Surviving September: The Bliss Base Guide to School Bell Shenanigans

Ah, as the seasons turn and the school bells ring, so too do our chronicles evolve. Welcome to the inaugural installment of “The Bliss Base Chronicles,” formerly known as “The Laughter Lodge Chronicles.” Though the name has changed, fear not! The spirit of navigating the whirlwinds of parenting with humor and wit remains unaltered. And today, we face the Great “Back to School” Caper.

Ah, yes, September at Bliss Base brings a blend of joy, freedom, and existential questions like, “How many ways can a child lose a pencil in a week?” Remember when Little Miss I-Can’t-Find-My-Socks teamed up with Captain I-Don’t-Want-to-Go-to-School? Oh, those were the days — or this morning, to be exact.

But in the grand tradition of Bliss Base, we’ve got your field guide to surviving this leafy season of learning. So grab your pumpkin spice latte, and let’s delve into our trusty bag of tricks:

The Morning Race: You loved it at Laughter Lodge, and you’ll love it at Bliss Base. Timers, prizes, and the sweet, sweet smell of victory in the morning. Socks? Found. Breakfast? Devoured. Bus? Caught.

The Homework Haven: Just like our cherished nooks at Laughter Lodge, Bliss Base offers a sacred “Homework Temple.” Yes, homework becomes an epic quest when you’re in your favorite superhero’s lair.

Lunchbox Lottery: Straight from the Laughter Lodge kitchen into Bliss Base, where the culinary lottery reigns supreme. Make your meal, and eat it too!

The School Bus Serenade: We’ve imported the same fun we had waiting for any event at Laughter Lodge. Yes, “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” is our latest chart-topper.

The Bedtime Book Brigade: Bliss Base’s library takes a page from Laughter Lodge’s love of literature. Who gets to choose tonight’s fantastical adventure? Spin the wheel to find out!

As the first autumn leaves carpet the grounds of Bliss Base, we remain your trusty companions in the zigzag journey of everyday parenting. Today it’s school jitters; tomorrow, who knows? One thing’s for sure: we’re in this together, my fellow Bliss Base adventurers.

Stay tuned for the next episode where we delve into the labyrinth that is the Parent-Teacher Conference. Over and out, brave hearts of Bliss Base!



Parenting hacks from the Bliss Base

No big stories, no big desires, just ordinary people wanting to make the parenting experience fun and enjoyable, bring the Happy Family momentum back to life!