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Working from Home?

Parenting Place
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2020


Helpful Tips for the Working Parent

Working and parenting from home is a delicate balance — actually it can be down right hard at times. If you are dancing to this unfamiliar beat, be gentle on yourself — you are doing better than you think you are. Here are some helpful tips to create a little more equilibrium at home:

o Start with creating a routine for your kiddos, if they have something to look forward to and anticipate, they will likely interrupt you less.

o Be flexible — if your little one needs to burn off some energy, get outside together for some play time. When your child feels connected and settled, focusing on a chunk of work will be easier for everyone.

o Utilize nap-time, and if they don’t nap adding quiet time to your child’s daily routine can afford you some work time.

o Do your best to keep “parent” and “worker” separate — having a space dedicated to work can make it easier for your little one to understand your role as a worker and keep you from sneaking a load of laundry in between emails.

o Expect that your work life will not look or feel the same being home. We can expect interruptions and some big feelings from the little ones. Reschedule a call or meeting if your toddler is fussing.

The Psychology Foundation of Canada has a 24/7: A Resource for Working Parents with strategies supporting the psychological health of working parents and their children — check it out for more tips!



Parenting Place

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