The future of web3 gaming communities: ParagonsDAO’s gaming vision

5 min readMar 28, 2022


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Since inception, it has been our vision to support the next generation of web3 gamers and DeFi enthusiasts by building the ecosystem and community to support their gaming experience while enabling them to build and grow their wealth through innovative DeFi and gaming solutions.

We’ll create a seamless environment across the broader gaming ecosystem for players to interact at a social and economic level, while creating opportunities accessible to everyone — including those with limited funds, crypto or gaming experience.

In short, we want the entire community to grow, learn, have fun and profit through gaming, entertainment, education and investment opportunities.

As DeFi Ted noted in his post last week:

We’re a web3 community, guild and pro-gamer collective building growth in the crypto-gaming ecosystem through innovative DeFi solutions, reducing barriers-to-entry, competing at top levels and community-building events & education.

Our journey has started with Parallel. With our strong connection to this groundbreaking game and deep treasury of their top playable and reward-generating assets (through $PRIME), our community is positioned perfectly to manifest this vision together.

📈 Our treasury is by far the largest collection of Parallel cards — almost twice as large as the next largest wallet. As such, we’re entitled to significant $PRIME rewards in our treasury, and we plan to invest most of it right back into our community through gaming rewards, ecosystem support, entertainment, staking opportunities and more!

The Three Levels of our Gaming Community:

ParagonsDAO gaming at-a-glance
In slightly more detail…

ParagonsPRO Team

The pressure’s on, and your next move could be the difference between valor and shame. Your opponent — our rival guild’s most promising new talent — sets up to play his most powerful card, wiping most of your board. He sits back in his chair, crossing his arms with a satisfied smirk.

Only you know he’s taken your bait and is now ensnared in your grasp — and you still have the game’s rarest, most powerful cards in your arsenal to send him home wondering what hit him. The crowd goes wild!

You move up the bracket with a 7-game win streak, your rewards significantly multiplied by the Prime, Overclock and Galaxy Keys you’re using. And the only tools you had to bring were your hustle and skill.

Enter ParagonsPRO — our signature competitive gaming team, made up of the best Parallel players in the galaxy. A team dedicated to winning, pride, community, education and making blockchain-based gaming famous.

Pros will be paid a salary and performance bonuses. They’ll compete in the highest-level tournament tiers, and have access to our treasury’s top playable cards, flex pieces and $PRIME-generating assets (like keys) to maximize their success and earnings (yes — the many cards we’ve collected are for the gaming community!). In turn, ParagonsPROs will benefit all Paragons by bringing celebrity to ParagonsDAO, sharing a percentage of earnings back to the Treasury, and building a famous lineage of cards that further build our arsenal (through spawning).

And they’ll share their skills with the Paragons community through education and mentorship of the next generation of pros.

ParagonsPRO is the cornerstone of our competitive gaming vision, but there’s much more…

ParagonsP2E Guild

You’ve been playing Parallel for a while and it’s obvious you’ve got talent. You regularly wipe the table amongst your friend group and you’ve even given some pros a challenge in a few casual games. ParagonsP2E Guild is the perfect place to put your skills to work.

Our ParagonsP2E Guild is geared to be a place for skilled Parallel players to grind for earnings. You’ll have access to our NFT cards and fly the banner of ParagonsP2E as you play in the upper echelons of the ranked ladder.

We’ll also put in place our own internal leaderboards, withPDT rewards at stake to further encourage players to play their best. The use of NFT cards (which we’ll supplement guild members) enhances the PRIME emitted by gameplay, so we want skilled and dedicated players to make full use of them, as we all benefit from this.

Along with that, the cards our players use will actively gain XP to use for the (proposed) lineage system, in turn growing our treasury of cards which we can then use to supplement even more players as time goes on.

By playing for the ParagonsP2E Guild, you’ll increase your earnings potential and play a role in building the value of ParagonsDAO, while being able to flex some rare cards and card backs while you’re at it. Top performers in this guild have an opportunity to be promoted into our ParagonsPRO team.

🤝 We bring the cards, you bring the hustle.

Casual Players, Fans and PDT token holders

Maybe you just discovered Parallel or have been following for a while and you only play a few games on the weekend. You may not even play trading card games but you’ve fallen in love with the lore. You want to be part of an active, supportive and growing gaming community and we’re here to provide that to you.

We’ll engage the gaming, Parallel and PDT holder communities through fresh value-added content. Watch out for gaming streams, events and AMAs with partners and guests, beginner’s tutorials, game reviews giveaways, promotions and more! For example, after Parallel’s third pack drop, we hosted a pack opening party on our Twitch channel and gave away five packs to lucky participants who streamed their pack opening, and even more in the following days to community members who flexed their pulls.

Speaking of content and giveaways, since you’ve made it this far, you deserve a treat. We’ve recently launched our YouTube channel hosted by resident Parallel encyclopedia Dior. Check out his fresh video below focused on Parallel gameplay, so you can be prepared for how to play the game (when it comes out) and to learn how to enter yourself into a draw for a Parallel PDIII pack!

Our latest video hosted by Dior on Parallel’s basic game rules and mechanics

We hope this vision excites you as much as it does us. We still have much to hash out — and the proposals and votes of PDT holders will be instrumental to steering our ship and executing this vision. We’re confident our vision adds significant value to the blockchain-based gaming ecosystem (including Parallel and Echelon), to players and fans alike. Join us!


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Trade PDT, ParagonsDAO’s token, through Uniswap (or use Cowswap/MistX to prevent frontrunning). PDT’s contract address is 0x375abb85c329753b1ba849a601438ae77eec9893.

Check out PDT on CoinGecko.




𝗨𝗻𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝟯 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀. Making playable assets accessible to all—all you need is hustle. 💎$PDT