ST/ Massive fuel-hungry black holes feed off intergalactic gas

Published in
37 min readJan 26, 2023

Space biweekly vol.69, 10th January — 26th January


  • Research has revealed how supermassive black holes are feeding off gas clouds which reach them by traveling hundreds of thousands of light years from one galaxy to another.
  • A team reveals the eventful migration history of planets bordering the Hot Neptune Desert, these extrasolar planets that orbit very close to their star.
  • Astronomers have released a gargantuan survey of the galactic plane of the Milky Way. The new dataset contains a staggering 3.32 billion celestial objects — arguably the largest such catalog so far. The data for this unprecedented survey were taken with the Dark Energy Camera.
  • A team has studied the relation between galaxy size and luminosity of some of the earliest galaxies in the universe taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, less than a billion years after the Big Bang.
  • A new theory could explain the origin and properties of systems of rocky super-Earths and their relationship with the terrestrial planets of the solar system.
  • A new study posits that interstellar cloud conditions may have played a significant role on the presence of key building blocks of life in the solar system.
  • Our solar system is estimated to be about 4.57 billion years old. Previous analyses of ancient meteorites have shown that minerals were created through chemical reactions with water as far back as 4.5 billion years ago. New findings from the Ryugu asteroid samples indicate that carbonates were forming from water-rock reactions several million years earlier, even closer to the solar system’s beginnings.
  • Perseverance has now completed its investigation of the atmosphere throughout the first Martian year (which lasts approximately two Earth years). Specifically, astronomers have studied seasonal and daily cycles of temperature and pressure, as well as their significant variations on other time scales resulting from very different processes.
  • The Martian meteorite Tissint contains a huge diversity of organic compounds, found an international team of researchers.
  • Hundreds of millions of light-years away in a distant galaxy, a star orbiting a supermassive black hole is being violently ripped apart under the black hole’s immense gravitational pull. As the star is shredded, its remnants are transformed into a stream of debris that rains back down onto the black hole to form a very hot, very bright disk of material swirling around the black hole, called an accretion disc. This phenomenon — where a star is destroyed by a supermassive black hole and fuels a luminous accretion flare — is known as a tidal disruption event (TDE), and it is predicted that TDEs occur roughly once every 10,000 to 100,000 years in a given galaxy. A team of physicists have proposed a model for a repeating partial TDE.
  • Upcoming industry events. And more!

Space industry in numbers

The global smart space market size is projected to grow from USD 9.4 billion in 2020 to USD 15.3 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.2% during the forecast period. The increasing venture capital funding and growing investments in smart space technology to drive market growth.

Analysts at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs have predicted that economic activity in space will become a multi-trillion-dollar market in the coming decades. Morgan Stanley’s Space Team estimates that the roughly USD 350 billion global space industry could surge to over USD 1 trillion by 2040.

Source: Satellite Industry Association, Morgan Stanley Research, Thomson Reuters. *2040 estimates

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Latest research

An increase in black hole activity in galaxies with kinematically misaligned gas

by Sandra I. Raimundo, Matthew Malkan, Marianne Vestergaard in Nature Astronomy

Research led by the University of Southampton has revealed how supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are feeding off gas clouds which reach them by travelling hundreds of thousands of light years from one galaxy to another.

An international team of scientists has shown there is a crucial link between the interaction of neighbouring galaxies and the enormous amount of gas needed to ‘fuel’ these giant, super-dense, space phenomena.

A black hole can be created when a star collapses, squeezing matter into a relatively tiny space. This increases the force of gravity to a point where nothing can escape, not even light — hence the name. Some black holes are gigantic, with masses millions of times greater than our sun, emitting enormous amounts of energy. These are known as ‘supermassive black holes’ and exactly how they are formed or gain enough fuel to power themselves is still a mystery.

Kinematic position angle.

Astrophysicist and lead researcher from the University of Southampton, Dr Sandra Raimundo, comments: “Supermassive black holes fuel their activity by, in part, the gradual accumulation of gas from the environment around them. Supermassive black holes can make the centres of galaxies shine very brightly when they capture gas and it’s thought this process can be a major influence on the way that galaxies look today. How SMBHs get enough fuel to sustain their activity and growth still puzzles astronomers, but the work we have carried out provides a step towards understanding this.”

The Southampton scientist, working with researchers at the universities of Copenhagen and California, used data from the 4-metre Anglo-Australian telescope in New South Wales, Australia* to study the orbits of gas and stars in a large sample of more than 3000 galaxies. They identified those with the presence of what is known as ‘misaligned’ gas — in other words, gas which rotates in a different direction from the stars in the galaxy, signalling a past galaxy interaction. They then found that galaxies with misaligned gas had a higher fraction of active supermassive black holes.

Pie charts with morphology classification.

The results showed a clear link between misaligned gas and supermassive black hole activity — suggesting the gas is transferred where two galaxies meet, meanders vast distances through space and then succumbs to the huge gravitational forces of the supermassive black hole — pulled in and swallowed up as a vital source of fuel. Astronomers have long suspected that a merger with another galaxy could provide this source of gas, but direct evidence for this has been elusive.

Dr Raimundo explains: “The work that we carried out shows the presence of gas that is misaligned from stars is associated with an increase in the fraction of active supermassive black holes. Since misaligned gas is a clear sign of a past interaction between two galaxies, our work shows that galaxy interactions provide fuel to power active supermassive black holes.

“This is the first time that a direct connection has been observed between the formation and presence of misaligned gas and the fuelling of active supermassive black holes.”

Dr Marianne Vestergaard, a co-author in the study, highlights: “What is exciting about these observations is that we can now, for the very first time, identify the captured gas and trace it all the way to the centre where the black hole is devouring it.”

