Humanode: Testnet V2 public beta is live with >600 nodes running, Sybil-resistant P2E games and the role of Humanode, How Humanode can be good for public goods, Private decentralized biometric identities discussed, and more!

Published in
7 min readDec 24, 2021

Biweekly update vol.13, 10th December — 24th December


Dear crypto community, today we are excited to share truly breathtaking news with you, as the path to becoming a human node is now open to the world! The Humanode testnet V2 ‘Shamshel’, the 1st major upgrade that greatly improves the UI/UX, is now open to public testing! Participants are able to become human nodes through a biometric enrollment process, validate blocks, send transactions, and participate in FaceTec’s $100,000 anti-spoofing bounty program. All you need to do is press this link below, and you will be able to launch a node. Join the testnet, and immortalize your existence as one of the first human nodes in history!

In a recent development update, the team has shared what they’ve been working on over the past two weeks, and how they managed to ship the public beta in such a short time.

As for the network development, the team added workaround for ngrok bootup race condition, set storage version at pallet bio-authentication, corrected the authentication nonce generation, switched pallet-bio-authentication authorities to WeakBoundedVec, bumped the Rust toolchain to nightly, added friendly CLI error messages for the bio-authentication flow, enabled crash-safe mode for node upon enroll error, handled bio-authentication error in a more user-friendly way, prepared more advanced error handling, added proper errors at the robonode client and user-friendly error messages at CLI, and updated testnet documentation on Github and Gitbook.

The team continues their work on the desktop application. These weeks, they reimplemented designs, refactored socket connections, and reduced sentry errors.

As for the Humanode web app, the team used new compact syntax for VS Code language-specific settings, improved the service worker loading page, added a gap to the layout and a service worker guard to the main page, moved the service worker guard into the MainPage itself, and implemented better error handling.

Considering crypto-biometric search and matching and liveness algorithms, added frame capture logic for motion analysis-based liveness detection, added efficient net for passive liveness detection, added demo code for motion detection, and dense and sparse motion detection algorithm.

Other than that, the Humanode Fireside talk took place in their telegram voice chat. The team discussed private decentralized biometric identities. Listen to the recording on the Humanode Podcast, and join the team on Wednesday for the next conversation!

Human nodes, if you have ever wondered how Humanode can be good for public goods, the recent article in the Humanoe blog is for you. In a nutshell, public goods have a positive impact on society, e.g. helping those living in poverty meet their most basic needs and foundational infrastructure for all, and Humanode can help amplify that impact. More details in the blog!

Humanode’s fresh blog post discusses Sybil-resistant play-to-earn (P2E) games. To maintain the integrity of decentralization and economic fairness, gamers would have to demonstrate that they are indeed a human behind the game character, resulting in a more equitable and democratic system for GameFi companies. Read how Humanode helps win the battle against bots from gaming P2E games in their blog.

That’s all for today! Happy holodays! See you on-chain!

Humanode testnet

Humanode Testnet V2 Public Beta is Live

The Humanode testnet V2 ‘Shamshel’, the 1st major upgrade that greatly improves the UI/UX, is now open to public testing.

As a reminder, this is not an incentivised testnet. You will not become a millionaire overnight while waiting for a mysterious airdrop. Instead, your pseudonymous biometric identification will be written down in history, and may get a chance to slide in to become a human node for the mainnet that is scheduled to launch sometime mid next year. You may also be able to gain opportunities to suggest, join, or get involved in various Humanode projects, and you may get a shot at some surprises down the road.

If you are not a human node yet, please press this link.

Please remember to read the guide before you attempt to install the app, as 95% of the issues can be resolved by reading the guide.

🔺To check how the network runs🔺:

If you have any questions reach the Humanode team on:

Telegram Chat

Troubleshooting channel on Discord


Humanode Dev Report 13

  • Humanode Network

🔺Added workaround for ngrok bootup race condition

🔺Set storage version at pallet bio-authentication

🔺Corrected the authentication nonce generation

🔺Switched pallet-bio-authentication authorities to WeakBoundedVec

🔺Bumped the Rust toolchain to nightly

🔺Added friendly CLI error messages for the bio-authentication flow

🔺Enabled crash-safe mode for node upon enroll error

🔺Handled bio-authentication error in a more user-friendly way

🔺Prepared more advanced error handling

🔺Corrected the error response serialization

🔺Corrected the invalid signature error at enroll

🔺Reordered the SignatureInvalid error

🔺Added proper errors at the robonode client and user-friendly error messages at CLI

🔺Public Beta is live

🔺600+ nodes running on V2

🔺Updated testnet documentation on Github and Gitbook

  • Humanode Web App

🔺Used new compact syntax for VS Code language-specific settings

🔺Skipped service worker guard in development

🔺Improved the service worker loading page

🔺Added a gap to the layout

🔺Moved the service worker guard into the MainPage itself

🔺Added a service worker guard to the main page

🔺Implemented better error handling

  • Humanode Desktop App

🔺Reimplemented designs

🔺Refactored socket connections

🔺Reduced sentry errors

  • Crypto-Biometric Search And Matching And Liveness Algorithms

🔺Added frame capture logic for motion analysis based liveness detection

🔺Added efficient net for passive liveness detection

🔺Added demo code for motion detection

🔺Added dense and sparse motion detection algorithm

Awareness & Events

Humanode Fireside

In case you missed last week’s Fireside chat about private decentralized biometric identities, here’s the recording 🎧

As usual, there was a live talk between the team members first, and then a conversation with the community.

ICYMI: The previous Humanode Fireside was fully devoted to biometric data markets. Tune it on! 🔺

Listen to previous Humanode Fireside episodes on YouTube here or on the Humanode Podcast here.

Join the team for a fireside chat every odd Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in the Humanode Telegram group’s voice chat. Get in here:

Latest publications

Winning the Battle Against Bots from Gaming Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games

To maintain the integrity of decentralization and economic fairness, gamers would have to demonstrate that they are indeed a human behind the game character, resulting in a more equitable and democratic system for GameFi companies.

Read more here:

How Humanode can be good for public goods

Public goods have a positive impact on society, e.g. helping those living in poverty meet their most basic needs and foundational infrastructure for all. Humanode can help amplify that impact.

Read more here:


  • Human nodes, it’s time to choose your favorite discussion topic for our next fireside 🔥
  • Glossary — List of Humanode terms: InFath or OutFath? Homomorphic encryption? Liveness detection? If those sound confusing to you, don’t worry. The Humanode team made a list of all these terms for easy reference:

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Humanode Podcast

