Yearly Recap: Genetics & Biology 2023

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9 min readJan 11, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of scientific discovery, the past year showcased breakthroughs in molecular biology and genetics. From real-time insights into CRISPR-Cas protein complexes to precise control over virus assembly using DNA ‘origami,’ these findings reflect a relentless pursuit of knowledge. Researchers pushed the limits of synthetic life, probed how organisms keep time, and refined theories about consciousness. Notable discoveries include understanding Candida albicans’ infiltration into the brain and engineering tumor-colonizing bacteria for targeted cancer therapy. Mapping the human and nonhuman primate brain provided comprehensive insights, while emerging gene-editing tools and wildlife genetics discoveries expanded our understanding of genetic landscapes. These breakthroughs collectively shape our perspectives on health, diseases, and the intricate fabric of life.

Let’s dive into some key highlights of the year:

  • Pushing the Boundaries of Synthetic Life

Biologists made remarkable strides in 2023, growing advanced artificial embryos and studying the minimal cells of synthetic life. Embryo models, created from stem cells, reached unprecedented developmental stages, offering insights into human fetal growth, despite ethical debates. Meanwhile, researchers explored the simplicity of “minimal” cells derived from bacteria, demonstrating their ability to evolve and adapt, emphasizing the robustness of life’s rules. The year also witnessed fascinating biological discoveries, from plankton enhancing photosynthesis to microbes producing oxygen in darkness, showcasing the diverse innovations in the field.

  • Exploring Consciousness

Consciousness, described as a “controlled hallucination”, is shaped by sensory information and constructed by the brain’s best-guess description. Researchers explored the brain’s “reality threshold,” evaluating processed signals to distinguish reality from fantasy. In an adversarial collaboration, global neuronal workspace theory and integrated information theory were pitted against each other to understand how consciousness emerges. While the results didn’t declare a clear winner, they challenged both theories, offering insights into the complex nature of consciousness.

  • Exploring Origins of Complex Life

Scientists exploring the origins of eukaryotes, the diverse lineage including animals, plants, and fungi, made significant strides. Cultivating one of the Asgard archaea, primitive organisms with genomic similarities to eukaryotes, offers insights into evolutionary processes. Filling an 800-million-year gap in the molecular fossil record revealed a “lost world” of eukaryotes, enriching our understanding of ancient ancestors.

  • Investigating Microbiomes Evolution

Microbiome research unveiled the intricate evolution of our microbial companions. Maternal transmission, including mobile genetic elements, shapes early microbiomes, persisting through the first year. A comprehensive analysis highlighted microbiome evolution over decades, suggesting potential transmissibility of certain illnesses through gut flora. These findings deepen our grasp of the complex interplay between microbial communities and human health.

  • Investigating Biological Timekeeping Mechanisms

In 2023, researchers delved into the intricate mechanisms of biological timekeeping and developmental tempo. Stem cell technologies unveiled the role of fundamental metabolic processes, orchestrated by mitochondria, as the common regulator of developmental clocks across species.

  • High-Resolution CRISPR Tracking

Scientists have devised a method to measure molecular twists with unprecedented speed, enabling real-time tracking of CRISPR-Cas protein complexes.

  • Longevity Gene Transfering

A longevity gene from naked mole rats was successfully transferred to mice, resulting in improved health and an extended lifespan, hinting at potential implications for human longevity.

  • Improving Covid-19 RNA Vaccines

By adding self-adjuvanting properties, researchers boosted the immune response in mice, showcasing potential improvements for Covid-19 RNA vaccines.

  • Real-Time Gene Expression Imaging

A novel imaging technique allows the observation of active gene expression in real time, revealing the coordination of molecules in the C. elegans worm’s development.

The year 2023 was full of exciting discoveries:

— Scientists have developed a new method to measure the smallest twists and torques of molecules within milliseconds. The method makes it possible to track the gene recognition of CRISPR-Cas protein complexes, also known as ‘genetic scissors’, in real time and with the highest resolution.

— Researchers have used DNA ‘origami’ templates to control the way viruses are assembled. Precise control over the size and shape of virus proteins would have advantages in the development of new vaccines and delivery systems.

— Scientists have developed a low-cost, RNA-based technology to detect and measure biomarkers, which can help decode the body’s physiology. The new technology can perform the same measurement for about a dollar.

— Researchers used CRISPR techniques to modify lignin levels in poplar trees.

— Researchers have developed a biosynthetic ‘clock’ that keeps cells from reaching normal levels of deterioration related to aging. They engineered a gene oscillator that switches between the two normal paths of aging, slowing cell degeneration and setting a record for life extension.

— Research showed that butterflies and moths share ‘blocks’ of DNA dating back more than 200 million years.

— The findings demonstrate that the targeted disruption of WOX13 gene can significantly enhance shoot regeneration efficiency, paving the way for future biotechnological advancements.

— Researchers have transferred a longevity gene from naked mole rats to mice, resulting in improved health and an extension of the mouse’s lifespan. The research opens exciting possibilities for unlocking the secrets of aging and extending human lifespan.

— By adding synergistic self-adjuvanting properties to Covid-19 RNA vaccines, researchers showed they could significantly boost the immune response generated in mice.

— Researchers have made the unexpected discovery that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in carpenter ants plays an active role in controlling behavior that’s essential to the function of entire ant colonies. The key is production in the BBB of a particular hormone-degrading enzyme.

— A team of researchers has revealed that the Dumpy protein, a component of extracellular matrices is the key factor in regulating the stereotypic origami-like folding of wing-cell sheets. Their findings that wing cells never divide during folding nor do they exhibit spatially distinct behaviors suggest how external cues can create consistent 3D tissue structures.

