This Week’s Picks from Parasol Pubs

Our weekly recommendations from the Parasol Team

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Parasol Publications
7 min readMay 12, 2024


Vidya Sury, against purple umbrellas. by dgh

When I was five and was busy dazzling my family with my mastery of the English alphabet, sketching, and writing photo stories, my mom asked me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I said, “Artist.” Soon I added writer, rockstar, teacher, and a few more titles I had the privilege to become.

I believe the secret that fueled my dreams was the massive library we had at home. Our ancestral home that housed our joint family was a sprawling bungalow with two outhouses — all set amidst lovingly tended gardens. There was an entire floor in the house dedicated to books. I need hardly mention that it was a family of well-read voracious bookworms.

Our library had rows and rows of ceiling-high shelves with books. There was seating. The huge window sills were my favorite where I could settle with a book or look out of the window and dream. And dream I did.

Reading expands our minds and brings diverse perspectives. Even as I worshipped the printed (and spoken) word, I soaked up the knowledge I gained. And eventually, after living almost every role I dreamed of, I settled into my favorite, as a writer.



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Parasol Publications

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts