The Way of the Sword

In the ever-evolving chapters of the Bliss Base Chronicles, a new story unfolded, one that danced to the rhythm of passion, culture, and the delicate art of balance. This chapter revolved around my little one, the vibrant soul with Asperger’s syndrome, whose journey led him from the pool’s embrace to the realm of Japanese swords and the discipline of Kendo.

For years, he had been enamored by the elegance of Japanese culture and the mystique of samurai swords. It was as if these ancient traditions spoke directly to his heart, and he longed to immerse himself in their world. And so, the fusion of his passion for Japan and swords birthed a new fervor in his life — Kendo.

As with all things, my little one approached Kendo with an intensity and dedication that was uniquely his own. His inner strength, unwavering focus, and natural athletic talent propelled him forward, and he quickly became a standout in the dojo. His sensei praised his exceptional technique, and it seemed that Kendo had found its prodigy.

But life, in its infinite wisdom, always presents challenges, even in the pursuit of one’s passions. In Kendo competitions against older opponents or his sensei, he displayed remarkable skill and fearlessness. His strikes were precise, and his spirit was unwavering. However, when pitted against peers his own age, a paradox emerged.

My little one’s deep empathy, a trait that was both beautiful and defining of his character, often clashed with the very essence of Kendo. The sport’s fundamental objective was to strike one’s opponent with precision and speed while adhering to the rules and traditions that governed it. Yet, his instinct to protect and never harm others overruled the core tenet of the sport.

In these moments, he struggled to reconcile his sense of empathy with the demands of the sport, his strikes falling short of the mark. He would pull his strikes, hesitating to deliver the decisive blow, for the fear of causing pain to his opponent.

As a parent, I found myself standing at a new crossroads, a juncture where nurturing his empathy and understanding of the world had to harmonize with the demands of his chosen path. It was a delicate balancing act, one that required him to step beyond his comfort zone and explore the depths of his own character.

My new challenge was to guide him through this intricate dance, where empathy and determination coexisted. It was an opportunity for growth, a journey of self-discovery that transcended the confines of the dojo. Together, we would navigate the terrain of rules, discipline, and empathy, forging a path that celebrated both the strength of his character and the art of Kendo.

Navigating my little one’s journey into the world of Kendo, I discovered valuable parenting lessons that I’d like to share:

Embrace Individuality: I quickly realized that my child’s approach to Kendo was uniquely influenced by his empathetic nature. As a parent, it’s essential to celebrate and nurture your child’s individuality, even when it challenges conventional norms. Recognize that their distinctive qualities are what make them special.

Encourage Open Communication: It became clear that open dialogue was essential in helping my little one overcome his challenges in Kendo. Encourage your child to express their thoughts, fears, and struggles. Be a patient listener and provide a safe space where they can articulate their feelings without judgment.

Support Their Growth: Balancing empathy with competition required time and support. Offer your child guidance and encouragement as they navigate their journey. Help them understand that growth often involves stepping out of their comfort zone and embracing new perspectives.

Teach Resilience: Kendo taught my child about resilience — the ability to face setbacks and keep moving forward. Encourage your child to persevere through challenges, reminding them that setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning.

Lead by Example: Lastly, remember that children often learn by observing. Model empathy, determination, and a growth mindset in your own life. Show them that embracing challenges and learning from them is a lifelong journey that applies to all aspects of life, not just their chosen pursuits.

In the Bliss Base Chronicles, this chapter illuminated the essence of our shared journey — a journey marked by resilience, growth, and the unwavering belief that, with empathy as our guide, we could overcome any challenge that lay before us.



Parenting hacks from the Bliss Base

No big stories, no big desires, just ordinary people wanting to make the parenting experience fun and enjoyable, bring the Happy Family momentum back to life!