Parenting Styles

jack mongan
Parenting Styles
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2019

Created by Jack Mongan

The topic I choose to talk about and publish is different parenting styles. The way a child is parented has a major effect on their development, social and emotional status. Their are many different types of parenting and all styles are approached differently. One style is authoritarian, this style revolves around obedience and order. Another style of parenting is permissive, this way of parenting is more laid back and loosely. Another parenting style is authoritative, this has a lot of open communication and guidance but still disciplines. A last parenting style that i am going to talk about is un-involved, this is little to no interaction or playing a role in their child's life. Each of one of these styles played a role in our lives and our development. But which one is the best? This is the question that I have done my research and have been trying to find out. All of the articles that I looked at have all said that authoritative is the best and most beneficial to the child. They described authoritative as the healthiest way to raise a child. The parents are very emotionally positive, communicate the best with the children and listen the best to their children. The videos, images and links below help go into further detail about ways to teach authoritative parenting, why its better, the different types of parenting,

This video goes on to describe the four main types of parenting and the effect it has on the child. This video relates to the articles that i read because this video describes the authoritative as the best way of parenting. This video said that it has the best effects on the child and their development, the other three ways may have more negative effects then positive.
This chart describes each specific style in a mini demonstration and shows the control and warmth of each parenting style.
This image also backs up how authoritative parenting is the best and has the best balance of demanding and still being supportive.

“Parenting Skills | According to Experts.” Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development,

