Humanode: The rebuilding of the Substrate framework for the needs of the crypto-biometric protocol, The work on consensus continues, An interview with Lead Developer, Fireside discussion on crypto-biometrics, Project’s main features outlined in the latest 101 video, Humanode podcast launches, Glossary is out, and more!

Published in
6 min readJul 9, 2021

Biweekly update vol. 1, 25th June — 9th July


Dear community members, it’s time for our first biweekly report on Humanode! The past two weeks were a part of a marvelous journey — so let’s have a short overview of news and events which are the main focus of the current report.

We never cease to wonder at the progress the Humanode teams have made in recent days! As part of the development update, they’ve shared what they’ve been working on at this stage.

First and foremost, the rebuilding of the Substrate framework for the needs of the crypto-biometric protocol is ongoing. These weeks, the development team set up Humanode Peer rebuilding multiple pieces of the original lib, added Substrate-based RPC system, developed simple cryptographic primitives to process required cryptographic checks on different sides of the components, as well as developed custom pallet-bioauth for biometric authentication logic and integrated into Humanode Peer. Furthermore, they integrated Polkascan explorer that now shows the result of biometric authentication, and implemented Aura consensus. What’s more, they set up the infrastructure to connect all the pieces of the Humanode Network and applications on top of it.

Currently, the team is creating a consensus scalable among thousands of nodes ready for EVM-compatibility. Over the last two weeks, we saw a great progress in this field as the team implemented Snow family consensus protocols which work with blockchains (Slush, Snowflake and Snowball), modeled several attacks, developed two types of simulations (single thread vs. multiple threads), visualized interaction of nodes, and started building a general testing framework.
While the Humanode dev team was busy working on the aforementioned tasks, the bio-authentication team entered the experimentation stage of cryptographically secure search and matching and liveness algorithm schemes created in-house. Big news is on the way!

Human nodes, if you’ve ever wondered who is developing the Humanode project, this secret has been partially revealed! The team began a series of interviews with Humanode researchers, engineers and devs. The first interview featured mysterious MOZGIII, experienced blockchain architect and Humanode’s lead developer. In this interview, MOZGIII discussed his background, privacy and future, the project’s journey and goals, described what kind of problems the Humanode team is trying to solve and what technical challenges they have to face while building towards a decentralized future where one human = one node, and why it is important. Check it out!

Last week, the sixth ‘Humanode Fireside’ took place. The team was talking about cryptography and biometric identification. Their special guest was Rafael, one of the core cryptographers in the Humanode project. Listen to this and all previous episodes on the brand new Humanode Podcast.

Moreover, Shannon Higgins, Humanode Core member, recorded an intro episode of ‘Humanode in Simple Terms’ video series. In this episode, he goes over the most basic question of all ‘What is Humanode?’ A must-watch!

On top of that, Humanode’s latest blog post discussed Substrate, which happens to be a great platform to build the Humanode network on, and the team made a list of all Humanode terms for easy reference in their freshly-published ‘Glossary’. Find the link in this report.

That’s a wrap! Should have some exciting news to share with you in the coming weeks!


Humanode Dev Report

Humanode Network

Rebuilding Substrate framework for the needs of the crypto-biometric protocol:

  • Set up Humanode Peer rebuilding multiple pieces of the original lib;
  • Added Substrate-based RPC system;
  • Developed simple cryptographic primitives to process required cryptographic checks on different sides of our components;
  • Developed custom pallet-bioauth for biometric authentication logic and integrated into Humanode Peer;
  • Integrated Polka explorer that now shows the result of biometric authentication;
  • Implemented Aura consensus;
  • Set up the infrastructure to connect all the pieces of the Humanode Network and applications on top of it.

Humanode consensus protocol

Continued the work on creating a consensus scalable among thousands of nodes ready for EVM-compatibility:

  • Implemented Snow family consensus protocols which work with blockchains: Slush, Snowflake and Snowball;
  • Modeled several attacks;
  • Developed two types of simulations (single thread vs. multiple threads);
  • Visualized interaction of nodes;
  • Started building a general testing framework.

Crypto-biometric search and matching and liveness algorithms
The Biothentification team entered the experimentation stage of cryptographically secure search and matching algorithm schemes created in-house.

Substrate, an overview

Humanode’s latest blog post discusses Substrate, which happens to be a great platform to build the Humanode network on. Check it out:

Awareness & Events

Meet the people behind Humanode!

If you’ve ever wondered who is developing the Humanode project, this secret has been partially revealed this week! The team began a series of interviews with Humanode researchers, engineers and devs.

The first interview featured mysterious MOZGIII, experienced blockchain architect and Humanode’s lead developer.

MOZGIII discussed his background, privacy and future, the project’s journey and goals, described what kind of problems the Humanode team is trying to solve and what technical challenges they have to face while building towards a decentralized future where one human = one node, and why it is important.

Check out the full interview via the link below:

Humanode 101

Humanode in Simple Terms : What is Humanode?

In this video, Shannon Higgins — Humanode Core member — goes over the most basic question of all. What is Humanode?

Watch previous Humanode 101 videos on YouTube here or listen to the Humanode Podcast here.

Humanode Fireside

The sixth Humanode Fireside took place last week.

The team was talking about cryptography and biometric identification. This time their special guest was Rafa, one of the core cryptographers in the Humanode project.

As usual, there was a live talk between the team members first, and then a conversation with the community.

‘In Humanode we implement not only cryptography but also machine learning and neural network applications, and we are doing a mix of these technologies to protect the user’s information. Also, we add cryptographic primitives like differential privacy and zero knowledge proofs to make things private.’

- Rafa G.

ICYMI: The fifth Humanode Fireside conversation was fully devoted to human-centric decentralization.

Listen to previous Humanode Fireside episodes on YouTube here or on the Humanode Podcast here.

Join the team for a fireside chat every odd Wednesday at 16:00 UTC in the Humanode Telegram group’s voice chat:


InFath or OutFath? Homomorphic encryption? Liveness detection? If those sound confusing to you, don’t worry. The Humanode team made a list of all these terms for easy reference:

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