L2 report vol. 30

Published in
8 min readApr 16, 2024

A biweekly update on Layer 2 protocols, 2nd April — 16th April


  • The sum of all funds locked on Ethereum converted to USD is $38.99 B at the time of writing.
  • Arbitrum celebrates its first anniversary with a unique NFT. Ongoing DAO Security Council Elections. Chapter 5 of ArbitrumArcade is concluding.
  • Optimism allocates 850M OP to incentivize impactful work, partners with Zeeve for enhanced RaaS support, and sees integrations like API3 & Contango on Superchain.
  • Base achieves 2M daily transactions, partners with Frax Finance. Synthetix v3 live on Base, using USDC as collateral. Chainlink Functions are now live on Base. Renzo Native Restaking is now live on Base.
  • Mantle introduces Rewards Station, integratipn mETH with ZircuitL2, expands presence in Hong Kong, and unveils Alice Mantle Bridge Station.
  • Metis DAO decentralizes its sequencer and prepares for Phase 2 of the upgrade.
  • Boba Network launches Light Bridge for fast bridging and sees Zoth deployment on Boba Network Ethereum.
  • Aztec proposed integration with Astria for faster finality and account-based transactions.
  • Linea announces Dev Cook-Off and UX improvements. The closure of Linea Park.
  • Scroll welcomes KelpDAO and prepares for VORTEx Hackathon. The very first Compound market is live on the Scroll ZKP zkEVM.
  • StarkWare reveals a user-centric roadmap focusing on gas fee reduction and throughput enhancement.
  • zkSync hosts ZK FEST, a deep-dive series, and welcomes Trala for AAA games.
  • dYdX releases Chain v4.0, crosses $100B trading volume.
  • Immutable X introduces Immutable Nexus for gaming chains and sees partnerships with GAM3SGG.
  • Crosschain GHO goes live on testnet, enhancing utility and accessibility.
  • HashKey Group unveils Ethereum L2 chain in Hong Kong.
  • a16z unveils Jolt, a zero-knowledge VM.
  • Mezo, a Bitcoin L2, launches after $21M Series A funding.
  • And more!


  • The sum of all funds locked on Ethereum converted to USD is $38.99 B at the time of writing.

How much does it cost to use Layer 2?


Optimistic rollups



  • Arbitrum DAO Security Council Elections are happening.
  • The team celebrates Arbitrum DAO 1yr anniversary with a one-of-a-kind free NFT: The ArbitrumDAO: Celebrating The First Anniversary SBT NFT is live on NiftyKit & up for grabs.
  • Chapter 5 of the ArbitrumArcade is coming to a close.

Projects based on Optimism’s codebase


  • The Collective has allocated a total of 850M OP to incentivize impactful work across the Optimism Collective and the Superchain.
  • Zeeve partners with Optimism to bring enhanced RaaS support for OP Stack Superchain.
  • API3 & Contango make an appearance on Superchain.



  • Mantle Rewards Station announced — a world of rewards and perks from your fave Mantle Eco dApps await.
  • Integration of mETH with ZircuitL2.
  • Mantle makes waves in Hong Kong.
  • Alice Mantle Bridge Station unveiled.

Metis DAO

  • Metis recently became the first Ethereum L2 to decentralize its sequencer. For Phase 2 of the historic upgrade, users will be able to:

• Interact with the Decentralized Sequencer Front End

• Lock METIS tokens to participate in Sequencer Mining

Boba Network

  • Introduced the Light Bridge: A Boba Network solution for a fast, cost-efficient bridging across chains without the 7-day wait. Bridge between L2s, Boba L2s, and L1s with ease. Routes include BOBA, BNB, and ETH with specific caps.
  • Zoth has announced its deployment on Boba Network Ethereum, marking a new era for investors and businesses alike. As an institutional-grade fixed income marketplace, Zoth is setting a new standard for accessing high-quality fixed income assets through stable coins. The platform’s focus on cross-border trade finance receivables, sovereign bonds, and money market funds, including T-bills, aims to significantly enhance economic dynamics.

Zero-knowledge rollups



  • Astria published a proposal to integrate the Astria decentralized shared sequencer into Aztec Network’s sequencer nodes, enabling off-chain block building infrastructure while leveraging Astria’s MEV marketplace for faster finality and ordering guarantees for bundle inclusion.
  • Every account in Aztec is a smart contract that defines the rules for whether a transaction is or is not valid. More for devs about our approach to accounts and account abstraction here.


  • Announcing the Linea Dev Cook-Off: The team announces the Linea Dev Cook-Off, a monthly online buildathon to level up the dev-curious, reward new builders, and celebrate ongoing projects building out on-chain experiences.
  • Part 1 in case you missed it:




  • The team published its user-centric roadmap with two main goals:

➯ Completely destroy gas fees for users; while EIP4844 is a great start, it’s just the beginning.

➯ Increase throughput through Transaction Parallelization.

Expanding the use of Paymaster, which will allow users to pay gas fees in any token

- Social Recovery, which prevents fear in case of a seed phrase lost

- Session Keys, which eliminate the need to constantly sign transactions during a game

- Developing solutions to make onboarding easier


Projects built using StarkEx




Projects build using StarkEx

Immutable X


That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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