OmiseGO: The project joins the Universal Protocol Alliance, Partnership with Hydro Labs, The team at Devcon and at Unblock Tokyo 2019, Tech updates

Published in
11 min readOct 14, 2019

Biweekly update 30th September — 14th October

Dear OmiseGo followers, Paradigm is here to tell you some incredible news about the OmiseGo again!
These weeks, the integration team continued to implement features for the Ethereum integration. More backend features are now appearing on the Admin Panel such as plasma deposit and plasma transfers. More complex blockchain features are also landing onto the eWallet, such as more robust blockchain transaction monitoring and transaction signing using child keys derived from HD (hierarchical deterministic) wallet. These weeks, they continue to focus on testing, covering edge cases, as well as code refactoring, to make sure the Ethereum integration is robust.
The work on Plasma continues. The Blockchain team is continuing to work on the documentation of the contracts and march towards audit-readiness. Through their early security reviews, they’ve already found multiple issues, especially with the RLP code they’re using. The team is now replacing the RLP library with different one that is better tested and has been through at least one audit. On the child chain and watcher side, they are bolstering their test suites and refactoring code, as needed. The team also has a new and improved development environment that mimics the production environment they plan to deploy next. This new environment offers improved security and better key management for the authority.
As for the social side, the OmiseGo team was at Devcon the whole week and on the 5th of October, they attended Unblock Tokyo, the largest gathering of blockchain innovators from around the world. Featuring the 40 most influential companies of the industry, Unblock had something to inspire and excite anyone interested in blockchain and its future. Pong Cheechrern, Technical Product Manager at OmiseGO, presented on “OmiseGO’s Plasma: Building a Production-Ready Layer 2 Solution”. Check out the recap of the event in our report below.
And last but not least, last week OmiseGO has joined the Universal Protocol Alliance, the world’s largest coalition of blockchain organizations dedicated to extending new and innovative use cases for cryptocurrency around the world. Hydro Labs was partnering with OmiseGo to bring scalable, instant, and gas-less transactions to Hydro Pay. Hoard announced a new partnership at Devcon with Gaming Studio: The Farm 51 to integrate their new game “Chernobyl Lite” coming out for early access on October 16th.


GitHub metrics:

Developer activity (from

Find the Network:

Technical Update

Integration Team Update 34:


For the past weeks, the team continued to implement features for the Ethereum integration. More backend features are now appearing on the Admin Panel such as plasma deposit and plasma transfers. More complex blockchain features are also landing onto the eWallet, such as more robust blockchain transaction monitoring and transaction signing using child keys derived from HD (hierarchical deterministic) wallet.

For the next weeks, they will continue to focus on testing, covering edge cases, as well as code refactoring, to make sure the Ethereum integration is robust.


Here are the main items the team has knocked out since the last update:


  • Admin Panel’s Ethereum integration #1145
  • Blockchain address validation with EIP-55 and downcasing #1161
  • Blockchain token minting backend preparations #1155
  • EthBlockchain Adapter refactor #1159
  • OmiseGO Network integration POC #1128
  • OmiseGO Network deposits and transactions #1128
  • Admin Panel’s pages for depositing hot wallet funds into plasma #1163

In Progress

These tasks are currently being worked on or are pending review by the OmiseGO Integration Team members:


  • Admin Panel’s frontend plasma integration #1165
  • Deposit wallet funds pooling #1147
  • Improve blockchain token validation status #1164

As always, you can follow the progress on the eWallet GitHub project page and on OmiseGo GitHub Milestones page. If contributing code is your thing, the team has a list of issues suitable for first-time contributors. Be sure to check it out!


Currently, no new work is being done on Potterhat since the team is focusing on getting the eWallet’s Ethereum integration out. Once that is complete, they will get back to integrating Potterhat with the eWallet’s staging environment, so that they have a staging eWallet that can talk to Ethereum and can talk reliably.

You can track Potterhat milestone and progress on the Potterhat repository and read more about it (or add some ideas and suggestions) on OIP-15.

Integration Team Updates:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33.

eWallet Suite More Resources:


Blockchain Team Update 30:

The team is continuing to work on the documentation of the contracts and march towards audit-readiness. Through their early security reviews, they’ve already found multiple issues, especially with the RLP code they’re using. The team is now replacing the RLP library with different one that is better tested and has been through at least one audit. On the child chain and watcher side, they are bolstering their test suites and refactoring code, as needed. This investment into their test suite helps the team build confidence in their code. That confidence will ultimately help them not only deploy a more reliable service but also help them deliver more quickly. The team also has a new and improved development environment that mimics the production environment they plan to deploy next. This new environment offers improved security and better key management for the authority. Here’s to integration, integration, integration!

Plasma Updates:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.

For more on Plasma, see these community-produced resources:

Social encounters

These weeks events:

5th October: Unblock Tokyo: Ecosystem Fast Track with Mr. Pong Cheecharern, Technical Product Manager of OmiseGo.

OmiseGO at Unblock Tokyo 2019!

On the 5th of October, 2019, the OmiseGO team attended Unblock Tokyo, the largest gathering of blockchain innovators from around the world. Featuring the 40 most influential companies of the industry, Unblock had something to inspire and excite anyone interested in blockchain and its future.

Here’s a quick roundup of what transpired at the event:

The Definition of Production-Ready at OmiseGO

Speakers at Unblock included the minds behind MakerDAO, Blockstack, Harmony, Ontology,, RSK and NEO. The talks discussed project updates, industry insights, and the rise of Decentralized Finance.

Pong, OmiseGo Technical Product Manager represented OmiseGO and spoke about “Building a Product Ready Layer 2 Solution.” The talk focused on the three categories we believe a layer-2 solution, like Plasma, has to fulfill before being declared ‘production-ready.’


