The Optical Illusion Was

CM Evans
(parenthetical note)
Apr 25, 2021


Poem and a comic, two bits

it rains
i play the accordion
i walk the unpaved road
people stop on their way to the lake
they roll down their windows
they smile and ask me to play happy birthday

i play
i’m playing my dreams
playing into the past into the future
i’m not here in the body or this instrument
there’s no afternoon or road or gently falling rain
no happy birthday tune no people enjoying the song

we’re all
discovering over
and over again a grand illusion
one that is as amazing as it is heartbreaking
loving it is like an afternoon with gently falling rain
on a road with mysterious persons meeting and parting


Eagle Lake
Late Summer 2017



CM Evans
(parenthetical note)

CM Evans is a cartoonist, illustrator, and writer. He does all his writing and most important work with a cane chair.