Kubernetes Observability — Monitoring K8s Jobs

Nick Gibbon


Kubernetes Observability — Tips — Monitoring K8s Job Workload Resources — Pod Lifecycle Recap

When monitoring the health of workloads in a Kubernetes Cluster we are often working with long-running server workloads where we are checking that Pods stay in the Running Phase and that the Pod Status is Ready.

However for effective alerts and visualisations we need to remember to take Kubernetes Jobs into account as they work a bit differently. Jobs will run to completion and then report the Failed or Succeeded Phase values.

Generally the condition to look further into a situation is if a Pod is not in the Ready State AND not in the Succeeded Phase for some period of time.

Corollarily make sure that a variety of Workload Resources are used for the testing of your Kubernetes Observability work to try to verify no unforeseen gaps or problems will occur.

Kubernetes Pod Lifecycle — Pod Phases

Kubernetes Jobs

Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes

Workload Resources



Nick Gibbon

Software reliability engineer & manager in cloud infrastructure, platforms & tools.