Polkadot: Moonbeam wins Polkadot’s 2 parachain auction, Genshiro is being onboarded as Kusama’s 15 parachain, Meet Edgeware’s Kabocha parachain candidate for Kusama network, Humanode testnet V2 on December 8, Chainlink price feeds are live on Moonriver, Crust Network partners with Flow, Composable Finance released its whitepaper, Dock’s roadmap is out, Raze Network roadmap V2 introduced, Kilt announced new additions to the ecosystem, and more!

Published in
15 min readDec 2, 2021

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 25, 18th November — 2nd December


  • Congratulations to Moonbeam Network on winning Polkadot’s second auction! Moonbeam will be onboarded at block #8179200 [Dec. 18] at the beginning of lease 6 with the other first 5 auction winners. Over 200K network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor
  • The third parachain auction ends today, with Astar currently in the lead, but Parallel having led during part of the Ending Period
  • After winning Kusama’s 15th auction, Genshiro is now being onboarded as Kusama’s 16th parachain [15-auction winning parachains, plus Statemine at the beginning of lease 17. Over 4.8K network stakeholders locked up KSM in favor
  • With two days left to go in the current parachain auction, Subsocial has been in the lead for the entire Ending Period
  • Bifrost SALP got new allies in the crew: Efinity for 1st batch auctions and Darwinia Network for 2nd batch auctions. Contribute to them and enjoy the instantly tradeable liquid feature of vsDOT
  • KSX release plan was published. ChainX light paper has been released
  • Crust Network is bringing the decentralized storage solution package to Flow blockchain
  • Composable Finance has concluded and released its whitepaper. Moreover, Composable Labs announces it is developing an anonymity protocol called Whirlpool Cash to continue to serve the growing appetite of DeFi users in a constantly growing, privacy-aware world.
  • HydraDX has published a post announcing the referendum to triple HDX balances
  • Meet Edgeware’s parachain candidate for Kusama network: Kabocha. Kabocha continues Edgeware’s Substrate governance and treasury experiment by accelerating founders, creators and teams building open and public subverses and metaverses of Web3
  • The SubQuery team has chosen the Acala EVM+ as its home on Polkadot. Also, OriginTrail to launch on Acala
  • The 3rd cycle of Zenlink LP farming on Moonriver has started
  • An upgrade to cBridge2.0 will go live on December 3. $2 million Bug Bounty Program for cBridge 2.0 is live
  • Chainlink Price Feeds are live on Moonriver
  • The Humanode testnet — Shamshel on December 8
  • Ocean DAO Round 12 ends December 7. Also, Ocean announced that New Order and Reflexer Labs will launch H2O, an OCEAN backed, non-pegged stable asset
  • Calamari Network’s runtime upgrade 3.1.0 was launched. To prepare for Dolphin Testnet, Manta Network open-sourced their signer (for both Calamari and Manta), which generates your ZKP locally for enhanced privacy
  • Kilt introduced two new additions to the KILT ecosystem: the Sporran browser extension — the wallet for KILT Coins and credentials — and Stakeboard, the staking platform for KILT
  • Clover Finance has announced that it is working hard to implement an ambitious multi-chain compatible ecosystem. Clover wallet is now integrated with Metis, Layer 2 Ethereum scaling solution. Also, Clover is supporting Francium. Clover partners with Spartacus
  • Raze Network Roadmap V2.0 has been introduced
  • Dock’s Roadmap is out
  • Altair runtime upgrade 2, a post-mortem
  • Akropolis weekly is out: Vortex 101
  • Polkadot’s ‘Auctions, Crowdloans, and Gifts, Oh My!’ educational campaign has come to an end! Check out whether you’re among 100 winners to receive a limited edition Polkadot Christmas FelizNavidot sweater
  • December the 3rd Kylin CSO Dylan Dewdney will take the main stage on BlockDown to talk DeData in a Fireside chat with Edward Snowden
  • Missed the Polkadot Hackathon technical workshop last week? Watch the recording to learn best practices in building Substrate pallets
  • Several Web3, Parity, and Polkadot ecosystem personnel will be giving talks at CSCon today and tomorrow
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

