A Human or a Machine ?

Piyumi Rameshka
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2017
source: www.extremetech.com

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Destination — Brain

Really? According to Elon Musk these kind of messages will popup in-front of your eyes in near future.

Brain-Machine interfacing comes up with the idea of merging human brain with machines.The idea of Brain-Machine interfacing is not a whole new idea which popped up from no where, but the concept was in process since late 1960s slow in progress and low public attention. The idea of BMI came in to alive with Elon Musk’s concept of Neuralink. According to Wikipedia
Neuralink is a neurotechnology company for developing implantable brain–computer interfaces.

“Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence”-Elon Musk

Neuralink introduces Concept of Brain-Machine interfacing as a way of supporting people with severe brain injuries, as way of communicating as well as a way to overcome obstacles that can come from Deep AI. The brain will be linked with tiny electrodes, which will then in return help us merge with software and keep up with the advancements in artificial intelligence.As for the communication, the brain will be biologically connected to the internet.
How this computer and brain merging process works can be visualized in few examples. There are already inventions which enable people to play computer games controlled by mind, robotics arms controlled by mind. The next step of the process is to make things faster than the usual. Assume a typing process, Here the rate at which an ordinary person can type is about 40 words per minute. But our mind works much faster than that, if we are able control the process of typing with the text-editor with mind, typing will no longer troublesome to you. According to Musk

“If I were to communicate a concept to you, you would essentially engage in consensual telepathy,”

That simply means this will be a new approach for our method of communication, humans will no longer tend to have verbal or written communication.

Questions rise, the concept has pros and cons. Questions are like what do we call to a Brain-Machine interface, Is that a machine or is that a human ?. The brain is the core of our cognition and the natural evolution process took it around 200,000 years for the modern human to evolve. But the concept of merging biological intelligence and digital intelligence is far more like we going beyond the natural. As the brain will be biologically connected to the internet, Are we safe in there ?. How the individual privacy in ensured. Will we be able to live in another person’s body, is the concept of BMI a real solution for the emergence of general artificial intelligence ?

For now, we are in a point which we can not anticipate. Brain-Computer interfacing can be regarded as the next step in human evolution in which the outcome is unforeseeable until it happens.



Piyumi Rameshka

Undergraduate of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Moratuwa