime, here are a few reminders to all:

  • HMND cannot be traded on any DEX at the moment.
  • The only places you can buy HMND at this moment are KuCoin and BitMart, SimpleSwap, BingX, and Lunar Crush.
  • ALWAYS check the official announcements.

The links to the trading pages:




🔺Lunar Crush:



  • Scam alert: there is a Humanode Hub named group with a different handle. Check for links.
  • Humanode invites all of you to join the official Humanode Dev group in Telegram. This group is your hub for connecting with like-minded developers, builders, coders, and innovators, sharing your ideas, and contributing to the world of Humanode’s crypto-biometric technology.

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For more information check out Humanode’s:



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