Plasma’s main draw is its security and so it must be fail-safe to be declared production-ready. Security can be ensured with two processes: constant research and frequent security audits. Research keeps the solution at the cutting edge, and internal and external security audits ensure the software is safe at an objective level.


For a layer-2 solution to be considered fully usable, it must also behave as intended. Predictability ensures a benchmark for the technology and allows developers to define service-level agreements and assess the volume the network can handle.

Solid Ecosystem:

The OmiseGO team believes that for a layer-2 solution to thrive after it’s in production, it has to grow with its ecosystem. This is why the team wants Plasma to complement dApps, developer tools, security tools and more. They understand that no software gets built in a vacuum, and want their SDK’s, docs, and guidelines to reflect the commitment to collaboration.

Check out also Unblock Tokyo — OmiseGO — Production Ready Layer 2 Solution:

Pong Cheechrern, Technical Product Manager at OmiseGO, presented on “OmiseGO’s Plasma: Building a Production-Ready Layer 2 Solution”. Here is what he had to say.

October 08th-11th, 2019: Devcon 5 in Osaka.


Token holders and the number of transactions dynamics (from

There is a slight increase in the number of token holders these weeks.

Information from


Click here to read further on how the team plans to become an exchange used and trusted by people all around the world, please continue reading. They are discussing these main focus areas but please keep in mind that business strategy may change over time:

  1. Transparency and Trust
  2. Regulation and Compliance
  3. Community Burns

Feel free to follow the progress through these channels:

You can also view their open positions here.

And the trading fees are now live. You can read here for more details.

Partnerships and team members

Omisego joins Universal Protocol Blockchain Alliance:

OmiseGO has joined the Universal Protocol Alliance, the world’s largest coalition of blockchain organizations dedicated to extending new and innovative use cases for cryptocurrency around the world.

OmiseGO will incorporate the Universal Protocol Platform UPT utility token into its payment processing technology, helping merchants and cities leverage UP stablecoins for financial services and tax collection and allowing vendors to legally and securely collect transaction fees. It complements contributions from alliance members, including exchanges Bittrex and Uphold, decentralized finance bank Cred, Blockchain at Berkeley, blockchain and smart contract security company CertiK, and crypto wallet and browser company Brave.

“OmiseGO has been an innovator in the blockchain space for many years and has valuable technology to support the most secure next-gen financial infrastructure,” said Dan Schatt, co-founder of the Universal Protocol Alliance and president of Cred. “Their technology will help support the mass adoption of blockchain technology utilizing UPUSD and other UP stablecoins for consumers, merchants and local governments. This practical application of the Alliance UPT token will perfectly complement the other Alliance members, contributing to the use of UPT as a mega utility token.”

The combined expertise of each member organization has resulted in the creation of the Universal Protocol Platform, which allows for the minting, custody, and storage of digital ‘proxy’ assets, the creation of better digital asset products, and the introduction of a set of safeguards required for the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency.

“We’re very proud to be a part of the Universal Protocol Alliance and help usher in the next 100 million users of crypto, who are looking for blockchain to solve very practical problems such as speed of payment, convenience and ease of use,” said Vansa Chatikavanij, CEO of OmiseGO.

The UP Alliance has launched three digital asset products this year: The Universal Euro (UPEUR), the Universal Dollar (UPUSD), and Universal Bitcoin (UPBTC) — a Bitcoin proxy token that enables Ethereum applications to interact with the Bitcoin network.

The Alliance recently showcased the use of its technology and know-how last month when the Universal Dollar (UPUSD) was used to settle the United States’ first-ever elected official crypto-cannabis purchase using Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Cred (LBA), and UPUSD. The process took seconds and resulted in substantially lower transaction fees for the dispensary. The transaction was the first of its kind and is the basis for a proposed California Assembly Bill AB 953 — a bill that would enable the state to accept cannabis tax remittance via stablecoin.

About the Universal Protocol Alliance

A coalition of cryptocurrency companies and blockchain pioneers, the Universal Protocol Alliance seeks to accelerate the adoption of blockchain as a mainstream financial technology by making digital assets more accessible, secure and convenient to own. The Alliance Members consist of Bittrex, Cred, Uphold, OmiseGO, Brave Software, Blockchain at Berkeley, and CertiK.

Hydro Labs is partnering with OMG:

Hydro Labs is partnering with OMG to bring scalable, instant, and gas-less transactions to Hydro Pay!

Community Spotlight — Curvegrid:

Community Partners Curvegrid

Curvegrid is an OmiseGO community partner from the OmiseGO Developer Program (ODP). This month the team speaks to their co-founder Jeff Wentworth. He discusses CurveGrid’s beginnings, and what they’re doing to ease the process of building decentralised apps on a blockchain with their technology, MultiBaas.

Hoard / The Farm 51 (gaming studio) announced integration with Plasma at Devcon:

Hoard announced a new partnership at Devcon w/ Gaming Studo: The Farm 51 to integrate their new game “Chernobyl Lite” w/ OMG Plasma + Ethereum — coming out for early access on October 16th.

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

OmiseGo community continues to grow, there is a slight fluctuation in the number of subscribers of OmiseGo social media channels these weeks.

Twitter — The average number of retweets is 35–75 for one post.

Facebook — 60–90 likes per publication, 5–10 shares.

Reddit — Daily discussions with 100–250 comments. since July 15th, 2017. Discussions on the latest updates, price.

OmiseGo Chat channels: Announcements; Jobs; OmiseGO — Trading channel for speculation and trading; Random; Rules; Staking; Trading; Wallets; Japanese.

Official China community channel on WeChat (ID: omisego_china).

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of OmiseGo Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

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