More cards, bigger budget, and a community challenge: Our next Card Bonding Event on February 7!

4 min readFeb 4, 2022


Hello frens, community supporters, and PDT holders! Bond with us…

Following our wildly successful Initial Bonding Event, we’re excited to announce our second Card Bonding Event on Monday, February 7th at 5:00pm EST.

Through this event, you’ll be able to swap your eligible Parallel cards for PDT at $0.42—roughly the 7-day average price at the time of our budget calculation (see PDT on CoinGecko).

💲 Card prices will be approximately dictated by each eligible card’s floor price during a recent snapshot defined by us (which has already been taken, but may be adjusted if floor prices decrease before the event).

We’re budgeting to spend about 15M PDT on cards for this event (our Initial bonding Event budget was just over 8M PDT).

Alpha: As part of the event, we’ll attempt to complete a full PD1 and PD2 set of ART CARDS for the fixed (PDT equivalent) price of 10 ETH each card. If we can collect a full set of art cards, not only will the Paraset rewards benefit all PDT holders, but all card bonders will be eligible for a special reward — so we need your help to spread the word, Paragons! We may also help one person unload a certain card they may be disappointed with, because community is at our core.

While we won’t share any more details about which cards we’re accepting before the event (to prevent bots), but we’d love to see your hypotheses in our Discord!

Like before, we’ll use our proprietary card bonding solution (powered by Olympus Pro), accessible from our website. All bonded cards are subject to a 14-day linear vesting period, and all vested amounts can be directly claimed through the bonding tool (during and after the vesting period).

⚠️ The fixed card prices reflected on the bonding page will be a final and binding offer, which will not be open to further negotiation. By bonding your cards, you are accepting that you’ve had sufficient opportunity to check prices and exchange rates and that they’re satisfactory to you.

Card bonding is a win-win!

We believe card bonding brings economic value to collectors who want to quickly and easily sell their cards while also gaining exposure to Parallel’s reward-generating collection including Masterpieces, Prime Keys, Parasets and Catalyst Drives.

For the DAO, card bonding means we can harness the power of the community to expand the reach and governance of our DAO, while maximizing the return on treasury holdings .

Learn more about our treasury economics (and why we feel we’re positioned well for economic growth) in this article.

🎴 Bonding Events allow participants to sell us their eligible cards in exchange for PDT. Whether you want to unload duplicate cards, collect PDT to participate in governance or future staking, or sell it on the market…you do you, kid.

For example, someone holding two Paradigm Shift cards might bond one during our event (if it’s eligible) and receive $PDT equal to the floor price of the card.

Simply, we exist for the benefit of our community and believe card bonding will continue to foster positive growth for everyone involved.

⚠️ Once you receive your PDT you will no longer have access to the cards that were bonded. However you are free to sell your PDT on the open market or hold it for the future.

Recapping our Initial Bonding Event on January 17th

During our Initial Bonding Event (which coincided with our PDT token launch), participants were able to bond cards in exchange for PDT at the same price as our early investors ($ 0.34). Participants bonded 2,250 cards in about 2 hours — even greater demand than we expected.

This chart reflects bonds per minute over the course of the event, showing us a stable interest. There was an average of 2 bonds per minute with a peak of 30 items in a single minute. Source (credit: Tea)
The number of tokens bonded by unique wallets from our Initial Bonding Event. The top wallet bonded 140 cards 👀 Source (credit: Tea)

We can’t wait to see you at our next Card Bonding Event. There are already more than 1,600 unique PDT holders, and we hope our upcoming event encourages many of you who’ve been watching from the sidelines to get into the action.

We have so much on the way (including our gaming vision and guild), and we want PDT in the hands of the community and other passionate supporters to help steer our course.

Join us and become a Paragon!

Follow us on Twitter and join our Discord.

Please note that none of the above is financial advice. Trading crypto assets is risky and may result in financial losses.




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