
Adam A. Neal
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2015

The world of the paranormal has been part of human life since the beginning of recorded history.

For anyone new to this type of reading, or if you prefer a brief introduction, read the following short section — Psi Basics.


1. What is “psi” and is it different from “psychic?”

*Psi is the term for anything related to receiving information outside the five external senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Psychic is just the word that describes this type of experience.

Asking someone, “Are you a psychic?” is really asking if they practice receiving this information as a part of their daily life — either for personal growth or for work. We are all psychic to some extent. Some of us receive psychic information more often than others, and some more strongly than others. But it is not as if some people have the ability and some people do not. Every living being has the ability to some extent.

2. What is “parapsychology?”

*Parapsychology is the academic discipline that studies experiences of psi. The prefix “Para-” means “alongside.” The word parapsychology was coined in the late 19th century as a way to explain psychological events that occurred alongside normal experience but seemed to come from a non-external sense. This has also been called a “Sixth Sense.” Another term for the field is called “Transpersonal Psychology,” which literally means psychological experience that transcends the individual yet directly affects them.

“Paranormal” is a term meaning “alongside the normal.” I happen to disagree with the term, which is why I named the site after it to reclaim the word. Perceiving energy as spooky or evil is a barrier to our understanding, and the media uses this fear as its basis for creating programs that distance us from it rather than helping us embrace it. There is no “paranormal” — it is just plain normal.

3. I really want to believe in all this stuff, and I’ve had some experiences, but I just keep hearing from people:

“Uh, there’s no proof it exists.”

This oft-stated one-liner is spouted off by many, but it is not true. First of all, proof is in the eye of the beholder — and if you ask them to prove concretely that they love another person, the argument stops there. Psi, like love, is an experience — it is not a black and white process. You can not “prove” anything in a social science, just as you can not “prove” anything in artistic creation. You can only observe, experiment, and analyze.

There have been hundreds of studies to validate the existence of psychic exchanges. These studies have not taken place in the woods, in dark alleys, with crystal balls on the beach, or in the dorms of stoned college students. They have taken place at many of the world’s top academic institutions and experimental facilities.

In any branch of science, “proof” is dictated by statistics. Statistically speaking, an experiment seeking to observe an effect is considered successful if the results are “statistically significant,” meaning there is a much greater possibility than chance that the observed effect is meaningful. If you’re the type who needs “proof,” start reading a peer-reviewed journal such as the Journal of Parapsychology. There are infinite arguments, but anyone who takes the time to research open-mindedly will be convinced by the wealth of data performed by highly qualified scientists and academics.

4. What is a “medium?” Is it the same thing as a “psychic?”

*A medium is a person with the ability to receive psychic information from a discarnate being — AKA, a “dead” person or animal. All mediums have psychic ability, but not all psychics have strong mediumship ability. Everyone has every ability to some extent, but someone who is a medium has a pronounced ability to communicate with the spirit (or, if that word does not work for you — energy) world.

5. How do I know if I’m psychic?

*You are. Every time you have an errant thought and it “coincidentally” comes true later on in your conscious experience — that is a psychic experience. This happens all the time in more ways than we may even be aware. The difference between someone who is a world-renowned psychic for a living and someone who has only experienced psychic information once or twice is the same difference as someone who is a piano prodigy at five-years-old and someone who spends their life practicing to reach that level. Some are meant to have a more intrinsic ability, and some are meant to practice more to attain it. It is essential to understand that psychic experience has nothing to do with delusion, fraud, or misunderstanding. It is simply a normal, human experience that everyone on Earth has had or will have at one time or another.

Here you will find articles, insights, and stories related to these themes.

Original stage work: WEGO

WEGO is an exploration of those “inexplicable” incidents that happen to us all at various stages of life — and yet exist in an atmosphere of doubt, shame, confusion, and denial.

After his teenage son Evan drowns and is subsequently revived, Harry must journey through his beliefs about what it means to live, to love, to die, and to almost die. Through the guidance of his sister Dawn, a practicing parapsychologist, and Dr. Lu, a therapist with her own enigmatic experience, Harry begins to question his own concept of what death means and how our treatment of death can change our lives.

If you or someone you know is involved in the theatre and would like to review the script, kindly send a query to Paranormalyte at, and I shall respond as soon as possible.

Originally published at on January 6, 2013.



Adam A. Neal

Adam A. Neal, writer/editor/educator/director/performer and psychic practitioner, exploring the practical side of “paranormal” experience.