Pillar 3: Map your Habits!

Mariana Wechsler
Parenting Like a Monk
4 min readFeb 18, 2022


Buddhism teaches us that for every fact, we have 3,000 options to choose from on how to behave. 3,000 ways of how to react to a Life event.

Choose the option that makes you happy. Choose what you want to be. And that takes courage.

Do you have enough courage to change yourself? To reveal your true self?

Change yourself first, and your surroundings will change too. Let’s go on this journey of change together!

Let’s change ourselves, let’s change this World. Count on me!

A day with my children…

Instagram Mariana Wechsler

My daughters were upset with their friend who insisted on playing aggressively.

“Is it right to hurt each other when we’re friends, mom?”

I told them:

“I don’t know if that’s right for her. In our family, we don’t accept aggression as an expression of friendship or affection. But you need to let her know that.”

What is right and wrong is not written in any book. When interacting with other people, and more than that, with other cultures, we open our minds to challenging our assumptions about what is right and wrong.



Mariana Wechsler
Parenting Like a Monk

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