The scientists now hope to extend their research and use their findings to calculate how much of the total mass of supermassive black holes grew from this mechanism and how important this was in the early Universe.


by V. Bourrier, O. Attia, M. Mallonn, A. Marret, M. Lendl, P.-C. Konig, et al inAstronomy & Astrophysics

All kinds of exoplanets orbit very close to their star. Some look like the Earth, others like Jupiter. Very few, however, are similar to Neptune. Why this anomaly in the distribution of exoplanets? Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) PlanetS have observed a sample of planets located at the edge of this Hot Neptune Desert to understand its creation. Using a technique combining the two main methods of studying exoplanets (radial velocities and transits), they were able to establish that a part of these exoplanets has migrated in a turbulent way near their star, which pushed them out of the orbital plane where they were formed.

Since the discovery of the first exoplanet in 1995, researchers have detected more than 5'000 planets in our galactic neighborhood, most of them orbiting very close to their star. If the diversity of these new worlds ranges from gas giants the size of Jupiter or Saturn to smaller planets the size of Mercury, including rocky planets larger than the Earth, gas planets the size of Neptune seem to be missing. Astronomers call this empty ‘’box’’ in the distribution of close-in planets the Hot Neptune Desert.

‘The distribution of planets close to their star is shaped by a complex interaction between atmospheric and dynamical processes, i.e. the motions of the planets over time,’’ comments Vincent Bourrier, assistant professor in the Department of Astronomy at the UNIGE Faculty of Science. ‘Today we have several hypotheses to explain this desert but nothing is certain yet and the mystery remains’’.

Did these planets lose their atmosphere entirely, eroded by the intense radiation of their star? Did they migrate from their birthplace to the outer parts of the system by a different mechanism than other types of planets, preventing them from reaching the same close orbits?

Distribution of close-in exoplanets as a function of their radius and orbital period. Green and blue contours show the approximate boundaries of the Neptunian desert and savanna.

In a recent work, a team of scientists from the UNIGE brings some answers by looking at the orbital architecture of the planets located at the edge of this desert. By surveying fourteen planets around this area, ranging from small planets to gas giants, the astronomers were interested in the way their orbits are oriented with respect to the axis of rotation of their star. This information makes it possible to distinguish the processes of soft migration (the planets move in the equatorial plane of their star where they were formed) from the processes of disruptive migration (the planets migrate and are pushed out of the plane where they were formed).

The researchers were able to show that most of the planets in their sample have an orbit misaligned with the stellar equator. ‘We found that three-quarters of these planets have a polar orbit (they rotate above the poles of their star), which is a larger fraction than for planets further away from the desert. This reflects the role of disruptive migration processes in the formation of the desert,’’ summarizes Vincent Bourrier, first author.

STELLA light curves. Measurements, shown as blue points, were fit with a combined model (red curve) of the transit light curve and detrending polynomials (dashed black curves).

To achieve these results, the scientists used the radial velocity method and the transit method, which are employed to study exoplanets. ‘Analyzing the radial velocities during the transit of a planet allows us to determine if it orbits around the stellar equator, around the poles, or if the system is in an intermediate configuration, because different architectures will produce different signatures,’’ explains Omar Attia, a doctoral student in the Department of Astronomy at the UNIGE Faculty of Science and second author of the study. These two methods were combined with data obtained with the HARPS and HARPS-North spectrographs, created at UNIGE and located on the 3.6m telescope of ESO (European Southern Observatory) and TNG (Telescopio Nazionale Galileo).

The path to understand all of the mechanisms involved in the formation of the Hot Neptune Desert is still long. It will be necessary in particular to explore with this technique the smallest planets at the edge of the desert, today difficult to access even with instruments of last generation such as the spectrograph ESPRESSO, built by the UNIGE and installed on the largest European telescopes. It will be necessary to wait for the commissioning of the ELT, the 39-meter super telescope of ESO, planned for 2027.

The Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey 2 (DECaPS2): More Sky, Less Bias, and Better Uncertainties

by Andrew K. Saydjari, Edward F. Schlafly, Dustin Lang, et al in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

Astronomers have released a gargantuan survey of the galactic plane of the Milky Way. The new dataset contains a staggering 3.32 billion celestial objects — arguably the largest such catalog so far. The data for this unprecedented survey were taken with the Dark Energy Camera.

The Milky Way Galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars, glimmering star-forming regions, and towering dark clouds of dust and gas. Imaging and cataloging these objects for study is a herculean task, but a newly released astronomical dataset known as the second data release of the Dark Energy Camera Plane Survey (DECaPS2) reveals a staggering number of these objects in unprecedented detail. The DECaPS2 survey, which took two years to complete and produced more than 10 terabytes of data from 21,400 individual exposures, identified approximately 3.32 billion objects — arguably the largest such catalog compiled to date. Astronomers and the public can explore the dataset here.

This unprecedented collection was captured by the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) instrument on the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab. CTIO is a constellation of international astronomical telescopes perched atop Cerro Tololo in Chile at an altitude of 2200 meters (7200 feet). CTIO’s lofty vantage point gives astronomers an unrivaled view of the southern celestial hemisphere, which allowed DECam to capture the southern Galactic plane in such detail.

DECaPS2 source-density map (using a HEALPix grid at NSide = 512) in r band (top) and z band (bottom) using a common, logarithmic color scale. This figure employs a cut requiring sources be brighter than 19th magnitude in the reported band and be detected in at least one of the two immediately adjacent bands.

