Simplifying Crypto Payroll — at scale

Anubhav Girdhar
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2020
Crypto payroll is a headache as team scales

Having received our salaries in crypto for over a year, We realised running crypto payroll is a headache, regardless of the size of the business.

The present process involves wallets and services that are not designed to run crypto payroll leading to inefficient, expensive and manual management of payouts. As a result of which, founders/CFOs spend about 15 business days each year to run crypto payroll instead of growing their business.

Crypto payroll lacks a crypto native payroll experience

The ground reality is that crypto payroll cannot scale with existing inefficient tools because of the following problems

  • Time Consuming — Keeping track of salaries, individual payouts, manual accounting is a tedious process
  • Expensive Fees — Individual payouts means individual transaction fees for each employee which could be as high as $100 considering the high gas prices lately
  • Error Prone Accounting — Manual Bookkeeping poses a looming risk of financial losses when reporting for financial records or statements to regulators
  • Data Centralisation — Data stored on centralised servers are prone to data breaches and hacks which could result in heavy penalties and fines

Dawn of a crypto native payroll experience

Crypto Payroll crafted to save time and money as you scale

Crypto Payroll must be crafted to save time so founders can focus on building a better workplace and growing their business.

  • One Click Mass PayoutsPay all team members in their preferred tokens with a single transaction.
  • Cost Efficient Transactions — Batch payments for significantly cheaper transactions.
  • Automated Recurring Payments — Seamlessly automate your payroll so you never have to worry about paydays for employees.
  • Integrated Accounting — Seamless bookkeeping with CSV exports and integrations with existing industry standard tools like quickbooks.
  • Data Privacy Built in data privacy on top of distributed database viz. IPFS and Filecoin.

Who are we?

Parcel is simplifying crypto payroll and treasury management with built in data privacy on top of Gnosis Safe, IPFS and Filecoin. Our hope is to bring a fundamental change in crypto payroll. We couldn’t be more excited to announce we are coming out of stealth very soon.

Sign up for early access

We look forward to hearing your suggestions and feedbacks as we refine the experience. You can find us on telegram, twitter and email.

Simplifying Crypto Payroll and Treasury Management

