A New Year — A New Paradigm

Miriam Reza
Published in
5 min readFeb 18, 2019

Paradigm Global Innovation and Strategic Design Studio has bright plans for the future including the successful launch of their new brand, celebrating new partnerships and hosting community innovation workshops.


A New Image

“As we have matured, we have wanted to not only reflect growth and represent where we are, but to give a glimpse of where we are headed,” says Sunny Su, Principal, Chief of Innovation, explains his reasons for the new branding effort.

Carrying the same bold values as before, Paradigm’s new brand now embodies a playful and imaginative disposition. The brand essence is radiant.

Bethany Faulkner, director of experience and expansion headed up the charge to create a truly unique design. What makes this design different is the subtle fading of purple, peach and navy blue tones. Paradigm “dares to shift” away from the rules of dual tone that 95 percent of companies abide by.

In addition to the new look, Paradigm has implemented several changes to improve their website. Acknowledging the duties of their online presence, Paradigm continually looks for how to better serve the global community. According to Sunny, to achieve success is to have a more focused effort on helping others grow rather than solely pushing the company brand.

Check out the new look at Paradigm’s webpage.

Global Innovation Retreat — May

Global Innovation Retreat, Berlin, May 2109

Entrepreneurs, students, colleagues, innovators, and business professionals are all invited to the Global Innovation Retreat, May 13th to 22nd, between Berlin and Hamburg, Germany, hosted by the Global Innovation Network. This is a great opportunity to get a taste of what it’s like to work remotely or work abroad while meeting people with different ideas and perspectives.

“We hope that by inviting others to travel with us, we’ll build a much stronger community of more-aware, more impassioned people who are working for people and for a cause, and not just for any old job,” says Ben Markoch, Principal, Brand & Digital Experience.

Check out the Global Innovation Retreat page to be the first to hear more details when they’re available!

Global Innovation Network

Established about a year ago, the Global Innovation Network (GIN) serves as a common thread for innovative thinkers around the world. The GIN demonstrates ubiquitous inspiration for everyone whether you are a part of a large corporation, a local firm, or a student.

While originally named the Business Innovation and Design Network, Paradigm felt the GIN was more inclusive to people of all disciplines. “The goal is to connect people from different disciplines to work, grow and learn from each other,” says Sunny.

Paradigm envisions people to utilize the GIN as a method of sourcing international partners, and sharing more content. It is now easier than ever to send out surveys and gather research with a connected online community.

Read a stimulating article about pioneering technology? Be sure to share it over the Global Innovation Network!

Innovation by Design Summit — September

With an increasing need for the discipline of innovation, Paradigm will be sponsoring Innovation by Design (IXD) in September. Workshops, expos and competitions are open to the public for a hands on approach to design thinking.

Innovation By Design, September 2019

Innovation by design exists to demonstrate the need for a holistic approach. It is important that individuals make purposeful choices in design as innovating mindlessly lacks an understanding of improvement. Having comprehensive knowledge of a situation is necessary to be able to design. During IXD, professionals will define what innovation is in context and how touches our daily lives.

Paradigm recognizes that corporations, startups, and students are all part of the same knowledge ecosystem. We can each contribute and enhance each other’s project by sharing skills and experiences.

Attendees to the IXD Summit are encouraged to bring friends. Get involved with Innovation by Design and be the first to find out about updates, attending or sponsoring the event.

Partnering with Next Gen

Paradigm will be partnering with Next Gen as Sunny takes up the role for chapter manager of the Raleigh-Durham area. Aligned with the mission of supporting young entrepreneurs all over the world both companies strive to grow and learn together.

Next Gen’s goal is simple: providing resources to ambitious entrepreneurs “to achieve success on their journey’s”. Get involved with Next Gen Raleigh to learn more about their entrepreneurial approach and opportunities.

Interested in an extraordinary opportunity to meet like minded entrepreneurs? Next Gen will be hosting their annual summit

June, 7th through 9th in New York City.

Applications are now live for the Next Gen Summit 2019.

A Plan for Zurich

Ben is representing Paradigm in an effort to build an innovative ecosystem in Zurich, Switzerland. Understanding and designing for the needs of communities around the world demonstrates the power of a global network. Paradigm is proud to take up this opportunity in hopes of setting a standard for developing remote teams.

Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich has an established reputation as the economic center of Switzerland. With Paradigm’s help, the city of Zurich hopes to reform their image as more than old money banks, but also as a hub for entrepreneurship.

Be on the lookout with Paradigm to learn more about Ben’s journey in Zurich.

With the mission of improving the global standard, Paradigm seeks to “inspire change” as reflected in The Catalyst, (Paradigm’s digital publication). To learn more about events at Paradigm, new product reviews, or have an idea for an article — follow The Catalyst!