DECaPS2 is a survey of the plane of the Milky Way as seen from the southern sky taken at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The first trove of data from DECaPS was released in 2017, and with the addition of the new data release, the survey now covers 6.5% of the night sky and spans a staggering 130 degrees in length. While it might sound modest, this equates to 13,000 times the angular area of the full Moon. The DECaPS2 dataset is available to the entire scientific community and is hosted by NOIRLab’s Astro Data Lab, which is part of the Community Science and Data Center. Interactive access to the imaging with panning/zooming inside of a web-browser is available from the Legacy Survey Viewer, the World Wide Telescope and Aladin.

Most of the stars and dust in the Milky Way are located in its disk — the bright band stretching across this image — in which the spiral arms lie. While this profusion of stars and dust makes for beautiful images, it also makes the Galactic plane challenging to observe. The dark tendrils of dust seen threading through this image absorb starlight and blot out fainter stars entirely, and the light from diffuse nebulae interferes with any attempts to measure the brightness of individual objects. Another challenge arises from the sheer number of stars, which can overlap in the image and make it difficult to disentangle individual stars from their neighbors.

Despite the challenges, astronomers delved into the Galactic plane to gain a better understanding of our Milky Way. By observing at near-infrared wavelengths, they were able to peer past much of the light-absorbing dust. The researchers also used an innovative data-processing approach, which allowed them to better predict the background behind each star. This helped to mitigate the effects of nebulae and crowded star fields on such large astronomical images, ensuring that the final catalog of processed data is more accurate.

“One of the main reasons for the success of DECaPS2 is that we simply pointed at a region with an extraordinarily high density of stars and were careful about identifying sources that appear nearly on top of each other,” said Andrew Saydjari, a graduate student at Harvard University, researcher at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian and lead author of the paper. “Doing so allowed us to produce the largest such catalog ever from a single camera, in terms of the number of objects observed.”

“When combined with images from Pan-STARRS 1, DECaPS2 completes a 360-degree panoramic view of the Milky Way’s disk and additionally reaches much fainter stars,” said Edward Schlafly, a researcher at the AURA-managed Space Telescope Science Institute and a co-author of the paper describing DECaPS2 published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement. “With this new survey, we can map the three-dimensional structure of the Milky Way’s stars and dust in unprecedented detail.”

“Since my work on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey two decades ago, I have been looking for a way to make better measurements on top of complex backgrounds,” said Douglas Finkbeiner, a professor at the Center for Astrophysics, co-author of the paper, and principal investigator behind the project. “This work has achieved that and more!”

Early Results from GLASS-JWST. V: The First Rest-frame Optical Size–Luminosity Relation of Galaxies at z > 7

by L. Yang, T. Morishita, N. Leethochawalit, M. Castellano, at al in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

An international team of researchers including the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) has studied the relation between galaxy size and luminosity of some of the earliest galaxies in the universe taken by the brand-new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), less than a billion years after the Big Bang, reports a new study.

The result is part of the Grim Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS) Early-Release Science Program, led by University of California, Los Angeles, Professor Tommaso Treu. It is aimed at studying the early universe when the first stars/galaxies ignited, which ionized the neutral gas in the universe at the time and allowed light to shine through. This is called the epoch of reionization. However, details of reionization have remained unknown because telescopes until today have not been capable of observing galaxies in this period of the universe’s history in detail. Finding out more about the epoch of reionization would help researchers understand how stars and galaxies have evolved to create today’s universe as we see it.

Example of the size measurement of a galaxy (ID = 2574, z = 7.38) in the F444W (rest-frame optical; upper) and F150W (UV; bottom) bands using Galight. In each panel, from left to right, the columns represent the (1) observed data, (2) best-fit model image, (3) normalized residual map, and (4) surface brightness profiles in 1D and its residuals.

One study, led by Kavli IPMU JSPS Fellow Lilan Yang, and including Project Researcher Xuheng Ding, used multiband NIRCAM imaging data from the GLASS-JWST program to measure galaxy size and luminosity to figure out the morphology and the size-luminosity relation from rest-frame optical to UV.

“It’s the first time that we can study the galaxy’s properties in rest-frame optical at redshift larger than 7 with JWST, and the size-luminosity is important for determining the shape of luminosity function which indicates the primary sources responsible for the cosmic reionization, i.e., numerous faint galaxies or relatively less bright galaxies.

“The original wavelength of light will shift to longer wavelength when it travels from the early universe to us. Thus, the rest-frame wavelength is used to clarify their intrinsic wavelength, rather than observed wavelength.

Previously, with Hubble Space Telescope, we know the properties of galaxies only in rest-frame UV band. Now, with JWST, we can measure longer wavelength than UV,” said first author Yang. The researchers found the first rest-frame optical size-luminosity relation of galaxies at redshift larger than 7, or roughly 800 million years after the Big Bang, allowing them to study the size as function of wavelength. They found the median size at the reference luminosity is roughly 450–600 parsecs and decreased slightly from rest-frame optical to UV. But was this expected?

“The answer is we don’t know what’s to expect. Previous simulation studies give a range of predictions,” said Yang.

The team also found the slope of the size-luminosity relationship was somewhat steeper in the shortest wavelength band when allowing the slope to vary.

“That would suggest higher surface brightness density at shorter wavelength, hence less observational incompleteness correction when estimating luminosity function, but the result is not conclusive. We don’t want to over-interpret here,” said Yang.

Formation of rocky super-earths from a narrow ring of planetesimals

by Konstantin Batygin, Alessandro Morbidelli in Nature Astronomy

A new theory for how rocky planets form could explain the origin of so-called “super-Earths” — a class of exoplanets a few times more massive than the Earth that are the most abundant type of planet in the galaxy.

Further, it could explain why super-Earths within a single planetary system often wind up looking strangely similar in size, as though each system were only capable of producing a single kind of planet.

