vim-markdown-runner and a Notes Based Workflow

Dan Bridges
Parallel Thinking
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2020

I recently wrote a simple vim plugin, vim-markdown-runner, to complement my markdown notes based project workflow. In this post I want to go into a few more details on this workflow and show how its simplicity is surprisingly powerful.

vim-markdown-runner in action

Overall Structure

I store all of my note files in a single root directory in Dropbox. This allows me to easily view and edit the notes from a mobile device. This root directory structure mirrors my home directory, which allows me to associate project file paths with their note file. For instance if I have a project in ~/projects/side-projects/my-project the associated note file is located at ~/Dropbox/notes/projects/side-projects/

I then create a symlink .notefile in the original project folder that points to the full Dropbox based path. The reason for creating the symlink is twofold: (i) to allow for quick viewing of a file from within the project directory, and (ii) so that when editing a file vim remains in the project folder, so things like ctrlp searching still work as expected (instead of accidentally searching the notes folder).

I added a few functions and a :Notes command to my .vimrc to create or open the associated note file for my current working directory.

Notes() does the heavy lifting. If a .notefile is already present it simply opens it. If there is not a .notefile it runs NotesInitNew() which checks if the associated Dropbox file exists. If the file doesn’t exist in Dropbox yet it creates the correct directory structure, then creates a new markdown file already populated with a title based on the final directory name. Finally, the .notefile symlink is created, then opened.

Inside a Note File

Inside a typical note file I’ll have the usual lists of todos, random meeting notes and other routine items, but the true power comes from vim-markdown-runner which allows me to have interactive playgrounds, project specific scripts, and a basic API client detailing a projects routes, replacing Postman or Paw.


During development I am often troubleshooting or verifying a small piece of code, having a simple playground greatly facilitates this.

## Playground```go
import pandas as pd

With vim-markdown-runner I can place my cursor in either of those code blocks and execute them. The correct language/environment will be automatically detected, and in the case of Go some additional steps are performed to add a main() and run goimports.


I will often have project specific scripts that are not really worth putting in their own files. I can run those with vim-markdown-runner as well:

## Scripts```
get_name() {
echo "Dan"
echo "You are $(get_name)"

If no language is specified in the code block vim-markdown-runner will run it with whatever $SHELL is set to.

API Client

Within web development projects I have an Endpoints section in my note file, as a simple replacement for Postman and the like. These are just httpie commands, but it allows me to easily catalog and re-run common routes:

## Endpoints```
http localhost:3000/api/todos
http POST localhost:3000/api/todos title=Stuff

As you can see there are a variety of powerful use cases that vim-markdown-runner handles. It is also very configurable, so you should be able to adjust it to your own needs.



Dan Bridges
Parallel Thinking

Software developer at Beezwax Datatools and former researcher in Physics & Neuroscience.