Here Comes The Queen

Siddhi Kulkarni, mother and blogger speaks her mind on the little joys of motherhood — free from judgement, fear and full of unconditional love.

Team Parent Connect
Parent Connect
4 min readMay 11, 2021


“A is for Apple, B is for Ball, C is for….” I read aloud to my two-year-old daughter, pointing to the pretty pictures in her ABC book. She was actually more interested in the pictures than my ABC lecture to be honest, but she was enjoying it. Slowly, we reached up to the letter Q; and there on the book, was an animated picture of a beautiful queen. Q is for Queen. The queen was wearing a pretty pink evening gown, she had long golden hair, and her eyes were a gorgeous blue.

My daughter looked at this picture. She took the book in her hands and looked hard again. Then she looked up at me and said, “It’s you, Mumma. Q is for Mumma!”

Aaah how I blushed! I literally turned pink and giggled, like a teenager getting complimented by the cutest guy in her class! I smiled a big broad smile and scooped her in my arms to plant a kiss on those chubby cheeks. I didn’t even have the heart to tell her that ‘Q is not for Mumma’.

Now let me tell you for a fact that I am in no way, even remotely as beautiful as the queen in that book. Especially that particular day, I had been so busy cooking, cleaning, working, and running after my ping pong of a daughter, that I hadn’t even had time for a bath! I had dark circles under my eyes from not getting enough sleep and a prominent red zit on my forehead. As opposed to the pretty pink evening gown, I was in an old tee and shorts, and my oily messy hair was clumsily tied up in a bun (nowhere close to the flowing golden tresses the queen in the book had).

But oh, these wonderful, tiny, silly little moments! Make you feel so blessed to be a mommy!

You may be fat; you may be thin. You may not be the prettiest; you might be plain. But for your little ones, you are THE most important, THE most beautiful, and THE most intelligent person in the whole wide world. You are their Queen! (Well at least till they become teenagers and start getting embarrassed by you.)

There are days when I feel completely down in the dumps. Absolutely demotivated and dejected, I feel as if I am doing everything wrong! But then this little bunny of mine comes hopping over, climbs onto my lap, and cuddles up against me. The look of absolute adoration and adulation she gives me… Aaaah! The next string of thoughts that flow through my head changes my mood completely. “Maybe I have done something right if she loves me so much! Maybe I’m not all that useless. C’mon time to get my cribbing bum off the sofa!” One game of Doctor-Doctor with my daughter, and I’m back in my cheerful, I-can-do anything mood!

That’s motherhood! It’s scary. It’s difficult. It’s physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. But it is the best-darned thing in the world!

Of all the countless times when being a mum feels like a thankless job, simple moments like these make it all worth it!

You’ll get a lot of love from your partner, your parents, and your friends. But what you get from your little one, is something completely different.

Especially when they are scared, sick, or in pain, they need nobody else but their mommies. When my daughter was just over a year old, she developed a cold for the first time. She couldn’t sleep peacefully through the night because of her clogged-up nose, and all through the day she was letting out tiny little ‘Aachoo’s’. The poor dear was miserable. And I was a clueless, nervous wreck! I took her to my mom’s, who is quite calm and composed through such situations. “I need someone experienced to handle her now. Mom will make her feel better.” I thought. But to my surprise, my little one insisted on being with me! All through the day she lay on my lap — sometimes sleeping, sometimes simply lying there. I was confused, “But I don’t know what to do, I’m so new at all this! What home remedies to use, what position to hold her in when she is coughing, or what I should feed her right now. She should feel more comfortable and better with you!” My mother smiled, “A child doesn’t need someone experienced to help them when they are not ok,” she explained, “they need their mother. That’s it. Your daughter feels the safest and most comforted when she is with you!”

I realized I didn’t have to be perfect for my kid to love me. Neither did I need to know everything. She still wanted me.

Nobody teaches a child to love his mother. It’s the purest, most innocent form of love ever! And that according to me, is the biggest reward of Motherhood!

We normally celebrate Mother’s Day by thanking our Mommies for everything they have done for us. But this Mother’s Day, I want to thank my little daughter for giving me one of the most priceless gifts ever! The feeling of being a Queen in her eyes — the most important and beautiful person in the world!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommies out there! Sparkle and Shine ladies — you are all Queens! And thank you my little Princess — I am because you are!

This article was originally posted on Parent Connect! To get more insights on parenting and win a photo-album, sign up here.