“As our observations of exoplanets have grown over the past decade, it has become clear that the standard theory of planet formation needs to be revised, starting with the fundamentals. We need a theory that can simultaneously explain the formation of the terrestrial planets in our solar system as well as the origins of self-similar systems of super-Earths, many of which appear rocky in composition,” says Caltech professor of planetary science Konstantin Batygin (MS ’10, PhD ‘12), who collaborated with Alessandro Morbidelli of the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur in France on the new theory.

Planetary systems begin their lifecycles as large spinning disks of gas and dust that consolidate over the course of a few million years or so. Most of the gas accretes into the star at the center of the system, while solid material slowly coalesces into asteroids, comets, planets, and moons. In our solar system, there are two distinct types of planets: the smaller rocky inner planets closest to the sun and the outer larger water- and hydrogen-rich gas giants that are farther from the sun. In an earlier study at the end of 2021, this dichotomy led Morbidelli, Batygin, and colleagues to suggest that planet formation in our solar system occurred in two distinct rings in the protoplanetary disk: an inner one where the small rocky planets formed and an outer one for the more massive icy planets (two of which — Jupiter and Saturn — later grew into gas giants).

Super-Earths, as the name suggests, are more massive than the Earth. Some even have hydrogen atmospheres, which makes them appear almost gas giant-like. Moreover, they are often found orbiting close to their stars, suggesting that they migrated to their current location from more distant orbits.

“A few years ago we built a model where super-Earths formed in the icy part of the protoplanetary disk and migrated all the way to the inner edge of the disk, near the star,” says Morbidelli. “The model could explain the masses and orbits of super-Earths but predicted that all are water-rich. Recent observations, however, have demonstrated that most super-Earths are rocky, like the Earth, even if surrounded by a hydrogen atmosphere. That was the death sentence for our old model.”

Over the past five years, the story has gotten even weirder as scientists — including a team led by Andrew Howard, professor of astronomy at Caltech; Lauren Weiss, assistant professor at the University of Notre Dame; and Erik Petigura, formerly a Sagan Postdoctoral Scholar in Astronomy at Caltech and now a professor at UCLA — have studied these exoplanets and made an unusual discovery: while there exists a wide variety of types of super-Earths, all of the super-Earths within a single planetary system tend to be similar in terms of orbital spacing, size, mass, and other key features.

“Lauren discovered that, within a single planetary system, super-Earths are like ‘peas in a pod,’” says Howard, who was not directly connected with the Batygin-Morbidelli paper but has reviewed it. “You basically have a planet factory that only knows how to make planets of one mass, and it just squirts them out one after the other.”

So, what single process could have given rise to the rocky planets in our solar system but also to uniform systems of rocky super-Earths?

“The answer turns out to be related to something we figured out in 2020 but didn’t realize applied to planetary formation more broadly,” Batygin says.

In 2020, Batygin and Morbidelli proposed a new theory for the formation of Jupiter’s four largest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto). In essence, they demonstrated that, for a specific size range of dust grains, the force dragging the grains toward Jupiter and the force (or entrainment) carrying those grains in an outward flow of gas cancel each other perfectly. That balance in forces created a ring of material that constituted the solid building blocks for the subsequent formation of the moons. Further, the theory suggests that bodies would grow in the ring until they become large enough to exit the ring due to gas-driven migration. After that, they stop growing, which explains why the process produces bodies of similar sizes.

Mass budget of solids within a ringed protoplanetary disk.

In their new paper, Batygin and Morbidelli suggest that the mechanism for forming planets around stars is largely the same. In the planetary case, the large-scale concentration of solid rocky material occurs at a narrow band in the disk called the silicate sublimation line — a region where silicate vapors condense to form solid, rocky pebbles. “If you’re a dust grain, you feel considerable headwind in the disk because the gas is orbiting a bit more slowly, and you spiral toward the star; but if you’re in vapor form, you simply spiral outward, together with the gas in the expanding disk. So that place where you turn from vapor into solids is where material accumulates,” Batygin says.

The new theory identifies this band as the likely site for a “planet factory” that, over time, can produce several similarly sized rocky planets. Moreover, as planets grow sufficiently massive, their interactions with the disk will tend to draw these worlds inward, closer to the star.

Batygin and Morbidelli’s theory is backed up by extensive computer modeling but began with a simple question. “We looked at the existing model of planet formation, knowing that it does not reproduce what we see, and asked, ‘What assertion are we taking for granted?’” Batygin says. “The trick is to look at something that everybody takes to be true but for no good reason.”

In this case, the assumption was that solid material is dispersed throughout the protoplanetary disks. By jettisoning that assumption and instead supposing that the first solid bodies form in rings, the new theory can explain different types of planetary systems with a unified framework, Batygin says. If the rocky ring contains a lot of mass, planets grow until they migrate away from the ring, resulting in a system of similar super-Earths. If the ring contains little mass, it produces a system that looks much more like our solar system’s terrestrial planets.

“I’m an observer and an instrument builder, but I pay extremely close attention to the literature,” Howard says. “We get a regular dribble of little-but-still-important contributions. But every five years or so, someone comes out with something that creates a seismic shift in the field. This is one of those papers.”

Meteorite Parent Body Aqueous Alteration Simulations of Interstellar Residue Analogs

by Danna Qasim, Hannah L. McLain, José C. Aponte, Daniel P. Glavin, Jason P. Dworkin, Christopher K. Materese in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

A new study led by Southwest Research Institute Research Scientist Dr. Danna Qasim posits that interstellar cloud conditions may have played a significant role on the presence of key building blocks of life in the solar system.

