Tezos: Summary of the first vote on Tezos, alpha version of Fi, first stable version of Liquidity, release of Techelson, introducing LIGO — new smart contract language for Tezos, Tez Talks is coming, new baking app for Ledger Nano S

Published in
8 min readMar 17, 2019

Biweekly update 1st March — 15st March

This is not financial advice.

If I say that Tezos teams had done great amount of work over the past two weeks, it will be a lie, because they did a lot more than just “great amount”. Tezos was capable of doing TREMENDOUS progress. It has decentralized nature, but despite this fact teams’ activities are coherent and dedicated. During the last two weeks they released alpha version of Fi, two weekly recaps, HSM Signer was open sourced, Techelson, new version of Liquidity, LIGO, the new language and a lot more. Tezos promised to release more guides and videos in the near future. They provide the community with illustrated answers for frequently asked questions.Tezos started to support SmartPy. There are the last preparations for Tez Talks. Several meetups passed and a lot more are planned, including Penn Blockchain Conference and TQuorum in Paris. There is also a stable growth in the number of followers. The future of Tezos is now.


Gitlab metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
  • Monitor the first vote on Tezos, thx to @OCamlPro’s Tzscan. About 5 days left!
Source: Tzscan
  • TezBox has just released the alpha version of Fi, smart contract language for Tezos.
  • Rio de Janeiro, February 28th 2019 : RioTezos proudly announces launch of TAPS v1.0.0 — now featuring its own native wallet — A tool to help Tezos bakers distribute rewards to their delegators automagically.
  • New release of tezos Baking App for Ledger Nano S is now available. Bake on a Tezos test chain using v2.0.0.
  • First release of Techelson, a new test engine for Michelson. Techelson is a Test Execution Engine for Michelson. It aims at testing functional properties of Michelson smart contracts. Make sure to check the user documentation to get a sense of Techelson’s workflow and features.
  • Tezos weekly #3 — a recap of updates, news, and events for Tezos this week. This week is a historic week with Tezos first amendment upgrade proposed for the community to vote. Vote now if you are baking or contact your baker if you are delegating.

How does Tezos compare to other blockchains?

In Tezos there are two kinds of accounts: implicit and originated. What can we do with these accounts?

What the block man?

What are cycles?

What is a roll snapshot?

This picture will give us the distribution of tezzies (by share of 10 000ꜩ) at the moment of the snapshot. Based on who owns the lottery ticket we will randomly draw, with replacement, the baking rights.

Why a CSPRNG? How can we generate a seed ?

Why not delegating? When will I get my rewards? When will I bake?

What are the stages of governance?

and a lot more..

  • Introducing LIGO: a new smart contract language for Tezos.

Social encounters


Upcoming events

  1. Announcement of Tez TalksJoin Tezos on March 23rd in San Mateo, CA for curated talks about Tezos and the Future of the Commons.
  2. Draper University and @TezosCommons present a day of curated 15 minute talks about Tezos and the Future of the Commons, March 23rd at Hero City.
  3. @TQTezos and @tezoscommons will be holding an awesome event on 21st of March about tezos, staking, and governance featuring presentations by Jacob Arluck, @zednodeofficial, and @getstaker.
  4. Penn Blockchain Conference — 6th April. Tezos is excited to have @breitwoman, co-founder of Tezos, return as a speaker on 4/6 for this year’s Penn Blockchain Conference. Last year, she spoke on decentralized financing.
  5. TQuorum: Paris, a daylong Tezos conference during Paris Blockchain Week on 18 April 2019. TQuorum: Paris will be the first in a series of three daylong local conferences culminating with the inaugural TQuorum Global Summit in New York City in September.

Partnerships and team members

  • Tezos core mission is to support the long-term success of the Tezos protocol and ecosystem. @SmartPy_io will greatly improve the smart contract development experience and make Tezos more accessible to a larger cohort of developers. They decided to support this project. @SmartPy_io is an intuitive and effective smart contracts language and platform for Tezos with Python syntax in development via a partnership with Smart Chain Arena.
  • Subsequently, SmartPy can’t wait to be launched to improve Tezos smart contract development via a partnership with @TQTezos! Check out the piece below for an overview of this intuitive and effective smart contracts language and development platform for Tezos in Python. Being a Python library means that by defining smart contracts, users benefit from the full power of Python to iterate over data structures, call other libraries, pre-compute parameters, etc. while ultimately targeting a powerful yet limited language such as Michelson. Once built, SmartPy contracts become SmartML contracts and are handled in an OCaml library called SmartEngine, which is seamlessly manipulated from a Python script.
  • An announcement that Tezos has commissioned Tezsure, Inc. to build a development environment to improve the Tezos developer experience for beginners. Developers will be able to simulate the behavior of a Tezos client in a command-line or graphical interface to more easily experiment with smart contract development against the state of a live network such as the Tezos alphanet or zeronet. This tool will also give developers the ability to customize gas limits and block times.
  • B9lab launched FREE introductory course to Tezos today with @TQTezos thanks to the support of @TezosFoundation. Find out about the tech and then apply for the full developer course at also for free.


  • Check out the RFP to see the kinds of projects they’re looking to consider as part of this Tezos ecosystem grants program! Link to the application portal. Be sure to apply before the March 21 deadline.
  • In celebration of the first tezos amendment vote, Tezos Reddit now has a new theme to signify the global, diverse community of the Tezos Ecosystem. Check it out here.
  • Julien Maldonato tweeted (translation from french) “An excellent intervention by Arthur Breitman, I share his skepticism about the relevance of registry technologies distributed for uses outside of financial services.”


Source: Coingecko
Source: Coingecko

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

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