Paratii Review #8 — Collectible tsunami, ETHDenver, monstrous pre-sales

Curated thoughts on cryptoland and development updates on Paratii.

4 min readMar 1, 2018


ETHDenver shaked the Ethereum community in February and brought to life peculiar projects, such as the Cellarius “transmedia universe”, by Consensys. Cryptocollectibles remain on the crest of the wave as ERC721 and other standards for non-fungible tokens converge. Telegram’s 2-rounded >U$1B pre-sale raised flags and has put big pre-market allocations under serious questioning.

The most expensive piece there was Vitalik’s CryptoCelebrity card, for ~124 ETH.

🃏 Marketplaces for crypto collectibles might be on the verge of a cambrian explosion.

Dappboard already shows 6 collectible-related dApps on the top 30 of its activity ranking (CryptoKitties = nº1). As of today, all dApps in the 30º-40º range are related to collectible games. Open Sea is a great marketplace for such assets, and we foresee development in the field picking up pace, along the next months.

🏆 ETHDenver was hailed as one of the most intense Ethereum hackathons ever.

Worth reading: an overview with some of the products created, and a deep-dive into some of the winners. For a broad illustrated recap, peak at this piece by Steve McKie, of Amentum. All videos of the event are here.

📊 The State of the Token Market.

Still one of the most well-crafted and comprehensive panoramas of tokenland for 2018. By TokenData, Fabric Ventures and a bunch of contributors. Nathan Sexer’s State of Decentralised Exchanges, 2018 is a complimentary read.

💸 The Future of Ethereum Doesn’t Have Wallets.

Taylor Monahan, who recently parted away from MyEtherWallet, shares her vision for frictionless user-blockchain interactions.

💥 The Web Began Dying in 2014, Here’s How.

Seminal text by André Staltz, recently complemented by “A Plan to Rescue the Web from the Internet” (which is as good as the first).

Making sense of Ethereum’s layer 2 scaling solutions.

Josh Stark, from L4 Ventures, discusses scaling challenges and alternatives for Ethereum. Weeks after, the SpankChain team achieved important milestones on their state channels’ implementation.

Part of the Paratii crew in ETHDenver (Alex, Jelle, Ben)

Original Content & Community

💻 We got a new brand and website.

Delight yourself at

The new

🇧🇷 Join our Telegram group.

It’s already >200 members strong and growing daily. Free Portuguese lessons available. For the English-speaking only, join [ENG] Paratii.

📡 What if 0x could be used for decentralised real-time bidding advertising?

An exploration of ZEIP18 and the opportunities it brings to pair viewers with advertisers scalably and under preset conditions.

🎥We had our first “round table call” with early uploaders (a beta group of creators).

The talk is recorded for those who couldn’t attend and want to pick up with the discussions within the community.

Development Status & Team Updates

📺 Player 0.0.2 and an uploader tool.

The refactored Paratii player (0.0.2) we’ve been working on for the last couple months is getting closer to a public release. Behind the curtains, we’re also testing a tool built to help creators (and, later on, publishers) onboard the system. It’s public opening schedule will come out in the following weeks.

“Uploader tool” under tests.

👪 Team retreat.

Most of the team is together in Brazil, for a month of work focused on shipping to beta-testers, improving development experience, and exploring mechanisms behind PTI token distribution.

📋 New Documentation

We got fresh documentation on the Paratii Index (a Mongo mirror of relevant on-chain data for videos). The same goes for the paratii.core API, which can be used, for now, to write/read/query basic metadata on users and videos.

🌅 Paratii’s Advisory Board is taking shape.

Eduardo Tibiriçá and Flavio Ribeiro have joined us to help advance our ties with the industry and the video performance achieved on the player, respectively. A formal announcement is coming soon.

💌 Stay tuned for updates! Also, please call friends who you think would be interested to subscribe to this newsletter :)




Decentralised video, before it went mainnet.