“Carbonaceous chondrites, some of the oldest objects in the universe, are meteorites that are thought to have contributed to the origins of life. They contain several different molecules and organic substances, including amines and amino acids, which are key building blocks of life that were critical to creating life on Earth. These substances are necessary to create proteins and muscle tissue,” Qasim said.

Most meteorites are fragments of asteroids that broke apart long ago in the asteroid belt, located between Mars and Jupiter. Such fragments orbit the Sun — sometimes for millions of years — before colliding with Earth. One of the questions Qasim and others are trying to answer is how amino acids got into the carbonaceous chondrites in the first place. Because most meteorites come from asteroids, scientists have attempted to reproduce amino acids by simulating asteroid conditions in a laboratory setting, a process called “aqueous alteration.”

“That method hasn’t been 100% successful,” Qasim said. “However, the make-up of asteroids originated from the parental interstellar molecular cloud, which was rich in organics. While there’s no direct evidence of amino acids in interstellar clouds, there is evidence of amines. The molecular cloud could have provided the amino acids in asteroids, which passed them on to meteorites.”

To determine to what extent amino acids formed from asteroid conditions and to what extent they were inherited from the interstellar molecular cloud, Qasim simulated the formation of amines and amino acids as it would occur in the interstellar molecular cloud.

“I created ices that are very common in the cloud and irradiated them to simulate the impact of cosmic rays,” explained Qasim, who conducted the experiment while working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, between 2020 and 2022. “This caused the molecules to break up and recombine into larger molecules, which ultimately created an organic residue.”

Qasim then processed the residue again by recreating asteroid conditions through aqueous alteration and studied the substance, looking for amines and amino acids.

“No matter what kind of asteroid processing we did, the diversity of amines and amino acids from the interstellar ice experiments remained constant,” she said. “That tells us that interstellar cloud conditions are quite resilient to asteroid processing. These conditions could have influenced the distribution of amino acids we find in meteorites.”

However, the individual abundances of amino acids doubled, suggesting the asteroid processing influences the amount of amino acids present.

“Essentially we have to consider both the interstellar cloud conditions and processing by the asteroid to best interpret the distribution,” she said.

Qasim looks forward to studies of asteroid samples from missions such as OSIRIS-REx, which is currently on its way back to Earth to deliver samples from the asteroid Bennu here in September, and Hayabusa2, which recently returned from the asteroid Ryugu, to better understand the role the interstellar cloud played in distributing the building blocks of life.

“When scientists study these samples, they’re typically trying to understand what the asteroid processes are influencing, but it’s clear we now need to address how the interstellar cloud is also influencing distribution of the building blocks of life,” Qasim said.

Early fluid activity on Ryugu inferred by isotopic analyses of carbonates and magnetite

by Kaitlyn A. McCain, Nozomi Matsuda, Ming-Chang Liu, et al in Nature Astronomy

Mineral samples collected from the Ryugu asteroid by the Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft are helping UCLA space scientists and colleagues better understand the chemical composition of our solar system as it existed in its infancy, more than 4.5 billion years ago.

In research, scientists using isotopic analysis discovered that carbonate minerals from the asteroid were crystallized through reactions with water, which originally accreted to the asteroid as ice in the still-forming solar system, then warmed into liquid. These carbonates, they say, formed very early on — within the first 1.8 million years of the solar system’s existence — and they preserve a record of the temperature and composition of the asteroid’s aqueous fluid as it existed at that time.

The rocky, carbon-rich Ryugu is the first C-type (C stands for “carbonaceous”) asteroid from which samples have been gathered and studied, said study co-author Kevin McKeegan, a distinguished professor of Earth, planetary and space sciences at UCLA. What makes Ryugu special, he noted, is that unlike meteorites, it has not had potentially contaminating contact with Earth. By analyzing the chemical fingerprints in the samples, scientists can develop a picture of not only how Ryugu formed but where.

“The Ryugu samples tell us that the asteroid and similar objects formed relatively rapidly in the outer solar system, beyond the condensation fronts of water and carbon dioxide ices, probably as small bodies,” McKeegan said.

The researchers’ analysis determined that Ryugu’s carbonates formed several million years earlier than previously thought, and they indicate that Ryugu — or a progenitor asteroid from which it may have broken off — accreted as a relatively small object, probably less than 20 kilometers (12.5 miles) in diameter. This result is surprising, McKeegan said, because most models of asteroid accretion would predict assembly over longer periods, resulting in the formation of bodies at least 50 kilometers (more than 30 miles) in diameter that could better survive collisional evolution over the long history of the solar system.

And while Ryugu is currently only about 1 kilometer in diameter as a result of collisions and reassembly throughout its history, it is very unlikely it was ever a large asteroid, the researchers said. They noted that any larger asteroid formed very early on in the solar system would have been heated to high temperatures by the decay of large amounts of aluminum-26, a radioactive nuclide, resulting in the melting of rock throughout the asteroid’s interior, along with chemical differentiation, such as the segregation of metal and silicate.

Ryugu shows no evidence of that, and its chemical and mineralogical compositions are equivalent to those found in the most chemically primitive meteorites, the so-called CI chondrites, which are also thought to have formed in the outer solar system. McKeegan said ongoing research on the Ryugu materials will continue to open a window onto the formation of the solar system’s planets, including Earth.

“Improving our understanding of volatile- and carbon-rich asteroids helps us address important questions in astrobiology — for example, the likelihood that rocky planets like can access a source of prebiotic materials,” he said.

