Moving Forward

Rahmat Albariqi
Paras Media
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2020
Paras v2

It’s been a while.

In the past few months, we have been doing research and development for the new Paras. We started our Alpha Testnet in July and got various responses from our users. We interview some of our alpha users and learn from our past programs to develop this new version of Paras.

From the data we gathered, we finally decided to make Paras more focused on the artists. Our 2nd memory grant titled Artprentice receives better traction compared to the other event, which makes us believe this might be the best niche to pursue.

Artprentice Event

We interviewed a few artists from the alpha phase, and the thing that they all wanted was to find a new stream of income from their art skills. We try to match this problem from the artists with what the crypto and blockchain space currently have, and we found that NFT (Non-Fungible Token) could be the solution.

Blockchain allows artists to tokenize their works and sell them in just a few clicks in the form of NFT, a verifiable digital scarcity, and digital ownership. Currently, there is already some big NFT marketplace, such as Rarible and SuperRare. In the sea of sameness, we might not survive. We need a differentiation strategy.

We choose to only focus on a single thing, Digital Art Card.

A Card is an engaging medium. In 1997, a conceptual art project initiated by the Swiss artist M. Vänçi Stirnemann made the first debut of Art Trading Cards (ATCs). The ease for artists to express their creativity makes ATC grow in popularity. Don’t forget the trading cards market is massive, from sports cards to collectible card games, from baseball to Pokemon.

Digital art cards are already prominent in the NFT space, and a more focused marketplace for digital art cards is needed to cater to this growth. The collectors can easily keep track of their card collection on a provable blockchain system, and artists that can express their creativity in a new way and also generate a new stream of income.

For collectors, you can join the waiting list on our website, and some lucky collectors will receive free card on the launch day as part of the genesis collection.

For artists, apply now and we will be happy to talk with you and guide you into this crypto-space.

We are still building on NEAR for a better user experience, cheaper transaction fees, and faster confirmation time. Stay tuned. We will be launching in December 2020.

