Tezos: Tezos Athens, the first Tezos on-chain upgrade proposals, the basics of developing smart contracts for Tezos using fi explained, TezTalks planned, joining MOBI

Published in
7 min readMar 1, 2019

Biweekly update 15th February — 1st March

This is not financial advice.

Tezos has been working scrupulously over the period. The community is stable and supportive, their development reached an impressive level: 50000 rolls are now involved in Tezos baker, TezVote is launched, an overview on Athens (the first Tezos on-chain upgrade proposals) and deep overview on the amendment process were published, the latest instalment of our Grantee Spotlight series posted. Tezos team joined MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative). There is sharp growth in the number of followers in social networks, commits are regular as well as updates. How is Tezos? Still doing a great job.


Gitlab metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
  • An in-depth overview of how amendment works in Tezos — learn more here. Also there is an animated version — watch via link.
  • An update on the role of the Tezos Foundation, including an introduction of key entities and greater clarity on our grantmaking strategy. You can read it here. “…the success of any decentralized network is determined by the efforts of a robust, diverse, and flourishing community. The Foundation exists as a part of this ecosystem, alongside developers, scientists, network validators (“bakers”), and enthusiasts all working towards the success of a platform that we believe will ultimately drive social, political, and economic innovation on a global scale. As a foundation, we believe our role within the community is to deploy resources that support the long-term future of Tezos.”
  • After successfully completing private beta with 200+ questions within three weeks, tezos Stack Exchange site will be open to the public. Huge milestone for the community that put months of work into making this site live.
  • tezos weekly #2 — a recap of updates, news, and events for Tezos this week
  • TezBox released our alpha version of Fi, our smart contract language for Tezos! They’ll be releasing more guides and videos in the near future.
  • Check out this article detailing the basics of developing smart contracts for Tezos using fi. Fi is an easy on the eyes smart contract language for the Tezos ecosystem. Syntactically similar to javascript, Fi opens the door for more developers to engage in writing smart contracts for Tezos. Fi much like it’s sibling liquidity compiles down to Tezos’s native smart contract language Michelson.
  • An overview of Athens, the first Tezos on-chain upgrade proposals.

Athens Proposal 1: increase the gas limit

  1. This proposal would increase the gas limit by allowing double the computation steps in each block while keeping the number of IOs performed in each block unchanged
  2. This will make it incrementally easier to deploy smart contracts on Tezos, but maintains the gas limit at a conservative level as Nomadic Labs awaits more detailed benchmarking results
  3. The gas limit was set conservatively at launch to protect the chain, with the idea that it could be increased via the amendment process
  4. Nomadic Labs aims to propose further gas limit increases and a re-weighting based on ongoing benchmarking efforts
  5. Athens Proposal 2: increase the gas limit (see Proposal 1) AND reduce the roll size to 8,000 XTZ for Tezos Proof-of-Stake
  6. In current Tezos consensus, a baker must have 10,000 XTZ to be randomly selected to propose or endorse a block
  7. In addition to increasing the gas limit, this amendment would reduce that threshold to 8,000 XTZ, incrementally lowering the barrier to entry to baking
  8. Please note that beyond these two incremental changes, the upgrade proposals also include minor fixes which do not significantly change the protocol, as described in the changelog.

Social encounters

  • @ArthurB’s talk on 15th February at @BMWGroup in Munich.
  • Tezos Korea Plans to Rejuvenate Korea’s Blockchain Communities — more info via link.
  • Check out the latest instalment of our Grantee Spotlight series, featuring @TezosCommons. They are focused on growing the Tezos community by sponsoring meetups, ecosystem projects, and educational initiatives.
  • @ChainAcc in training Tezos blockchain, at @LabosNomades with startups @2sbWasee and Collective Fashion. Great to meet so many core protocol researchers. First exciting day, we do not talk enough about the native agility of Tezos.
Source: Twitter

Upcoming events

  1. Announcement of Tez TalksJoin Tezos on March 23rd in San Mateo, CA for curated talks about Tezos and the Future of the Commons.
  2. 6th March in Paris there wiil be a meetup on “Introduction, Future Amendments and Embedded GovernanceAdrian Brink will be on the panel and the event is hosted by Arthur Breitman and moderated by @plaurent789 from @AtkaBlockchain
  3. Draper University and @TezosCommons present a day of curated 15 minute talks about Tezos and the Future of the Commons, March 23rd at Hero City.

Partnerships and team members

  • Tezos team is excited to join the @dltMOBI community to help make mobility services more efficient, affordable, green, safe, and less congested with Tezos and related technologies.
  • Tocqueville Group is excited to partner with @stove_labs on Granary, a development environment manager for Tezos. Stove Labs is owned and operated by Matej Šima. Many in the Tezos community know Matej from his recent tutorial posts outlining how to get started creating a private Tezos development environment and writing Tezos smart contracts in ReasonML. Matej also intends to expand the tooling around ReasonML for Tezos, making it easier to develop dApps.


  • Nightly-build now has a whole new meaning.



  • Elevated returns and securitize to tokenize USD $1B of real estate on Tezos, will build new compliant security token issuance standards.
  • In October 2018, TezTech Labs received a grant to help fund the development of six of our projects over a six-month period. They managed to add support for multiple hardware wallets, greatly improve the UI, and complete development of a multi-platform wallet (Windows, MacOS, browser, web and Linux releases available with Android and iOS not too far away). We’ve also re-implemented a more secure and user-friendly developer API for better integration with web dapps.

Future goals include: Short term — they want to add some additional features, including multiple root keys per account, exchange integration with ChangeNOW and Changelly, multi-language support and some design improvements. Long term — they want to develop TezBox into a Tezos Browser, a wallet agnostic interface with an app drawer allowing users to better access and save their dapps for a more streamlined experience (think Steam). TezBox will still provide native wallet functionality, but will also act as a bridge to steamline integration between users and services.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

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