The diverse meteorology of Jezero crater over the first 250 sols of Perseverance on Mars.

by J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, M. de la Torre Juarez, et al in Nature Geoscience

Perseverance is a NASA autonomous vehicle that arrived at the Jezero Crater (the bed of an ancient, now dried-up lake on Mars) on 18 February 2021. The rover is equipped with seven novel, complex scientific instruments dedicated to exploring the planet’s surface in search of signs of possible past life, collecting and depositing samples to be brought back to Earth, testing new technologies for use in human exploration, and studying the planet’s atmosphere in detail. With regard to the aim of studying the atmosphere, the MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) instrument has been obtaining novel results. MEDA’s lead researcher is José Antonio Rodríguez-Manfredi of the Centre for Astrobiology (CAB) in Madrid, and it has had the participation of a team from the UPV/EHU’s Planetary Sciences Research Group. The instrument comprises a set of sensors that measure temperature, pressure, wind, humidity and properties of the dust that is always present in suspension in the Mars atmosphere.

Perseverance has now completed its investigation of the atmosphere throughout the first Martian year (which lasts approximately two Earth years). Specifically, the UPV/EHU team, formed by Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, Ricardo Hueso, Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia and the PhD student Asier Munguira, has led the study of the seasonal and daily cycles of temperature and pressure, as well as their significant variations on other time scales resulting from very different processes.

Throughout the seasons, the average air temperature at the Jezero Crater, located near the planet’s equator, is around minus 55 degrees Celsius, but varies greatly between day and night, with typical differences of around 50 to 60 degrees. In the middle of the day, the heating of the surface generates turbulent movements in the air as a result of the rise and fall of air masses (convection) which cease in the evening, when the air settles.

SEB components measured in situ in Jezero.

Pressure sensors, on the other hand, show in detail the seasonal change of the tenuous Martian atmosphere produced by the melting and freezing of atmospheric carbon dioxide at the polar caps, as well as by a complex, variable daily cycle, modulated by thermal tides in the atmosphere. “The pressure and temperature of the Mars atmosphere oscillate with periods of the Martian solar day (somewhat longer than the Earth’s, it averages at 24 hrs 39.5 min) and with their submultiples, following the daily cycle of sunshine greatly influenced by the amount of dust and the presence of clouds in the atmosphere,” says Agustín Sánchez-Lavega, professor at the Faculty of Engineering — Bilbao (EIB) and co-researcher on the Mars 2020 mission.

Both sensors are also detecting dynamic phenomena in the atmosphere that occur in the vicinity of the rover, for example, those produced by the passage of whirlwinds known as “dust devils” because of the dust they sometimes kick up, or the generation of gravity waves whose origin is not yet well understood. “The dust devils are more abundant at Jezero than elsewhere on Mars, and can be very large, forming whirlwinds more than 100 metres in diameter. With MEDA we have been able to characterise not only their general aspects (size and abundance) but also to unravel how these whirlwinds function,” says Ricardo Hueso, lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering — Bilbao (EIB).

Daily and seasonal cycles of RH and VMR observed at Jezero.

MEDA has also detected the presence of storms thousands of kilometres away, very similar in origin to terrestrial storms, as shown by the images from orbiting satellites, and which move along the edge of the north polar cap, formed by the deposition of carbonic snow. Within the rich variety of phenomena studied, MEDA has been able to characterise in detail the changes that have taken place in the atmosphere by one of the dreaded dust storms, such as the one that developed in early January 2022. Its passage over the rover led to abrupt changes in temperature and pressure accompanied by strong gusts of wind, which kicked up dust and hit the instruments, damaging one of the wind sensors.

“MEDA is providing high-precision, meteorological measurements enabling the Martian atmosphere to be characterised, for the first time, from local scales at distances of a few metres, as well as on the global scale of the planet by collecting information on what is happening thousands of kilometres away. All this will lead to a better understanding of the Martian climate and improve the predictive models we use,” says Sánchez-Lavega.

Laser desorption mass spectrometry with an Orbitrap analyser for in situ astrobiology

by Ricardo Arevalo, Lori Willhite, Anais Bardyn, Ziqin Ni, Soumya Ray, ei al in Nature Astronomy

As space missions delve deeper into the outer solar system, the need for more compact, resource-conserving and accurate analytical tools has become increasingly critical — especially as the hunt for extraterrestrial life and habitable planets or moons continues.

A University of Maryland-led team developed a new instrument specifically tailored to the needs of NASA space missions. Their mini laser-sourced analyzer is significantly smaller and more resource efficient than its predecessors — all without compromising the quality of its ability to analyze planetary material samples and potential biological activity onsite.

Weighing only about 17 pounds, the instrument is a physically scaled-down combination of two important tools for detecting signs of life and identifying compositions of materials: a pulsed ultraviolet laser that removes small amounts of material from a planetary sample and an OrbitrapTM analyzer that delivers high-resolution data about the chemistry of the examined materials.

Photo of the Orbitrap mass analyzer from the prototype instrument. Photo courtesy of Lori Willhite and Ricardo Arevalo.

“The Orbitrap was originally built for commercial use,” explained Ricardo Arevalo, lead author of the paper and an associate professor of geology at UMD. “You can find them in the labs of pharmaceutical, medical and proteomic industries. The one in my own lab is just under 400 pounds, so they’re quite large, and it took us eight years to make a prototype that could be used efficiently in space — significantly smaller and less resource-intensive, but still capable of cutting-edge science.”

The team’s new gadget shrinks down the original Orbitrap while pairing it with laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) — techniques that have yet to be applied in an extraterrestrial planetary environment. The new device boasts the same benefits as its larger predecessors but is streamlined for space exploration and onsite planetary material analysis, according to Arevalo. Thanks to its diminutive mass and minimal power requirements, the mini Orbitrap LDMS instrument can be easily stowed away and maintained on space mission payloads. The instrument’s analyses of a planetary surface or substance are also far less intrusive and thus much less likely to contaminate or damage a sample than many current methods that attempt to identify unknown compounds.

