Catching Up with Paras #4

Paras Media
Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2021

There goes another week in Paras. After a long event of Paras Lunar New Year, we are back to our usual week filled with a variety of new collections by our artists. This week, we are talking about magnificent new collections and the first of many to come.

Paras is also showing remarkable progress this week. Our sales volume is around $8033 with 410 transactions. There are 162 new-minted cards in Paras. This number is a huge leap compared to last week’s. We hope that we manage to surpass this for the following weeks. We owe this achievement to our artists and collectors.

If you do not have the time to check on the new cards, do not worry as we pick several collections that you might want to look at. Of course, there are more cards on our platform, and we always suggest you surf and pull the gem out yourself.

Without further ado, Let’s start!

Sight of Seaworld

Left to Right: Scout Octopus, The SABER OCTOPUS, The Hidden Gems

Sanindwhalecrypto introduces us to the terror of the sea; a glimpse of the world that we cannot unsee. The artist manages to create three distinctive characters from a single animal that is worthy of praise. The artist is also notorious to include the NEAR logo in every collection that he has made so far. The concept meshes well together.

The collection is consists of three new cards such as The Hidden Gems, The SABER OCTOPUS, and Scout Octopus. The collection is called the “Seaworld Monster”. Be cautious, as this is not the Seaworld where we bring kids to. This is something else entirely. Go grab yours!

NEAR Tribute

Left to Right: “Jim Morrisonis watching”, “can’t hide you, the rock the cried”, “like a dream come alive, incredible”

Ooakosimo is entering Paras with a tribute to Near. With the release of “Jim Morrison is watching”, the artist follows it up with “can’t hide you, the rock cried out” and “like a dream come alive, incredible..” as an attempt to fulfill the artist’s proposal in sputnikDAO.

If you like the Doors, you might want to cop one of them. If you are interested in pop music, one of the cards includes lyrics from a famous pop singer. Go get yourself a piece of the meme master!

Astrological Anomalies

Left to Right: The Lines on her skin (FOIL), The Lines on her skin, Into the Maelstrom FOIL, Into the Maelstrom

Terralens brings superb storytelling along with the arts. Astrological Anomalies is such an interesting collection to dive yourself into. The collection consists of two “The Line on her skin”, and two “Into the Malestrom”. The artist creates the FOIL version and also engraves different descriptions.

If you are interested in a hint of a tragic story, “The Lines on her Skin” is definitely for you. For you, Lovecraftian lover out there, “Into the Maelstrom” might be something that you are after. The tale as old as time; man versus unknown power. Go get yourself one of Terralens’ collections.

Art Cards

Left to Right: Time trap, Rest, Study of time, Rest 2

Pen drawing is appearing in Paras. Jopetarias releases a collection created through traditional drawing by using ballpoint pen on cardboard. Art Cards, the collection, consists of four cards such as, Time trap, Study of time, Rest, and Rest 2. It seems like time is the main theme of the collection. A fine art this collection is. If you love classic pen drawing art, you need to get it as soon as possible. Do not waste time as the description of the card says:

Time can be a tricky subject. Sometimes it is an illusion, most of the time it is an inevitable reality. Time can be your mistress, your closest friend… but it can also consume you without knowing it. You can use time or it will use you…

First of Many

First of many is about artist who released a first card for a collection. We hope that they can continue on working on the next part of this particular collection. First of many is a wish for many to come.

Left to Right: Laws of Motion, Alex DeLarge is on the Paras platform, Elon Munk

Alinaloseva brings out a new collection called Mathematics is the Universe’s tool. Laws of Motion is the first card released under that banner. It is filled with color with mathematics equations as its detail. If you believe that everything can be described through maths, this card is definitely for you.

Audemar-p introduces Alex DeLarge, the protagonist in A Clockwork Orange to Paras. Not only a fan of Beethoven but also it turns out that Alex is falling in love with CryptoArt in its many forms. “Alex DeLarge is on the Paras platform” is a part of the Unique Art Card collection. There’s only one Alex DeLarge and it might be there just for you.

Iotha releases Elon Munk under Tranquil Permutations collection. What is interesting about this card is the description inscribed.

日光之下并无新事 (There is nothing new under the sun)

Unlike the inscription, we hope that Iotha will continue to bring something new to Paras.

That’s all for this week’s recap. How do you feel about these releases? If you manage to grab them, don’t forget to mention them to the artist. Remember, there are more collections to come. There will be more artists to look out for. Cheers!

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