
The Man Who Discovered the Afterlife

A Summary of “Journeys Out of the Body” by Robert Monroe (1971)

Published in
30 min readNov 22, 2023


In our society, dreams are often dismissed as unimportant. Yet, many people claim to have had experiences during sleep that felt real. For example, someone may describe flying over a city. Such experiences, known as out-of-body experiences, challenge our understanding of consciousness. While scientists have largely ignored Out of body experiences, it is clear that these experiences are real to those who have them.

Out of body experiences are a universal human experience. They often occur by accident during illness, emotional stress, or sleep. The experience challenges beliefs about the soul and survival after death. They can be enjoyable or frightening, and in rare cases, Out of body experiences appear to describe real life events.

The story you are about to hear in this video is extremely rare — a firsthand account of hundreds of Out of body experiences by Robert A. Monroe. In laboratory studies, Monroe attempted to produce Out of body experiences while hooked up to instruments measuring physiological functions. As we proceed in this exploration, I would advise you not to dismiss Mr. Monroe, and to approach his experiences with an open-mind.

By the way, I’m now publishing all of my book summaries under the publication Paraphilosophy. I’d really appreciate it…




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