“The good thing about a laser source is that anything that can be ionized can be analyzed. If we shoot our laser beam at an ice sample, we should be able to characterize the composition of the ice and see biosignatures in it,” Arevalo said. “This tool has such a high mass resolution and accuracy that any molecular or chemical structures in a sample become much more identifiable.”

The laser component of the mini LDMS Orbitrap also allows researchers access to larger, more complex compounds that are more likely to be associated with biology. Smaller organic compounds like amino acids, for example, are more ambiguous signatures of life forms.

“Amino acids can be produced abiotically, meaning that they’re not necessarily proof of life. Meteorites, many of which are chock full of amino acids, can crash onto a planet’s surface and deliver abiotic organics to the surface,” Arevalo said. “We know now that larger and more complex molecules, like proteins, are more likely to have been created by or associated with living systems. The laser lets us study larger and more complex organics that can reflect higher fidelity biosignatures than smaller, simpler compounds.”

For Arevalo and his team, the mini LDMS Orbitrap will offer much-needed insight and flexibility for future ventures into the outer solar system, such as missions focused on life detection objectives (e.g., Enceladus Orbilander) and exploration of the lunar surface (e.g., the NASA Artemis Program). They hope to send their device into space and deploy it on a planetary target of interest within the next few years.

“I view this prototype as a pathfinder for other future LDMS and Orbitrap-based instruments,” Arevalo said. “Our mini Orbitrap LDMS instrument has the potential to significantly enhance the way we currently study the geochemistry or astrobiology of a planetary surface.”

Complex carbonaceous matter in Tissint martian meteorites give insights into the diversity of organic geochemistry on Mars

by Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Marco Matzka, et ai in Science Advances

The Martian meteorite Tissint contains a huge diversity of organic compounds, found an international team of researchers led by Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz Munich’s Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin and including Carnegie’s Andrew Steele.

Tissint, which crash landed in Morocco more than 11 years ago, is one of only five Martian meteorites that have been observed as they fell to Earth. Pieces of it were found scattered around the desert about 30 miles from the town after which it is named. This sample of Martian rock was formed hundreds of millions of years ago on our next-door planetary neighbor and was launched into space by a violent event. Unraveling the origin stories of the Tissint meteorite’s organic compounds can help scientists understand whether the Red Planet ever hosted life, as well as Earth’s geologic history.

“Mars and Earth share many aspects of their evolution,” said lead author Schmitt-Kopplin. “And while life arose and thrived on our home planet, the question of whether it ever existed on Mars is a very hot research topic that requires deeper knowledge of our neighboring planet’s water, organic molecules, and reactive surfaces.”

FTICR-MS exact mass data converted in elementary composition and visualized in van Krevelen–type diagrams.

Organic molecules contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and sometimes other elements. Organic compounds are commonly associated with life, although previous Martian meteorite research demonstrated that they can be created by non-biological processes, referred to as abiotic organic chemistry.

“Understanding the processes and sequence of events that shaped this rich organic bounty will reveal new details about Mars’ habitability and potentially about the reactions that could lead to the formation of life,” added Steele, who has done extensive research on organic material in Martian meteorites, including Tissint, and is a member of both the Perseverance and Curiosity rovers’ science teams.

The researchers were able to thoroughly analyze the meteorite’s organic inventory, revealing a link between the type and diversity of organic molecules and specific mineralogy. Their efforts resulted in the most comprehensive catalog ever made of the diversity of organic compounds found in a Martian meteorite or in a sample collected and analyzed by a rover. This work uncovered details about how the processes occurring in Mars’ mantle and crust evolved, especially with regard to abiotic organics that formed from water-rock interactions. Of particular interest was the abundance of organic magnesium compounds, a suite of organic molecules not previously seen on Mars, which offer new insights about the high-pressure, high-temperature geochemistry that shaped the Red Planet’s deep interior and indicate a connection between its carbon cycle and its mineral evolution.

The researchers say that samples returned from Mars by future missions should provide an unprecedented amount of information about the formation, stability and dynamics of organic compounds in real Martian environments.

Live to Die Another Day: The Rebrightening of AT 2018fyk as a Repeating Partial Tidal Disruption Event

by T. Wevers, E. R. Coughlin, D. R. Pasham, M. Guolo, Y. Sun, et al in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Hundreds of millions of light-years away in a distant galaxy, a star orbiting a supermassive black hole is being violently ripped apart under the black hole’s immense gravitational pull. As the star is shredded, its remnants are transformed into a stream of debris that rains back down onto the black hole to form a very hot, very bright disk of material swirling around the black hole, called an accretion disc. This phenomenon — where a star is destroyed by a supermassive black hole and fuels a luminous accretion flare — is known as a tidal disruption event (TDE), and it is predicted that TDEs occur roughly once every 10,000 to 100,000 years in a given galaxy.

With luminosities exceeding entire galaxies (i.e., billions of times brighter than our Sun) for brief periods of time (months to years), accretion events enable astrophysicists to study supermassive black holes (SMBHs) from cosmological distances, providing a window into the central regions of otherwise-quiescent — or dormant — galaxies. By probing these ``strong-gravity’’ events, where Einstein’s general theory of relativity is critical for determining how matter behaves, TDEs yield information about one of the most extreme environments in the universe: the event horizon — the point of no return — of a black hole.

TDEs are usually “once-and-done” because the extreme gravitational field of the SMBH destroys the star, meaning that the SMBH fades back into darkness following the accretion flare. In some instances, however, the high-density core of the star can survive the gravitational interaction with the SMBH, allowing it to orbit the black hole more than once. Researchers call this a repeating partial TDE.

