Parenting Trends for the Next Decade

How societal events will change parenting in 2020 and beyond



What’s Next?

As we move into the next decade, we’ll look back at an era where parents’ choices were not only scrutinized but judged in the most harsh manner.

Talk of helicopter parenting, attachment parenting and sleep training choices kept many of us simultaneously rapt and frustrated.

Breast or bottle? Return to work or be a stay-at-home parent? A cellphone for your grade-school child or not?

These are just some of the challenges that have confronted parents in the past decade. Add to these practical concerns a society in which political toxicity and polarized views have put a fine point on making the right choices. After all, failure to do so could have dire consequences for generations to come.

But who could blame us?

The 2010’s were a time of both change and conflict on both political and technological levels. Digital communications, ranging from entertainment to education, became pervasive in the lives of children and adults alike. The rise of social media platforms and various messaging apps underscored the change that had rapidly materialized in what seemed to be lightening speeds. Social activism borne of real…



Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Parenting Tales From the Trenches

Writer, Media Commentator and overall opinionated individual. I live in the past A. Lot. Follow me on Substack: LivingInThePast.Substack.Com