Polkadot Is Ready for Parachain Launch, Auction Dates Proposed

Parachains are the diverse, specialized blockchains that connect to the Polkadot Relay Chain and constitute the ‘multichain’ aspect of Polkadot’s groundbreaking multichain architecture. They represent the final piece of core technology outlined in the Polkadot Whitepaper, and their launch marks the last stage of Polkadot’s multi-phase launch process, which began on May 26th, 2020 with the launch of the initial, proof-of-authority version of the Polkadot Relay Chain.

Batch 1

  • Auction 1: Auction starts November 11th, 2021. Ending period starts November 13th, 2021. Bidding ends November 18th, 2021. Winning parachain(s) onboarded December 17th, 2021 for the period December 17th, 2021 to October 20th, 2023.
  • Auction 2: Auction starts November 18th, 2021. Ending period starts November 20th, 2021. Bidding ends November 25th, 2021. Winning parachain(s) onboarded December 17th, 2021 for the period December 17th, 2021 to October 20th, 2023.
  • Auction 3: Auction starts November 25th, 2021. Ending period starts November 27th, 2021. Bidding ends December 2nd, 2021. Winning parachain(s) onboarded December 17th, 2021 for the period December 17th, 2021 to October 20th, 2023.
  • Auction 4: Auction starts December 2nd, 2021. Ending period starts December 4th, 2021. Bidding ends December 9th, 2021. Winning parachain(s) onboarded December 17th, 2021 for the period December 17th, 2021 to October 20th, 2023.
  • Auction 5: Auction starts December 9th, 2021. Ending period starts December 11th, 2021. Bidding ends December 16th, 2021. Winning parachain(s) onboarded December 17th, 2021 for the period December 17th, 2021 to October 20th, 2023.

Slot Auction Progress:

Congratulations to Moonbeam Network on winning Polkadot’s second auction! Moonbeam will be onboarded at block #8179200 [Dec. 18] at the beginning of lease 6 with the other first 5 auction winners. Over 200K network stakeholders locked up DOT in favor!

The third parachain auction ends today, with Astar currently in the lead, but Parallel has led during part of the Ending Period.


  • Referendum 158, to add Encointer as a common good parachain, is now up for vote by all KSM holders.

Slot Auction Progress:

With two days left to go in the current parachain auction, Subsocial has been in the lead for the entire Ending Period.

Subsocial is now the fourth potential parachain to reach its crowdloan cap (others are KILT Spiritnet, Basilisk, and Kintsugi).

Awareness and Events

  • December 1–3, 2021: CSCON1 — Makers, meet each other: ChainSafe, creators of Gossamer (Go version of Polkadot Host) will hold their first CSCON on 1–3 December, including several speakers from the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Missed the Polkadot Hackathon technical workshop last week? Watch the recording to learn best practices in building Substrate pallets:

To sign up for the next workshop (December 3rd, 2pm CET).


Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)


Current Phase: Parachain Rollout
The launch of Polkadot began a year ago with the first four phases; the last — a move to complete decentralisation and permissionlessness — happened finally at the end of July last year. Now, phase five, the final phase in the launch of Polkadot is beginning.

Future Upgrades

Polkadot upgrades currently under development include upgrades to XCMP (Cross-Chain Message Passing) and the launch of parathreads. These and any subsequent upgrades can be enabled by Polkadot’s on-chain governance community once development, testing, benchmarking, and auditing are complete.

Ecosystem Updates



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with merkle tree verification.


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.

