Humanode: The Public sale details and roadmap are out, The KYC processing for the Public sale has been initiated, Humanode Co-founder Victor featured on the Bankless Green Pill Podcast, The Developers Note was published, Regular dev updates are here, The Humanode art contest is ongoing, and more!

Published in
9 min readAug 24, 2022

Biweekly update vol.30, 8th August — 24th August


Hello to all human nodes! Following our lovely tradition, we are here to provide you with a recap of the project’s news and updates of the past two weeks!

It’s been three weeks since the Humanode team announced the beginning of the whitelisting campaign. A lot has been happening recently so they shared some internal as well as public sale updates. After receiving more than 11k sign-ups from various groups in the Humanode community the team has finally settled upon the dates! Three waves are scheduled to happen in September 2022. Also. the Humanode team tried to approach the price formation by balancing out various risks posed by differences in price, unlock amounts, and cliff-vesting timings. All the options will be available to all the waves. Check out the details in this report below!

With the beginning of the whitelisting campaign, the Humanode team has rolled out special address mappers to validate those who really participated in the testnets and ran nodes. As mentioned before, all Humanode validators are eligible for Wave 1. Soon the Humanode team will post a special checker that will allow you to understand whether you were admitted to Wave 1 based on the mappings. The link will become available on the Gitbook page that describes participation requirements for Wave 1.

Also, Wave 2 for Friends and the Broader community is now available for claiming. DAO participants from LobsterDAO, Aragon, Proof of Humanity, Bankless, and Gitcoin can now claim their respective places in the second wave.

To make sure that Humanode’s path is aligned with the vision the team has also released a roadmap to highlight the milestones after the mainnet.

The great news is, that the KYC processing of the participants for the Public sale has been initiated Tokensoft is now going through the ETH addresses submitted to all three waves.

As usual, during these weeks, the Humanode team was working tirelessly to make significant progress with current tasks. The progress was minutely shared in their regular development update.

As for the network development, there is an ongoing implementation and testing of token claims with and without vesting. Furthermore, the team resolved overwriting an existing entry while constructing token claims genesis from the genesis config, and improved EIP712 implementations.

Moreover, the team deployed Humanode launcher v 3.2.0. Updates include some technical fixes, enhancement in the functionalities, and a better dashboard.

Considering the Bio-Auth, they implemented optical flow-based liveness detection, currently evaluating the accuracy as well as sphereface and cosineface loss to increase face recognition accuracy, and cleaned code in the face detection and liveness detection module. Research on ZKP implementation is ongoing.

Humanode Co-founder Victor featured on the Bankless Green Pill #38 Podcast. Listen to this episode to learn more about Victor’s story, Sybil resistance in Web3, Humanode vision, and how Humanode changes the world, working on a decentralized biometric approach to building a regenerative society.

That’s a wrap! More exciting news to come!

Public Sale & Humanode Mainnet

Today the team is technologically ready to deploy version one mainnet in the upcoming months with more than 10k people that went through the testnets. And they share some long-awaited news about where they are headed.

Public Sale Updates

It’s been three weeks since the Humanode team announced the beginning of the whitelisting campaign. A lot has been happening recently so they shared some internal as well as public sale updates.

After receiving more than 11k sign-ups from various groups in the Humanode community the team has finally settled upon the dates! Note that changes might occur and these dates are preliminary.

  • Wave 1 : Sep 14, 2022
  • Wave 2 : Sep 20, 2022
  • Wave 3 : Sep 27, 2022

Those who’d like to get into Wave 1 still have time to deploy a node or reserve a spot through Wave 1 for non-validators by writing an in-depth article or doing a video review.

The whitelist will be open for all the waves right until their respective sales are conducted.

Whitelist details can be accessed here.


The Humanode team tried to approach the price formation by balancing out various risks poised by differences in price, unlock amounts, and cliff-vesting timings. All the options will be available to all the waves.

  • Option 1 : 0.1725 | 100% unlocked at TGE
  • Option 2 : 0.15 | 30% unlocked at TGE | 70% — 3-month cliff and 3-month vesting
  • Option 3 : 0.13 | 20% unlocked at TGE | 80% — 6-month cliff and 6-month vesting

You can find more details here.

The KYC processing of the participants for the Public sale has been initiated

Tokensoft is now going through the ETH addresses submitted to all three waves. As it turns out more than 50% of the addresses haven’t passed the KYC on Tokensoft.

If you have already passed the Tokensoft KYC you’ve got nothing to worry about.

But If by the beginning of the sale the KYC is not done YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE even if you ran a node and were whitelisted to Wave 1 or Wave 2.

Please follow this link to complete the KYC and get yourself properly whitelisted:

Once you finish the KYC consider yourself to be fully prepared for the upcoming sale!

Use THE SAME ETH address you used for the whitelisting!

