Parallel Magazine
parallel magazine
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2015


by James C.


is something that comes in numerous forms to different people. Everyone falls in love at some point in their lives. To some, love may be something that enriches their daily lives. To others, love might be a memory filled with melancholy. Regardless of what one’s experience is with love, it teaches a good life lesson.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone, but they didn’t love you back? Or perhaps you are in love with somebody right now, and you feel as though they will never love you back? Well… you guessed it. It is a one-sided love. It’s never a good feeling to love someone then to not be loved back; a sort of a give-and-not-take situation. Is there a way to painlessly get over such love?

As you give off little hints, frustration overtakes you as the other person seems to be the most oblivious person in the entire world. Unrequited love is painful when going through it—but once it is past, you might be able to treasure it as a lovely memory.

A very mature solution may be to practice unconditional love — appreciating the fact that the person you love is happy. If they are happy with someone else, then perhaps they’ll be better off with that person. Without a doubt, this is a very difficult thing to do. We can become bitter or even envious of the person standing next to the one we love. Even still, if one truly wishes for the happiness of their loved one, then it stands as a possible and considerate solution.

Another way to get over someone you love would be to distance yourself from them. The less you see them, the less it hurts. Eventually, you will be able to slowly deviate away from them. This will be difficult to do — we get attached to the people we love, so it may be hard to put them aside in our lives. Even so, trying to detach yourself from your loved one will help in getting over the feelings you have inside. If you texted them every day before, try to text them every few days now. If you ate lunch with them every day, try to decrease the number of times you guys eat together. Small things like that can help you detach yourself from someone quicker, so that it hurts less for you.

With every love, we grow and learn new things. See it not as a misery; but as a bliss that you will be able to treat the next love with a more mature self than before.

