Polkadot: Watr Protocol has won the latest Polkadot auction, Quartz by Unique is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction, Bifrost announced vDOT, Parallel Wallet v1 is officially here, Bit.Country Pioneer App is live, New XCM: Crab <> Heiko and Crab <> Litmus, Humanode launches testnet focused on token claims & vesting, Composable Finance announced the realignment of Mosaic, Chainlink SmartCon 2022 next week, and more!

Published in
14 min readSep 22, 2022

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 46, 9th September — 22nd September


  • Congratulations to Watr Protocol on winning the latest Polkadot Parachain auction
  • The next parachain lease auction begins today at block 12_164_800 (~ 22:24 UTC)
  • With 22 days left to vote, Referendum 74, aiming to open several HRMP channels to Statemint, is passing unanimously
  • With 4 days left to vote, Referendum 75, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot relay chain runtime to v9820 is passing by a wide margin. Note that Referendum 75 has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee. If passed, it will execute after only 400 blocks (~ 40 minutes)
  • Entering the Ending Period, Quartz by Unique is in the lead in the current parachain lease auction
  • Bootstrap ONE-T Nomination Pools: STEP 1 (testing the anon proxies): Referendum 230 is currently passing with 97% in favor with four days left to vote. This is a simple referendum making a batch call to remark “Expect chaos”
  • Motion 544, funding a Treasury Proposal to dub Polkadot Decoded 2022 videos to Spanish, has passed Council vote
  • Bifrost announced vDOT, a yield-bearing DOT derivative featuring liquidity unlocking and flexible staking functionality for the Polkadot ecosystem. Bifrost SALP now supports OAK Network Polkadot crowdloan. Bifrost August Monthly Report is out
  • Centrifuge is inviting users to mint their 2023 DeFi prediction as an NFT
  • ChainX now supports the cross-chain deposit of Bitcoin to Aptos
  • Darwinia Runtime 1242 Upgrade is now live. Parallel Heiko and Litmus XCM integration with Crab parachain are available now. Darwinia and MEXC partners to add the RING deposit and withdrawal service based on Darwinia Smart Chain
  • CLV launches XCM integration with Parallel Finance
  • The Moonbeam community voted & approved the proposal for the Interim Grants Program, introducing a new process for issuing grants on the network. Since XCM went live on Kusama, Moonriver has launched & announced 10+ integrations with other pararchains
  • Astar shares an update on its massive initiative: building a Cross-Virtual Machine (XVM) to enable development across EVM and WASM smart contracts. the Astar tokenwill be listed on BinanceUS
  • The Acala Incident Report is now available
  • Humanode announced the launch of testnet 4 ‘Gaghiel’ that is focusing on token claims, vesting, and unlocking systems that the team will use to distribute tokens at TGE
  • Celer announced a partnership with ChainHop. Furthermore, Celer has successfully integrated with lilico’s Lilico Wallet, the first non-custodial wallet on Flow. Rango integrated Celer cBridge and Celer IM
  • Composable Finance announced the realignment of Mosaic. Namely, the team has made the decision to move away from the trusted architecture which underpins phases 1 and 2. Mosaic users should now withdraw their funds
  • Parallel Wallet V1 has now officially launched. HKO and CRAB tokens will soon be available on each other’s networks via XCM integration between Crab and Heiko. Parallel Finance x Phala XCM integration is live
  • Another milestone for Phala: delegation amount has exceeded 170 million PHA. “Prune” mode of mining script is available
  • Manta introduced p0xeidon labs, the team building cutting-edge decentralized privacy tech for web3
  • The Ethereum developer community proposes EIP5625, and Crust aims to help Ethereum solve the problem of decentralized storage. Crust Files landing page has been launched, allowing users to try their first Web3 cloud storage. Crust has partnered with MetaMirror to explore Web 3.0+ infrastructure and services together
  • Dock has partnered with Auth0, one of the world’s leading identity management companies
  • The Ocean Shipyard Data Storage Initiative closes on September 23. OceanDAO Round 22 is live
  • Bit.Country Pioneer App is live. You can try it now, no login is required
  • Kylin Network partners with Ruby Protocol, a privacy-centric web3 data management platform
  • Version 2.0.10-beta of Enjin wallet is ready. NFT Gaming is live on Efinity with MyMetaverse’s suite of games
  • KuCoin has opened the Litmus deposit service for LIT token. XCM integration between Crab and Litmus is now available
  • With the Closed Beta fast approaching, Equilibrium has launched its “How to Earn” series to help maximize users’ portfolio value
  • A weekly newsletter discussing progress updates, events, and governance proposals within the Edgeware ecosystem
  • Listen to the full interview with Polkadot co-founder Robert Habermeier and CoinDesk
  • The Polkadot Hackathon (North America Edition) is finished now
  • The registration for the 2nd Annual SORA Economic Forum is open
  • The final countdown to Chainlink SmartCon 2022 has begun. Join the team in NYC on September 28–29
  • Sub0, the Polkadot Developer Conference, is back this year from November 28 to 29 in Lisbon, Portugal, and online.
  • The next Polkadot Community Call will be happening on September 22 at 5 pm CEST
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

