4 Reasons Wordle is the most Innovative BabyTech in 2018!

And why you should vote for it here!

Mubarak Marafa
Parent Labs
5 min readDec 26, 2017


Wordle is the most advanced device and a platform to monitor child’s learning environment

If you’re a parent, then you know the multitude of questions you have about raising the tiny human in your home to be a valuable member of society.

Should I be speaking to my baby more?

Am I using to much baby talk?

Do I say “No” too much?

What language should I be speaking?

Should my baby be speaking already?

We created Wordle to help parents better understand the learning environment around their child and save time on finding educational content that is best for their unique child. We use technology to take a little bit of the guess work out of raising an smart and emotionally intelligent child.

Today, we are excited to announce that we were selected as a finalist in the Best of BabyTech 2018 Awards!

The online voting is open now and we would like to ask you for support. But first — we want to give you 4 reasons for doing so!

1. It’s the first!

Wordle is the first mobile platform for parents that monitors key indicators of baby’s early development and uses mobile technology to bring some of the most inspiring and educational content right into the hands of parents!


The Learn-O-Meter! In order to simplify decades of research into what makes babies thrive, we created the “Learn-O-Meter” score, which is a dynamic and simple index that parents use to understand the quality of the learning environment of their little ones.

The Learn-O-Meter!

Based on the Learn-O-Meter, Wordle learns about each user’s parenting style and the baby’s unique development to provide personalised advice and activity ideas to best support baby’s growth.

2. It helps families — and the society

You know how we always say “Children are our best hope for the future”?

Well, we decided to do something about it! Did you know that Nobel Prize -winning economist James J. Heckman found out that for every for every $1 invested in a child’s development now, we get $13 return on investment in the future?

Read more about the Heckman Equation here!

Investing in your child’s development in the critical 0–5 window of age will not only benefit them in the future but also help increase the human capital in the society!

With Wordle, we are embarking on a bigger mission of creating tools that make it simple to quantify the positive impact of early childhood interventions more accurately and increase the level of private and public investment into the skills and wellbeing of our next generation.

“for every $1 invested in early childhood education support, there is a $13 return on investment”

To achieve this, we are working with NGOs, researchers and educators, in order to drive social impact — with a special focus on interventions in the low-income communities to close the so-called Thirty Million Words Gap. (what’s this?)

Fortunately, the solution is simple — just speak to your baby more!

Wordle exists to help parents check if they’re on the right track and how to best stimulate their child’s growth.

3. It evolves with the baby

You might still be wondering — how will Wordle keep up with how fast a baby is changing between years 0–5?

We designed Wordle through iterations of over 100 interviews with parents, with a goal to make it the most portable and adaptable as possible.

You can start as early as possible and use Wordle in its docked mode, as your baby sleeps in their crib. Even though they are not talking, their brains are already working hard on absorbing all you say to them and what happens around them. Did you know that their brains form up to 700 neurons per second?

When your child gets on their feet you can undock it and carry it around. Bath time? No problem, Wordle is waterproof, you can just pick up the pod and bring it with you! Going out for a picnic? Slip Wordle onto your baby bag and take it with you.

We know that parenting is a full-time job — that’s why we wanted Wordle to help parents save time in their down time too.

Stop scrolling on Google, searching for songs to sing, or reading theoretical articles on baby brain development. Wordle collects the most relevant facts and ideas in one place for parents — just open the app and explore the content recommended for you!

4. And finally — It works!

Did we mention that Wordle’s educational impact is backed by research?

We have just completed an academic study with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology where our the babies of parents who had full access to our platform reported an increase of 30% in their receptive language skills!

We discovered that parents who had access to the quantified feedback about how many words they speak to their baby and received tips and activity ideas to stimulate their child, spent more time interacting with their little ones and spoke more words to them.

We are just completing the white paper about the results of the study and the state of Quantified Education — if you’d like to receive it for free once its published, go ahead on drop your email here!

Thank you so much for reading! If you think what Wordle does is meaningul, please help support us in the online voting for the Best of BabyTech Awards 2018!


Click to vote

Also visit www.oyalabs.com and follow us on Instagram at oya_labs 👶 to keep up with our Wordle updates!

