Polkadot: Coinversation got the 19th parachain slot on Polkadot, Kabocha will be onboarded as Kusama’s 37th parachain, Imbue Network is in the lead, Chainlink Price Feeds are now live on Moonbeam, Chainlink publishes a staking roadmap, OceanONDA V4 production has arrived, Astar collabs with AWS, Humanode’s Ramiel is live and ready for public testing, Robonomics release 2.0 is here, Equilibrium integrates with Acala, and more!

Published in
14 min readJun 16, 2022

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 39, 2nd June — 16th June


  • 6 months of Parachains on Polkadot. 19 have connected and interoperability of heterogeneous chains is well on the way. More coming this year from teams working on Parachains, XCM, bridges, and smart contracts
  • Coinversation got the 19th parachain slot on Polkadot! Coinversation is building an open financial platform in the Polkadot ecosystem, and over 1k network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor
  • 1 year into the release of Parachains on Kusama, 31 Parachains have already connected to the Relay Chain
  • After winning an auction, Kabocha will be onboarded as Kusama’s 37th parachain (plus Statemine & Encointer)
  • With four days left in the current parachain slot auction, Imbue Network has been in the lead the entire Ending Period
  • The latest Staking Update by Kian for May has been published
  • KYVE has completed its integration with Polkadot
  • Successful bid on Polkadot Parachain on June 5, 2022, Bifrost went live with Polkadot Parachain. SubBridge opens HRMP cross-chain channel with Bifrost, supports BNC, ZLK cross-chain transmission
  • HRMP(XCMP-Lite) channels have been opened between Crab Parachain and Moonriver, and the CRAB token and MOVR token will be available on each other’s networks soon. Crab Network integrated the governance service powered by SubsSquare
  • Chainlink Price Feeds are now live on Moonbeam Network. Moonbeam has been awarded a grant by the Web3 Foundation for the development of a Substrate-based custom parachain staking pallet
  • Chainlink publishes staking roadmap for Chainlink economics 2.0
  • OceanONDA V4 production has arrived: Solving rug pulls, introducing data NFTs and more options for community monetization. Ocean data farming is launching
  • Astar starts working with AWS. Under this collaboration, projects in the programs are eligible to get up to $100K AWS credit and official technical support from AWS team. Astar partners with Covalent. Band Protocol x Astar Network
  • Interlay announced its 1st community governance proposal: fast track request to activate staking rewards. It has been successfully executed. INTR has been airdropped to Polkadot crowdloan contributors
  • xAsset V2 has been released on cBridge. Celer cBridge Partners with Kava Network. Celer is partnering with Evmoswap
  • The Acala EVM+ has entered its first phase of launch and the first live contracts have gone live. Acala announced the latest parachain integrations for the aUSD stablecoin: Genshiro and Equilibrium
  • Acala and Manta announce successful interoperability between Calamari and Karura
  • EVM compatible Humanode Testnet v3 is live and ready for public testing. Humanode Hackathon “Hack The Sybil!’’ is live. Humanode Conference videos are out
  • Robonomics release 2.0 and XCM support are here. Release 2.0 is a very important milestone as it opens up the possibility of integrating Robonomics with other parachains. In the coming months, the project R&D team will devote itself to integrations with Statemine, Karura, Moonriver, Crust and KILT
  • Composable Finance announces Confio and Interchain Foundation as Hackathon partners for the Unchained event. On July the 1st Composable Finance will launch their XCVM demo
  • Equilibrium integrates with Acala to bring the aUSD stablecoin to its ecosystem. Equilibrium’s May recap has arrived. Genshiro was successfully updated
  • Parallel Finance x Equilibrium XCM integration is live
  • StaFi launches Initial rToken liquidity grant program on StaFiHub. The recap of StaFiHub testnet is out
  • Zenlink’s 8th cycle of trade mining has ended and the 9th cycle is live. The team is integrating Zenlink into AstarNetwork and has applied for the Astar Builders Program
  • Phala had a successful journey at Consensus 2022. PhalaWorld will start beta testing
  • Crust Network is launching an External Adapter on the Chainlink Network
  • BTE and myNFT introduced AssetDIDs, built on KILT
  • Litentry has completed its parachain launch and is now running on Polkadot
  • Kylin Referendum 205 passed with a majority vote in favor of Kylin Network. This means Kylin will be onboarded to the Kusama Network on blocks 13,219,200
  • The first-ever Solo Contributors’ Union Proposal is approved by the Edgeware DAO
  • ChainX Ecosystem Monthly Report is out
  • CLV Monthly Update has been published
  • Learn how to become an issuer on Centrifuge. Issuers operate pools and borrow stables off of their real-world assets
  • Interested in developing your Polkadot developer skills? Join the online hackathon by amsterdot by June 20
  • Tune in to Collision on June 21st to hear Gavin Woods talk, “Web 2.0 is dead. Long live Web3”
  • Join the first-ever Polkadot Hacker House in New York City, from June 23rd
  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 developer skills? Register for Web3athon, a 3-month virtual event for developers & builders sponsored by Polkadot, and get a chance to win from a prize pool of $800K
  • Registration is live for Polkadot Decoded 2022. Choose from five locations around the world, including Berlin, New York, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, and Mexico City, and join the biggest Polkadot event of the year
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