  • Congratulations to Watr Protocol on winning the latest Polkadot Parachain auction!
  • The next parachain lease auction begins today at block 12_164_800 (~ 22:24 UTC).
  • With 22 days left to vote, Referendum 74, aiming to open several HRMP channels to Statemint, is passing unanimously.
  • With 4 days left to vote, Referendum 75, proposing to upgrade the Polkadot relay chain runtime to v9820 is passing by a wide margin. Note that Referendum 75 has been fast-tracked by the Technical Committee. If passed, it will execute after only 400 blocks (~ 40 minutes).

Slot Auction Progress:


Awareness and Events

  • Sub0, the Polkadot Developer Conference, is back this year from November 28th to 29th in Lisbon, Portugal and online.
  • “The crypto space, especially technologically, is still quite early. We have embraced the idea that it is time for experimentation less so than standardization”. Listen to the full interview with Polkadot co-founder Robert Habermeier and CoinDesk.
  • The next Polkadot Community Call will be happening on September 22nd at 5 pm CEST.
  • Last week the Polkadot ecosystem continued building, deploying and growing. Check out some of the announcements from the ecosystem and hear the latest news from the parachain teams, infrastructure providers, and wallets in this week’s Polkadot Roundup
  • The Polkadot Hackathon (North America Edition) is finished now. Check this thread to meet its winners
  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 and Polkadot developer skills? Join the Polkadot-sponsored IBC Media’s hackathon, choose from a wide range of topics from DeFi to NFT to Web 3 & Tooling, and take your chance to win from a prize pool of $15,000.


Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)

Tradable Projects

Ecosystem Updates



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with Merkle tree verification.


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

Smart Contracts

CLV (previously Clover)



  • Following discussion & the seven-day open voting period, the proposal for the Interim Grants Program has been approved by the Moonbeam community, introducing a new process for issuing grants on the network.
  • Since XCM went live on Kusama, Moonriver has launched & announced 10+ integrations with other pararchains, providing the infrastructure for novel use cases between chains. This thread highlights each one to date.
  • Moonbuilders Workshop


Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)

  • Astar shares an update on its massive initiative: building a Cross-Virtual Machine (XVM) to enable development across EVM and WASM smart contracts.
  • ASTR became the first asset from the DotSama ecosystem to have a listing on BinanceUS.
  • Cross-chain transfer with Moonbeam is fully enabled




  • Acala Incident Report — 14/08/2022: A misconfiguration of the iBTC/aUSD liquidity pool (“iBTC/aUSD LP”) (which went live earlier the day of August 14, 2022) resulted in error mints of a significant amount of aUSD. The reward for staking of iBTC/aUSD LP tokens accorded to contributors to iBTC/aUSD LP was intended to be INTR and ACA as outlined in the community post here announcing the launch of the iBTC/aUSD LP.

Composable Finance


Parallel Finance


  • The registration for the 2nd Annual SORA Economic Forum is open. It will take place on September 23rd, 9:00–20:00 CEST.
  • Discover SORA Card’s key features and more details ahead of its launch.


Phala Network

Manta Network


Crust Network


KILT Protocol

Ocean Protocol



  • Daily Wrap-Up:

Kylin Network

  • Kylin Weekly Update #12: Distribution: DOT Crowdloan Rewards Distributed.
  • Kylin Network — Strategic Partnership with Ruby Protocol: This strategic partnership between another member of the DeData Labs is instrumental to the long-term vision of the projects. Ruby Protocol, a privacy-centric web3 data management platform, is Data focused. This ecosystem partnership will enforce privacy for users, provide fine-grained access control and establish a private payment network.
  • Kylin x Equilibrium: Read more about the partnership here.





  • XCM integration between Crab and Litmus is now available. The Darwinia and Litentry teams will work together to explore some interesting use cases between parachains over time.
  • KuCoin has opened the Litmus deposit service for LIT token.
  • This motion proposed a new inflation model for Litmus. If passed, it will change the LIT tokenomics as in: 1.5% annual inflation rate in the first 6 months and 2.5% annual inflation rate afterward.
  • Litentry this week:


  • Robonomics At Polkadot Weekend In Tbilisi: Cyber Academy is hosting an event in Tbilisi, Georgia, where participants will be able to get acquainted with the Polkadot ecosystem, starting from the very basics: a detailed discussion of all the components of Polkadot, networking in an informal atmosphere and developer workshops.

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

Polkadot Social Channels:








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