đź“ş Around the Block | Episode 3 | The Pot of Gold at the End of the Chain

On moneyness, mining, ICOs and the pursuit of value in cryptoland.

3 min readOct 18, 2018


🎬 Episode 3: The Pot of Gold at the End of the Chain

Want to understand how the hell this relates to mining? Check the episode!

The 1st episode of Around the Block (“Genesis Block”) showed us bitcoin was not the first attempt of creating digital money, but rather the convergence of trends that trace back a couple of decades.

The 2nd episode, “Scars of Consensus” shines light on stuff that happened after the consolidation of Bitcoin… and the dispersion of part of its community into a series of different initiatives. In particular, we focus on Ethereum, and the adventures it’s been through since its birth.

The 3rd episode, “The Pot of Gold at the End of the Chain”, explores moneyness, mining, ICOs and the pursuit of value in cryptoland. It’s the second to last episode in our series.

Value creation is a topic I’ve always been fascinated about. Out there, one will find enough biased portraits of mining, “energy consumption”, scammyness, and “unethical value capture”, regarding our industry. We sought to offer a neutral, yet provoking, panorama.

(For a previous objective dive into these topics as it applies to tokens, see: )

🎥 An announcement

For those who’ll be at the Web3 Summit by the Web3 Foundation, next week, we’ll present a wrap up of the series, in ~1hr, with the material released so far and more. That marks the end of the season for the Around the Block series. We’re looking forward to the next and final chapter :)

Funkhaus’ Studio 1: where the Around the Block wrap-up will be premiered, on October 22.

đź”— Around the Block

Around the Block is an episodical panorama of the decentralisation movement fuelled in part by cryptocurrencies. Made of over twenty five interviews, it was filmed by an independent Brazilian crew between May 2017 and August 2018, in Berlin, SĂŁo Paulo, New York, Rio de Janeiro and Cancun.

Among the interviewees, you’ll find names such as Sergio Demian Lerner(RSK Labs); Gavin Wood (Parity Technologies); zooko Wilcox (ZCash); Omar Bham (the Crypt0 of YouTube); Fernando Ulrich (Crypto Voices); Simon de la Rouviere (ConsenSys); Charlie Shrem and Anthony Di Iorio (Jaxx); Ashley Tyson (Web3 Foundation), Alex Van de Sande (ethereum) and more.

Around the Block interviewees.

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Paratii is an open source R&D lab that develops peer-to-peer video technologies.

