Humanode: The Humanode Network is #1 with a 177 Nakamoto Coefficient, BioDeFi LP staking reaches $1M in TVL, Humanode x Mintlayer, Biomapper Workshop recording is out, Humanode-inspired novel “2067 the Equilibrium” is here, Fireside took place, Explore how Biomapper ensures Sybil-resistant sign-up while preserving anonymity, and more!

Published in
11 min readApr 3, 2024

Biweekly update vol.71, 20th March — 3rd April


Hello, human nodes! This report provides an overview of the main news, development updates, and recent events within the Humanode ecosystem. Let’s start!

First, the Humanode Chain has reached a significant milestone with 531 active validator nodes, making it the most decentralized blockchain network. This achievement is reflected in the Nakamoto Coefficient, which stands at an impressive 177. This places Humanode at the forefront of decentralization, surpassing other leading networks such as Mina and Polkadot. The next target is to reach 1,000 nodes, followed by scaling up to 10,000 nodes and eventually millions globally. For more information on how to launch a node, click here.

Furthermore, the BioDeFi LP staking has exceeded $1 million in Total Value Locked (TVL). This Sybil-resistant staking model, particularly the HMND/USDC liquidity pool on Impossible Finance DEX, offers attractive Annual Percentage Rates (APR) ranging from 50% to 500% for liquidity providers of different scales. This fosters a more equitable DeFi ecosystem and incentivizes participation.

Several updates and enhancements have been made in various aspects of Humanode’s development. The Confidential Virtual Machine (CVM) has undergone updates, including dependency upgrades, assembly corrections, and the integration of Docker and gVisor. Experimental research on CVM attestation continues. Research on the implications of the Nakamoto coefficient on network scenarios has also been conducted. Discussions on BotBasher enhancements are ongoing, with plans to integrate Discord usernames after facial scanning and implement a ticket system for streamlined communication. A new counter tool has been deployed in the OAuth 2.0 Service, enabling users to conveniently view the number of online visitors directly on the interface. To maintain platform integrity, an assert on the balance invariants has been implemented, ensuring a consistent and accurate balance of accounts within the system. In line with Humanode’s commitment to decentralization, efforts are underway to contact new biometric providers for collaboration.

As for partnerships, Humanode joined forces with Mintlayer, which stands out with its advanced sidechain solution, aimed at revolutionizing Bitcoin DeFi through the use of its Atomic Swaps in decentralized applications. Humanode is providing Sybil-resistance to the Mintlayer ecosystem using the private biometric verification tech.

In terms of awareness and events, the team organized a workshop on utilizing Humanode Biomapper for Sybil-resistant DApps and smart contracts. Practical exercises and theoretical concepts were explored using the Biomapper SDK. Check out the recording. The latest article on Biomapper, titled “Biomapper: The Developer’s Toolkit for Sybil-Resistant Unique User Sign-ups,” explores how Biomapper ensures unique user verification while preserving anonymity in Web3 applications. A must-read.

The first Humanode-inspired novel, “2067 — The Equilibrium,” has been introduced, offering a glimpse into a dystopian future and the importance of preventing it. Read Chapter 1. Chapter 2. The FireSide event took place on the Humanode Radio channel, providing a platform for community engagement and discussion.

That’s all for today. See you in two weeks!

Main News

🔺The Humanode Network is #1 with a 177 Nakamoto Coefficient

The Humanode Chain now has 531 active validator nodes. This also means that the Nakamoto Coefficient is 177, making the Humanode Network the №1 blockchain network as far as the Nakamoto Coefficient is concerned and can be considered to be the most decentralized.!

The current №2 is Mina, which has a Nakamoto Coefficient of 124, and №3 is Polkadot, with 94.

Although this is a moment to celebrate this achievement, the team believes that this is only the beginning. Humanode’s next target is 1,000 nodes which will give the Nakamoto Coefficient of 334, and then to 10,000 for a Nakamoto Coefficient of 3334, until Humanode eventually hits millions of nodes globally creating the only true unshakeable decentralized network in the world.

Invite your friends and family to become a human node. The only stake needed to launch a node is to securely and privately scan your face and prove you are a unique human being who is alive. For more information on how to launch a node, click here.

If you want to know more about how it is secure and private, click here.

