Let’s Get Crafty!

Parenting Place
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2020
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

Making art can be a wonderful way to bond with your child. Together you are able to spend quality time with your little ones, have them explore their creativity and get a little messy! Here are two ideas that you can try with your children with just a few basic painting supplies:

Abstract Tape Painting


  • Tape — masking or painter’s tape is ideal
  • Paper — stiff paper like card stock or cardboard will make it easier to remove the tape. Canvas would also be a great option.
  • Paint
  • Brushes/painting sponges
  • Containers for paint


  1. It might be easier for an adult to do the taping. If your child wants to get involved, let them direct you where to put the tape. You can put it at random or create shapes and letters if you want to get ambitious! Tip: Long strips that make geometric patterns often give a great result.
  2. Help your child choose the colours they want to use and pour the paint onto a plate or paint containers, and then let them go for it! They might want to paint within the tape lines or just cover the whole thing with colour. Either way will work!
  3. Once fully dry, you and your child can gently and slowly remove the tape and reveal the design!

Have a look at these great examples from thewritebalance.ca and robineggview.blogspot.com for more inspiration.

Fingerprint Flowers


  • Paper
  • Marker
  • Paint
  • Plate or paint palette


  1. Start by drawing some vertical lines for your flower stems on the paper. You and your child can decide how long they should be.
  2. Let your child choose what colour(s) they want their flower petals to be, and put a small amount of each colour onto a pallette or plate.
  3. Show your child how they can dip one finger into the paint, and press it onto the paper to make a petal.
  4. Don’t be afraid to get a little messy yourself! You can both take turns making petals and flowers. Thumbs can be used to make bigger petals or leaves.

Have a look at this pretty version at wehaveaars.com



Parenting Place

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