  • Altair Runtime Upgrade 2, A Post-Mortem: This post will go into more detail about the event that caused Altair to halt block production for over a day and try to share the thought process that helped identify and fix the issue in addition to highlighting the learnings.
  • Financial Freedom through Altair and KILT Protocol: At Centrifuge, the team is creating ways to bridge real-world assets and decentralized finance (DeFi), without the need for banks or other intermediaries. KILT Protocol provides ways to issue self-sovereign, anonymous, verifiable credentials and decentralized identifiers. Together, they are exploring collaboration opportunities to further the Web3 vision of a more equitable internet, where users have control of their data and financial instruments are available for all.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.


Darwinia is building a permissionless non-custodial bridge protocol featuring efficient, low-cost decentralization of cross-chain tokens and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) transfers, as well as other cross-chain operations.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

  • Interlay Dev & Ecosystem Update #5: The autumn has rushed in with full force, intense and exciting. The Interlay had their first major challenge and they won — the 11th Slot in the Kusama parachain auctions! Now heading towards a new one — Interlay going Polkadot the amazing community is growing, creating, and educating everyone who wants to know more about Kintsugi and Interlay, and the full potential of trustless BTC. More cutting edge developments coming from the tech lab.

Smart Contracts





Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)

  • A new runtime upgrade took place on Shiden Network. Reducing minimum stake for dApp staking to 50 SDN.





  • The 3x: Referendum to Triple HDX Balances. The last weeks saw the democracy of HydraDX tribe take shape and come into action. With your help, the initial members of the HydraDX Council were elected to represent the common interests. More recently, the first community referendum was successfully passed, which allowed for 61 tribesmates to receive their foregone staking rewards after having had their account balances locked in “Nirvana”.
  • HydraDX will be entering the Polkadot parachain auction for the 2nd round of parachain auctions. Bidding for these slots will open on December 23rd, and the winning parachains will be onboarded as of March 11th 2022. Details.



Phala Network

Manta Network

  • To prepare for Dolphin Testnet, Manta Network open-sourced their signer (for both Calamari and Manta), which generates your ZKP locally for enhanced privacy. View the repository.
  • Calamari Network’s runtime upgrade 3.1.0 was launched. “Vesting pallet for scheduling KMA release” and “Governance-enabled token transfer switch” features were added. Token transfers to crowdloan wallet addresses have although started.
  • To claim KMA crowdloan rewards and see the vesting schedule check out Calamari docs.


  • Dock’s Roadmap: After achieving many major milestones in 2021 including the Token migration, the release of Dock’s API, and launching Ledger Wallet support, the Dock team makes some new additions to the roadmap that will take them into 2022.
  • Last weeks progress:

KILT Protocol

  • Kilt introduced two new additions to the KILT ecosystem: the Sporran browser extension — the wallet for KILT Coins and credentials — and Stakeboard, the staking platform for KILT.
  • On 22 November Kilt Coins were delivered to crowdloan supporters who can now store them in their Sporran wallet and stake on Stakeboard.
  • Kilt proposed to decrease the staking minimum from 1000 KILT to 20 KILT. The proposal will be made next week & if governance agrees, voted on the week of Dec 6th and enacted the week of Dec 13th.

Kylin Network

  • Kylin Network Q&A
  • December the 3rd Kylin CSO Dylan Dewdney will take the main stage on BlockDown to talk DeData in a Fireside chat with Edward Snowden:




  • Announcing Humanode Testnet V2 — Shamshel: The Humanode team announced that Testnet V2 “Shamshel” and Humanode Desktop App will be released on 8th of December 2021. The Testnet V2 will have features such as: Forkless runtime upgrade, cutting-edge proof-of-human-existence protocol, Aura consensus, support thousands of human nodes at any given time, user-friendly UI to launch a human node locally or in the cloud. For those, who haven’t applied yet, sign up for the Humanode testnet here.
  • Humanode Dev Report 11: The Humanode teams shared some bullet points to shine some light on the exciting advancements that they have been working on.
  • Biometric-based validators
  • [Humanode Special Interview Series]: Vlad, designer at Humanode



Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

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