— Scientists have identified a key part of a mechanism that annotates genetic information before it is passed from fathers to their offspring. The findings shed new light on genomic imprinting, a fundamental, biological process in which a gene from one parent is switched off while the copy from the other parent remains active.

— A research team has discovered a new ribozyme that can label RNA molecules in living cells.

— Researchers have developed a new imaging technique to observe active gene expression in real time. They found that four molecules work together to control the timing of each stage of the C. elegans worm’s development.

— Researchers have developed the first method to uncover the tasks that microRNAs perform in single cells. This is a huge improvement over existing state-of-the-art methods that require millions of cells and will for the first time allow researchers to study microRNAs in complex tissues such as brains.

— Researchers have developed a novel genome editing technique known as NICER, which results in significantly fewer off-target mutations than CRISPR/Cas9 editing.

— Researchers have developed a method that lets them genetically modify each cell differently in animals. This allows them to study in a single experiment what used to require many animal experiments.

— Researchers have discovered how the fungus Candida albicans enters the brain, activates two separate mechanisms in brain cells that promote its clearance, and, important for the understanding of Alzheimer’s disease development, generates amyloid beta (Ab)-like peptides, toxic protein fragments from the amyloid precursor protein that are considered to be at the center of the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

— Synthetic biologists reported on a new approach to attacking tumors. They have engineered tumor-colonizing bacteria (probiotics) to produce synthetic targets in tumors that direct CAR-T cells to destroy the newly highlighted cancer cells.

— Genomic analysis in snakes showed link between neutral, functional genetic diversity.

— Researchers have obtained new insights into how African-American and Hispanic-American people’s genes influence their ability to use Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids for good health.

— A group of international scientists have mapped the genetic, cellular, and structural makeup of the human brain and the nonhuman primate brain.

— A new CRISPR-based gene-editing tool has been developed the tool which could lead to better treatments for patients with genetic disorders. The tool is an enzyme, AsCas12f, which has been modified to offer the same effectiveness but at one-third the size of the Cas9 enzyme commonly used for gene editing.

— Scientists identified a gene that plays a key role in early ovary development in mice.

— Study has uncovered how proteins use a common chemical label as a shield to protect them from degradation, affecting motility and aging.

— Researchers have determined the gene mutation responsible for an observable trait in bison — albinism.

— Researchers have uncovered a “genomic tug of war” in animal studies that could influence how well certain patients — or certain cancers — respond to decitabine.

— A new theoretical model helped explain how epigenetic memories, encoded in chemical modifications of chromatin, are passed from generation to generation. Within each cell’s nucleus, researchers suggest, the 3D folding patterns of its genome determines which parts of the genome will be marked by these chemical modifications.

— Researchers have rediscovered and cultivating Rhabdamoeba marina — a rare marine amoeba that has only been reported in two cases in the past century.

— Researchers have discovered previously unknown changes in a specific type of liver cells, potentially opening avenues for a new treatment for liver fibrosis, a potentially life-threatening condition.

— A genetic breakthrough has opened new opportunities for iron-fortified vegetables and cereal crops to help address the global health issue of anemia.

— Researchers resolved outstanding questions regarding the origin of small regulatory genes, and described a mechanism that creates their DNA palindromes.

— Researchers have shown that an influx of water and ions into immune cells allows them to migrate to where they’re needed in the body.

— Scientists have discovered that electric eels can alter the genes of tiny fish larvae with their electric shock.

— Researchers have uncovered the intricate molecular mechanism used by parasitic phytoplasma bacteria, known for inducing ‘zombie-like’ effects in plants.

— Researchers have developed a new technique called MAbID. This allows them to simultaneously study different mechanisms of gene regulation, which plays a major role in development and disease.

In the landscape of scientific exploration over the past year, researchers have achieved remarkable breakthroughs across diverse fields, unraveling the intricacies of molecular biology, genetic engineering, neurobiology, and more. These discoveries showcase the relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation that defines contemporary scientific endeavors.

Advancements in molecular biology unveiled a new method to measure molecular twists swiftly, providing real-time insights into CRISPR-Cas protein complexes, the renowned ‘genetic scissors.’ Simultaneously, DNA ‘origami’ templates enabled precise control over virus assembly, promising strides in vaccine development and delivery systems.

Gene-editing technologies continued to evolve with the development of AsCas12f, a CRISPR-based tool offering similar effectiveness to Cas9 but at one-third the size. From uncovering a gene responsible for albinism in bison to exploring a “genomic tug of war” influencing responses to decitabine in animal studies, the genetic landscape of diverse species became clearer.

In the medical realm, scientists deciphered how Candida albicans infiltrates the brain, shedding light on potential connections to Alzheimer’s disease through the generation of amyloid beta-like peptides. Synthetic biologists engineered tumor-colonizing bacteria to enhance targeted tumor therapy, directing CAR-T cells to destroy cancer cells with unprecedented precision.

Genomic analyses proved instrumental, linking neutral and functional genetic diversity in snakes, while researchers gained insights into the genetic responses of African-American and Hispanic-American populations to Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. The mapping of the human and nonhuman primate brain’s genetic, cellular, and structural makeup provided a comprehensive understanding of brain biology.

Theoretical models explained the transmission of epigenetic memories, emphasizing the role of 3D genome folding patterns in encoding chemical modifications of chromatin. From rediscovering a rare marine amoeba to uncovering changes in liver cells with implications for treating liver fibrosis, these discoveries collectively highlight the profound impact of genetic and molecular studies on our understanding of health, diseases, and the intricate tapestry of life.

