L2 report vol. 17

Published in
10 min readMar 6, 2023

A biweekly update on Layer 2 protocols, 20th February — 6th March



  • The sum of all funds locked on Ethereum converted to USD is $6.23 B at the time of writing.

How much does it cost to use Layer 2?


Optimistic rollups


Arbitrum One

  • Arbitrum’s proposed time boost alternative to first come first served (FCFS) transaction ordering, MEV searchers can buy up to 0.5 second boost for transactions.
  • Arbitrum One tops Ethereum mainnet in transactions, the first rollup to achieve more transactions in a day than mainnet.
  • The team is heading to ETH Denver.

🚀Live on Arbitrum:

Projects based on Optimism’s codebase


🚀Live on Optimism:

  • Synthetix v3 deployed on mainnet & Optimism.
  • LlamaZip: UniswapV3 router optimized for Optimism by compressing calldata.
  • Base: Coinbase layer 2 built on Optimism’s OP Stack, live on testnet, transaction fees paid in ETH with a portion of sequencer revenue going to funding public goods.
  • Exactly Protocol is now live on Optimism.
  • CryptoRefills now supports Optimism.

Metis Andromeda

Boba Network

🚀Live on Boba Network:

  • Megaworld deploys on Boba BNB and sees avg. 10,000 transactions per day since the day of deployment.
  • Welcome Blockspaces to Boba Network. Build and Scale on Boba Network with free RPC Endpoints through BlockSpaces up to 10M daily transactions.
  • Tenderly integrated Boba network.

Zero-knowledge rollups




  • Loophead Drop #5: Earn + Win: The team has 250 Loopheads up for grabs in this Loophead challenge. The contest starts on February 22nd 0:00:00(UTC) and finishes on March 8th 23:59:59(UTC).
  • As Loopring L2 continues to get a big influx of new users each week, please be sure to check out their knowledge base for all things Loopring L2.


🚀Live on Polygon:



🚀Powered by StarkWare:





Projects build using StarkEx

rhino.fi (previously DeversiFi)

Immutable X

  • ImmutableX becomes a Unity-verified solution and announces Unity SDK: With 1.5M+ monthly users building games across 20+ different platforms, Unity is one of the most popular game engines. Merging with the best of web2, the Immutable Unity SDK is how we will continue to lead web3 gaming.
  • The story of ImmutableX and Illuvium’s partnership: On March 7th, Illuvium: Beyond will launch its configurable NFT collectibles, Illuvitars. Gearing up for one of the largest launches on IMX to date, the Illuvium team has been working diligently behind the scenes, leveraging the power of Immutable scaling solutions to create an amazing final product.
  • Illuvium: Beyond mint checklist — setting up your IMX wallet: In celebration of Illuvium: Beyond, coming soon to IMX, the team will walk you through: ‍The different types of crypto wallets, how to create an IMX Wallet using only an email address, and how ImmutableX benefits gamers.


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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