Interview with Zaki Manian — Head of the Development at Cosmos Network

Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020


Last week, David Kavazi — Co-Founder and CSO of Paradigm, caught up with Zaki Manian — Head of the Development at Cosmos Network, former Director at Tendermint, Co-Founder of the Iqlusion and CEO of PeggyJV.

In this episode, they discussed:

  • Zaki’s background. When did he first hear about crypto and how he became part of Cosmos Network.
  • Past, present, and future of Cosmos Network, what kind of problems the team is trying to solve, and why it is important.
  • Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) and the importance of the long-anticipated Stargate upgrade.
  • Zaki’s favourite projects from the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • All things DeFi, and how is DeFi on Cosmos manifesting with IBC and beyond.
  • Cosmos against ETH 2.0, Polkadot, Near, Elrond. The differences in approaches to scalability, security and interoperability.
  • The problem of ‘Top Validator Oligopolies’.
  • And last but not least, Zaki told about his other projects — Iqlusion and PeggyJV, and what he is excited to build next.

Check out Zaki’s website. Follow Zaki on Linkedin, Twitter, GitHub.

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