  • 6 months of Parachains on Polkadot. 19 have connected and interoperability of heterogeneous chains is well on the way. More coming this year from teams working on Parachains, XCM, bridges, and smart contracts.
  • Coinversation got the 19th parachain slot on Polkadot! Coinversation is building an open financial platform in the Polkadot ecosystem, and over 1k network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor.

Slot Auction Progress:


  • 1 year into the release of Parachains on Kusama, 31 Parachains have already connected to the Relay Chain.
  • After winning an auction, Kabocha will be onboarded as Kusama’s 37th parachain (plus Statemine & Encointer).
  • With four days left in the current parachain slot auction, Imbue Network has been in the lead the entire Ending Period.

Slot Auction Progress:

Awareness and Events

  • Interested in developing your Polkadot developer skills? Join the online hackathon by amsterdot by June 20th and take your chance to win from a prize pool of $330k+, and get a chance to present at this year’s Polkadot Decoded.
  • Polkadot Relayers 2022: In association with Tribe, Polkadot Relayers 2022 is a program bringing together developers and entrepreneurs to create a conducive and engaging platform for innovative ideas to come to life. Apply Now.
  • More details on Polkadot Decoded 2022 (29–30 June) have been released. Events will be held in Berlin, New York, Buenos Aires, and Hangzhou.
  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 developer skills? Register for Web3athon, a 3-month virtual event for developers & builders sponsored by Polkadot, and get a chance to win from a prize pool of $800k.
  • Tune in to Collision on June 21st to hear Gavin Woods talk, “Web 2.0 is dead. Long live Web3.”
  • 6-week virtual hackathon from Polkadot and AngelHack is here:
  • Join the first-ever Polkadot Hacker House in New York City, from June 23rd.
  • Parity is looking for a number of Engineers who are interested in subjects such as Web3, Rust, Polkadot or Substrate to join Polkadot founder Dr. Gavin Wood, as well as lead engineers on the Polkadot and Web3 Foundation teams at the Corpus Christi College facilities in Cambridge this Summer. From July 11th they are going to run a 4-week, in person course on all things Rust, Substrate, Polkadot and Parity. We will cover your costs and will deliver a classroom-based curriculum.


  • The latest Staking Update by Kian for May has been published:

Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)

Ecosystem Updates



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with Merkle tree verification.


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.

  • Learn how to become an issuer on Centrifuge. Issuers operate pools and borrow stables off of their real-world assets.


Darwinia is building a permissionless non-custodial bridge protocol featuring efficient, low-cost decentralization of cross-chain tokens and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) transfers, as well as other cross-chain operations.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

Smart Contracts

CLV (Previously Clover)




Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)

Composable Finance


Parallel Finance


  • Dock allows you to issue your first Verifiable Credential for free.

KILT Protocol

Kylin Network



  • Subsocial’s website (not our dapp) has been completely redone.


  • With several product launches on the horizon and many plans for the infinitely upgradable Efinity, its team has refreshed the developer docs.
  • Efinity Rewards Update: you can now claim your EFI via the Polkadot.js extension. On the page, you will now be able to see the ‘EFI Reward Claim’ section that previously wasn’t available.



  • Litentry has completed its parachain launch and is now running on Polkadot. Contributors to the Litentry Parachains Batch 3 crowdloan in April will be able to start claiming their LIT token rewards from the 30th of June.
  • Litentry has been added to Nova Wallet. Mobile-friendly browsing is now available on your devices.



  • RMRK announced the referral program for the upcoming Skybreach land sale. When someone purchases land via your referral link, you get 5% of the purchase value in xcRMRK. More details can be found here.
  • Imbue crowdloan participants will receive a custom Imbue NFT by RMRK that gives exclusive discounts on the network.
  • Don’t forget to burn your Skybreach land deed vouchers on or before the 15th of June. All vouchers not burnt by then will expire.


  • KYVE has completed its integration with Polkadot:

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

Polkadot Social Channels:








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