Next chapter: Announcing our $2.5M Raise

Anubhav Girdhar
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2021

We’re stoked to share that we’ve raised a $2.5M Seed Round led by Dragonfly Capital with strategic investments from Scalar Capital, A Capital, Compound, Consensys, 6th Man Ventures, Cooper Turley, Leighton Cusack and Ryan Sean Adams amongst many others.

It’s such a special moment for us in our mission to build a fluid treasury management network for DAOs.

We’d like to make use of this opportunity to share some brief thoughts on how we got here, what the raise means, and what’s next for us.

How we got here

It all started with pain points we saw DAOs facing daily, across the board. Where others saw obstacles, we saw opportunities. The solution eventually became Parcel: a seamless platform built to simplify people management, payments, and collaboration in one place. Now, we’ve helped more than 40 DAOs to run payroll, disburse grants and airdrops with mass payouts of over $8M.

The Raise

Our seed round marks the next chapter for Parcel to build a network for treasury management to help DAOs with diversification, token buybacks and capital efficiency through automated asset allocation strategies.

It’s a cause for celebration; however, the journey has just begun. Armed with our speed, agile team, and ability to adapt, we’ve been able to quickly become the best. We’re excited about what the future holds and how we can grow by focusing on accelerated development and some key areas with this funding round.

Looking Forward

So far, we’ve been able to deliver on a seamless payout platform for DAOs but it’s just the beginning for us on this exciting journey. We’ll be sharing more about our plans to launch the network very soon.

We can’t wait for what’s next, and we couldn’t have done it without our beta partners, our mentors from Gitcoin Kernel and Tachyon by Consensys. So thank you, thank you to everyone!

Last, we’re growing the team. We work remotely and want to keep hiring the best technical and non-technical talent around the world. Talk to us!

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