Do You Know the Way to San Jose?

A poem and a tiny comic

CM Evans
(parenthetical note)


Copyright © 2021.4 CM Evans

I think about you all the time

Every time I think about you
it wears away a little bit at the memory itself

Because you are no longer here
the recollections are not replaced with new ones

So you are finite now

I keep remembering you
and eventually there will be nothing left

Like how ice melts into water

Then the water evaporates too

Sad about this, then giddy
how someday I won’t even know you were here

By remembering
I am gradually eroding whatever ghost remains

Every trace of you is gone

I’ll have that in my head too

There’s no way to hold onto anything
good or bad

San Jose / Oakland
July 11 2014



CM Evans
(parenthetical note)

CM Evans is a cartoonist, illustrator, and writer. He does all his writing and most important work with a cane chair.