Top left: full X-ray (black; 0.3–10 keV) and Swift/UVW1 (green) light curve of AT 2018fyk. Black crosses indicate eROSITA nondetections. Different source states are labeled A–F. Top right: αox vs. Eddington ratio, color coded by accretion state. The latest data are shown as green stars to distinguish them from the previous hard state.

A team of physicists, including lead author Thomas Wevers, Fellow of the European Southern Observatory, and co-authors Eric Coughlin, assistant professor of physics at Syracuse University, and Dheeraj R. “DJ” Pasham, research scientist at MIT’s Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, have proposed a model for a repeating partial TDE. Their findings, describe the capture of the star by a SMBH, the stripping of the material each time the star comes close to the black hole, and the delay between when the material is stripped and when it feeds the black hole again. The team’s work is the first to develop and use a detailed model of a repeating partial TDE to explain the observations, make predictions about the orbital properties of a star in a distant galaxy, and understand the partial tidal disruption process.

The team is studying a TDE known as AT2018fyk (AT stands for ``Astrophysical Transient’’). The star was captured by a SMBH through an exchange process known as “Hills capture,” where the star was originally part of a binary system (two stars that orbit one another under their mutual gravitational attraction) that was ripped apart by the gravitational field of the black hole. The other (non-captured) star was ejected from the center of the galaxy at speeds comparable to ~ 1000 km/s, which is known as a hypervelocity star.

Once bound to the SMBH, the star powering the emission from AT2018fyk has been repeatedly stripped of its outer envelope each time it passes through its point of closest approach with the black hole. The stripped outer layers of the star form the bright accretion disk, which researchers can study using X-Ray and Ultraviolet /Optical telescopes that observe light from distant galaxies. According to Wevers, having the opportunity to study a partial TDE gives unprecedented insight into the existence of supermassive black holes and the orbital dynamics of stars in the centers of galaxies.

“Until now, the assumption has been that when we see the aftermath of a close encounter between a star and a supermassive black hole, the outcome will be fatal for the star, that is, the star is completely destroyed,” he says. “But contrary to all other TDEs we know of, when we pointed our telescopes to the same location again several years later, we found that it had re-brightened again. This led us to propose that rather than being fatal, part of the star survived the initial encounter and returned to the same location to be stripped of material once more, explaining the re-brightening phase.”

First detected in 2018, AT2018fyk was initially perceived as an ordinary TDE. For approximately 600 days the source stayed bright in the X-ray, but then abruptly went dark and was undetectable — a result of the stellar remnant core returning to a black hole, explains MIT physicist Dheeraj R. Pasham.

“When the core returns to the black hole it essentially steals all the gas away from the black hole via gravity and as a result there is no matter to accrete and hence the system goes dark,” Pasham says.

It wasn’t immediately clear what caused the precipitous decline in the luminosity of AT2018fyk, because TDEs normally decay smoothly and gradually — not abruptly — in their emission. But around 600 days after the drop, the source was again found to be X-ray bright. This led the researchers to propose that the star survived its close encounter with the SMBH the first time and was in orbit about the black hole.

Multipanel schematic indicating the various phases in the evolution of AT 2018fyk. Time is indicated in the top left corner. The various components (SMBH, star, accretion flow) are not to scale. Following panel (f), future observations will show whether the returning core was fully disrupted or if a third dimming and rebrightening cycle occurs.

Using detailed modeling, the team’s findings suggest that the orbital period of the star about the black hole is roughly 1,200 days, and it takes approximately 600 days for the material that is shed from the star to return to the black hole and start accreting. Their model also constrained the size of the captured star, which they believe was about the size of the sun. As for the original binary, the team believes the two stars were extremely close to one another before being ripped apart by the black hole, likely orbiting each other every few days.

So how could a star survive its brush with death? It all comes down to a matter of proximity and trajectory. If the star collided head-on with the black hole and passed the event horizon — the threshold where the speed needed to escape the black hole surpasses the speed of light — the star would be consumed by the black hole. If the star passed very close to the black hole and crossed the so-called “tidal radius” — where the tidal force of the hole is stronger than the gravitational force that keeps the star together — it would be destroyed. In the model they have proposed, the star’s orbit reaches a point of closest approach that is just outside of the tidal radius, but doesn’t cross it completely: some of the material at the stellar surface is stripped by the black hole, but the material at its center remains intact.

How, or if, the process of the star orbiting the SMBH can occur over many repeated passages is a theoretical question that the team plans to investigate with future simulations. Syracuse physicist Eric Coughlin explains that they estimate between 1 to 10% of the mass of the star is lost each time it passes the black hole, with the large range due to uncertainty in modeling the emission from the TDE.

“If the mass loss is only at the 1% level, then we expect the star to survive for many more encounters, whereas if it is closer to 10%, the star may have already been destroyed,” notes Coughlin.

The team will keep their eyes to the sky in the coming years to test their predictions. Based on their model, they forecast that the source will abruptly disappear around March 2023 and brighten again when the freshly stripped material accretes onto the black hole in 2025. The team says their study offers a new way forward for tracking and monitoring follow-up sources that have been detected in the past. The work also suggests a new paradigm for the origin of repeating flares from the centers of external galaxies.

“In the future, it is likely that more systems will be checked for late-time flares, especially now that this project puts forth a theoretical picture of the capture of the star through a dynamical exchange process and the ensuing repeated partial tidal disruption,” says Coughlin. “We’re hopeful this model can be used to infer the properties of distant supermassive black holes and gain an understanding of their “demographics,” being the number of black holes within a given mass range, which is otherwise difficult to achieve directly.”

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