Why Parents Against Trolls & Trolling Is So Close To My Heart — Daniel Schmitz

The Vital Need To Stand Up Against Online & Offline Trolling Through My Work At Lighthouse International Group

Daniel Schmitz
Parents Against Trolls & Trolling
2 min readDec 17, 2021


I realised how little I was aware of how big the problem of trolling, bullying and online abuse is for children. I’m the father of an 8-year-old daughter and seeing the impact that trolling and bullying has on the lives of so many children is quite horrific. It makes me want to protect her with all my might. I fully believe that no child should have to go through any form of abuse and that it is our duty as adults to protect all our children in the best way we can and to ensure that they get the upbringing that they deserve.

But I’m also aware of how limited my abilities are to make a difference on my own. Our children are influenced every day by other children, teachers, magazines, advertisements, the internet and so on.

I also believe that we can make a difference and protect our children if we come together as parents and responsible adults. We can and need to increase our responsibility to stand up for what is right and through that give our children what they need to be able to grow up into healthy grown adults. Together we can make that difference and for this reason we launched the Parents Against Trolls & Trolling campaign.

There’s a whole community of people like me behind the launching of this initiative. You can learn more about them and their experiences on our Lighthouse Global Community site.

Lighthouse International Group Head Mentor Paul Waugh explains his personal and heartfelt reasons as to why we have launched Parents Against Trolls & Trolling in the video below.

Click here to learn more and register your support for Parents Against Trolls & Trolling.

You can also discover how mentorship can empower you to stand up to the bullies and difficult people in your life whilst helping children do the same on our Mentoring & Coaching page.

Also feel free to follow us on social media to learn more about what we’ve discovered over the past 18 years through our pioneering research into human potential.

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