Address mappings

With the beginning of the whitelisting campaign, the Humanode team has rolled out special address mappers to validate those who really participated in the testnets and ran nodes. As mentioned before all Humanode validators are eligible for Wave 1. The team hasn’t disclosed this explicitly but this mapper is actually a Humanode Sybil-resistant tool. As validators definitely went through the biometric verification to launch their node and were able to participate in block generation and finalization this gives the ability to iron out all the non-validator addresses that were submitted to try and get prioritization without participation.

Soon the Humanode team will post a special checker that will allow you to understand whether you were admitted to Wave 1 based on the mappings. The link will become available on the gitbook page that describes participation requirements for Wave 1.

If something is wrong and you are not sure about the admittance — do not worry as we can figure it out, check and manually add you afterward.

The link will become live here:

Wave 2 for friendly communities

Also as mentioned before Wave 2 for Friends and the Broader community is now available for claiming. DAO participants from LobsterDAO, Aragon, Proof of Humanity, Bankless and Gitcoin can now claim their respective places in the second wave by submitting the proper info to this form below.

Form for Wave 2 Broader community and Friends

Roadmap release

To make sure that Humanode's path is aligned with the vision the team has also released a roadmap to highlight the milestones after the mainnet.

Check it out here:

Additional Info:

Humanode Testnet

🔺Testnet 3 “Ramiel” is now public🔺

Use the following link to partake:

Thank you for your continuous participation. The amount of various fixes and optimizations that the Humanode team was able to make with the support of the community is remarkable.

Ramiel is the next major step towards the launch of the Humanode Mainnet this summer. The team is focusing on brushing up the system, moving from permissioned Proof of Authority where nodes are supposed to trust each other, to a trustless permissionless system, and bringing EVM compatibility to the Humanode testnet.

Some of the protocol-level features that live upon release of Ramiel are moving from Aura to BABE block production engine and GRANDPA for block finalization. Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility enables Solidity smart contracts on the Humanode chain. Users are also able to analyze their node activities in polkadot.js explorer: from bioauth status to block production and finalization.

Naturally, builders are able to deploy and test their bio-auth enabled Dapps on the Humanode testnet. The Humanode Hackathon is a great chance to work with both the chain and the biometric authorization service and gain rewards for your efforts!

🔺To check how the network runs🔺:

If you have any questions reach the Humanode team on:

Telegram Chat

Troubleshooting channel on Discord


Humanode Dev Updates 30

The team is moving towards the launch of the Humanode mainnet, continuously implementing and improving the network before the launch.

Here are bi-weekly dev updates about what they’ve been working on:

  • Humanode Network

🔺Ongoing Implementation and testing of token claims with and without vesting

🔺Resolved overwriting an existing entry while constructing token claims genesis from the genesis config

🔺Improved EIP712 implementations

  • Humanode Launcher

🔺Deployed Humanode launcher v 3.2.0. Updates include some technical fixes, enhancement in the functionalities, and a better dashboard. These changes are rolled out now, you can download the new Humanode launcher:

  • Humanode Bio-Auth

🔺Implemented optical flow-based liveness detection, currently evaluating the accuracy.

🔺Implemented sphereface and cosineface loss to increase face recognition accuracy — Ongoing

🔺Cleaned code in face detection and liveness detection module

  • Humanode BioAuth–Crypto

🔺Research on ZKP implementation is ongoing.

  • Others

🔺Implementation of testnet validator check (WIP)

🔺Implementation of Web socket tunnel

Awareness & Events

Humanode Co-founder Victor on the Bankless Green Pill #38 Podcast 🎧

Continuing the series on Sybil resistance, Kevin is speaking with Victor, co-founder of Humanode. Listen to this episode to learn more about Victor’s story, Sybil resistance in Web3, Humanode vision, and how Humanode changes the world, working on a decentralized biometric approach to building a regenerative society.

Latest publications

The Developers Note

Many Humanode engineers who are featured for their work on the Humanode protocol, like Mozgiii, Noah, Henry, and Tony have become well known in the community.

Here is the story of some of Humanode team members who are a little more hidden but shape the core of the Humanode bio-authentication technology.

Read this article to know where they are heading, what their goal is, and where they are:


  • Unlock your creativity and join the Humanode Art Contest. The team looks forward to seeing any type of art piece under the theme: “What the hell is Humanode?”

This may include drawing, painting, sketch, poster design, sculpture, any type of digital art, etc.

Tweet your entries on Twitter as a single tweet and tag @humanode_io with hashtag #humanodeartcontest then share the link to #art-contest channel on Discord starting August 12th — 28th 2022. 12 PM UTC.

10 winners will earn rewards from a USDT prize pool.

  • The Humanode team has started the initiative to translate the Whitlisting details to various languages. At this moment the details are available in English, Brasileiro, Bahasa Indonesia, 中国人, Dutch, हिन्दी, 한국인, Русский, Yкраїнський, Türk.

You can check it out here.

If you want to contribute to the effort and help out with other translations the team would be more than grateful! Reach them in Discord.

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For more information check out Humanode’s:


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Telegram Chat







Humanode Podcast