🔺Humanode’s BioDeFi LP staking has reached over $1M in TVL

Days after becoming the most decentralized Layer 1 by the Nakamoto Coefficient, Humanode’s BioDeFi LP staking, specifically the HMND/USDC liquidity pool on Impossible Finance DEX, has reached over $1,000,000 in Total Value Locked (TVL).

This Sybil-resistant, biometric-based staking model offers Annual Percentage Rates (APR) that range from 50% for whales to as high as 500% for smaller liquidity providers to create a more equitable DeFi ecosystem.

The BioDeFi staking model is designed to distribute rewards in a non-linear fashion, favoring smaller liquidity providers. The use of crypto-biometrics makes sure each user’s unique, ensuring that each individual can only stake LP tokens using a single address, without sharing her personal info.

Explore Humanode BioDeFi:

🔺Humanode chain achieves self-sufficiency

Due to the HMND rising in price somewhat, and more importantly due to more activity on the network, for the past weeks, Humanode has been able to cover 100% of the fees required to subsidize the validator nodes on the Humanode Network from transaction fees and fees for bio-authentication!

🔺Expanding the Humanode validators pool and updating the rules

The team is increasing Humanode’s number of subsidized validator spots from 150 to 1,000, intending to eventually reach 10,000. This expansion opens up new opportunities for anyone interested in becoming a validator. Read the full announcement for more details on the new rules and become a human node here.

🔺Humanode Biomapper & SDK

Recently, Humanode Biomapper has officially been released to all those who develop on the Humanode chain. The release comes with the official documentation and an SDK which includes smart contracts that can be used to quickly add Biomapper functionality to your services and DApps.

🔺A comprehensive look at the Humanode ecosystem

It includes a range of partners across various sectors such as DeFi, wallets, exchanges, gaming, bridges, L1/L2 ecosystems, and much more.


🔺 CVM (Confidential Virtual Machine) Updates

The CVM has undergone updates, including dependency upgrades, assembly corrections, and the installation of Docker and gVisor. Detailed insights are available on Humanode GitHub.

🔺 Exploring CVM Attestation

The team continues experimental research on CVM attestation. Last week, they developed a Rust utility for attestation, including a web transport server and web transport client. POC complete.

🔺 Research on the Nakamoto Coefficient

The team delved into researching the Nakamoto coefficient’s implications on network scenarios. They’ve identified a tool that allows for simulating the state of the network, including the number and status of its members.

🔺 BotBasher Enhancements

Discussions are ongoing regarding enhancements in BotBasher, including plans to display Discord usernames after facial scanning and implement a ticket system for streamlined communication. Additionally, the team is working on a system to refresh tokens for users for the next generation.

🔺 OAuth 2.0 Service Counter

The team deployed a new counter tool in the OAuth 2.0 Service. Users can now conveniently view the number of online visitors directly on the interface.

🔺 Assert on Balance Invariant

To maintain the integrity of the platform, the team wrote an assert on the balance invariants. This ensures that the balance of accounts within our system remains consistent and accurate, thereby enhancing overall security and reliability.

🔺 Mainnet Site Localization

The proof of concept for localizing the mainnet site is ongoing, marking significant progress in global outreach. the team is initiating the translation of website content into different languages, engaging translators to support this initiative.

🔺 Contacting New Biometric Providers

In Humanode’s commitment to decentralization, the team is actively reaching out to biometric providers for collaboration. They aim to integrate more matching and liveness detection solutions to enhance the security of Humanode’s biometric infrastructure.

Roadmap 2024

Recently, Humanode unveiled its roadmap for the year 2024, outlining a comprehensive plan of action. The roadmap not only details the current initiatives but also leaves room for the incorporation of novel ideas, features, and applications throughout the year.

Humanode Bot Basher

🔺Understanding BotBasher’s Biometric Privacy and Security Approach

Curious about how BotBasher protects your biometric data? Dive into Humanode’s blog post to explore the advanced security measures they implemented.

🔺 BotBasher now protecting 530+ Discord server communities

Integrate BotBasher to your server:


🔺Humanode x Mintlayer

Humanode joined forces with Mintlayer, which stands out with its advanced sidechain solution, aimed at revolutionizing Bitcoin DeFi through the use of its Atomic Swaps in decentralized applications. Humanode is providing Sybil-resistance to the Mintlayer ecosystem using the private biometric verification tech.

Awareness & Events

🔺Workshop on How to Utilize Humanode Biomapper for Sybil-resistant DApps and Smart Contracts

Last week, the team organized a workshop on Humanode Biomapper. This workshop focused on deploying Sybil-resistant DApps and creating smart contracts using Humanode Biomapper. Participants explored theoretical concepts and engaged in practical exercises using the Biomapper SDK.

Check out the recording.

🔥 FireSide took place

Friday, March 29th

On Humanode Radio channel on Discord»


🔺2067 — The Equilibrium

The team introduced the first Humanode-inspired novel based on a dystopian future where everything went wrong, well almost everything. It is based on a future that the Humanode team would like to prevent at all costs. Naturally, it is based in a world from the twisted imagination of Shannon Higgins, Humanode Media Team Lead. 2067 is a series of 10 stories based in the walled city of ShinTokyo, Japan in the year 2067. The first story is the story of Yuu, a boy raised in the slums of ShinTokyo, and his flight to fight for a better future, in which he hopes he will not be “harvested” by the mega-corporations.


It has been 42 years since an earthquake destroyed the city formerly known as Tokyo. It has also been 42 years since the beginning of the end of the world as we had known. It wasn’t one big incident that took the world down, it was just a chain reaction triggered by international conflicts, global warming, the awakening of AIs, civil wars, the weakening of governments, and the domination of international conglomerates that did the job. The world is about to face another paradigm shift, mankind just doesn’t know it yet.

The story is scheduled to be updated once a week, so look forward to the future unfolding every Friday.

🔺Biomapper: The Developer’s Toolkit for Sybil-Resistant Sign-Ups

Explore How Humanode Biomapper ensures that each user signing up for a Web3 app is unique while preserving anonymity. From addressing the limitations of traditional sign-up methods to exploring the transformative potential of Onchain Biomapping, this article is a journey through the evolving realms of privacy, security, and authenticity in Web3.

Whether you’re into DeFi, gaming, social networks, or marketplaces, see how Biomapper can revolutionize user verification while keeping anonymity at the heart.

Humanode Mainnet

Humanode is the first crypto-biometric blockchain network where one human = one node = one vote that brings Sybil resistance and innovative governance models to the crypto industry using biometric technology.

Be sure to claim tokens as you need some to deploy the node:

🔺 Humanode explorer by Subscan

🔺 Humanode Explorer by Subscan — How does it work

🔺 Validator Ranking

Humanode EVM

🔺 EVM compatibility on Humanode

After extensive testing on the Humanode EVM Testnet “Israfel”, the team has incorporated feedback and made the necessary adjustments. With the success of the public testing phase, Humanode EVM is now ready for mainnet action.

  • For the devs out there: the Humanode network now supports dApps and smart contracts developed in Solidity and other EVM-compatible languages. The seamless integration means you can now deploy your smart contracts directly onto the Humanode chain.
  • Users: Swap HMND for eHMND and transfer eHMND using popular EVM wallets, including MetaMask.


HMND is listed on KuCoin and Bitmart, BingX, SimpleSwap, and Lunar Crush.

In the meantime, here are a few reminders to all:

  • HMND cannot be traded on any DEX at the moment.
  • The only places you can buy HMND at this moment are KuCoin and BitMart, SimpleSwap, BingX, and Lunar Crush.
  • ALWAYS check the official announcements.

The links to the trading pages:





🔺Lunar Crush:



  • An invitation to journalists, writers, and researchers: Calling out to journalists, writers, and researchers in the Humanode Community and beyond to join Humanode in creating content for its official blog and news channels. The team is seeking your participation in writing, sharing your work, and publishing with Humanode. The stories selected for publishing will be commissioned, so don’t miss the opportunity. Interested individuals can apply here. For more details, please read this article.
  • Scam alert: there is a Humanode Hub named group with a different handle. Check for links.
  • Humanode invites all of you to join the official Humanode Dev group in Telegram. This group is your hub for connecting with like-minded developers, builders, coders, and innovators, sharing your ideas, and contributing to the world of Humanode’s crypto-biometric technology.

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For more information check out Humanode’s:



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