Alpha Testnet Retrospective

Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2024

Parifi’s launch was planned from the start as a 3-step strategy: Testnet, Beta, and Full Launch on mainnet. The Alpha Testnet marked the first opportunity for the community and perpetual enthusiasts to experience Parifi’s features. The extensive feedback we received was invaluable in setting the stage for the Mainnet Beta. Since this was an incentivized Testnet, users who provided constructive and relevant insights were eligible for rewards.

This article offers a retrospective on the Alpha Testnet feedback and outlines our method for selecting eligible entries.

The Alpha Testnet went live on Arbitrum Goerli on November 20th, 2023, opening access to the platform’s features and mechanisms to identify bugs or issues early on. It was structured in three phases, each focusing on a specific feature: account abstraction, high leverage, and liquidity provision.

Our goals were to evaluate login methods and overall UX, uncover any potential UI/UX issues or friction with the opening fee and leverage calculation, and ensure smooth liquidations. Additionally, we aimed to familiarize users with the vault locking mechanisms and highlight the vaults' passive nature and the advantage of automatic value accrual.

Due to high interest, the Testnet was extended, culminating in over $413 million in trading volume(test tokens), with thousands of users sharing their feedback.

Overview of the Issues Detected

Here are the main issues reported by users and our action plans to address them:

· Error handling: 135 users reported frequent errors and inadequate error messages. We implemented more robust error logging and provided clear, actionable error messages. We also enhanced the QA processes to reduce bug incidence.

· Performance issues: 54 feedback entries highlighted slow response times and performance lags. We upgraded the infrastructure to improve performance and optimized the code and databases to enhance response times during peak loads.

· Smartphone App Usability: 18 testers found the mobile app non-intuitive and challenging to navigate. We redesigned the app interface, focusing on user experience, and conducted user testing for iterative improvements.

· Security Concerns: 17 concerns were expressed over data security and privacy protection. We reviewed and strengthened security protocols, and are considering external audits and introducing advanced security features like two-factor authentication.

· Inadequate Customer Support: 5 users were dissatisfied with customer support responsiveness and effectiveness. As a result, we enhanced training for support staff and improved response times by implementing better support tools and processes.

· Complicated Account Abstraction: 6 users found the account abstraction process confusing, so we simplified the user flow and provided detailed guides and FAQs to assist users.

· Lack of Multi-Language Support: There was only one mention of this issue, but reaching various communities is crucial, so we are evaluating the demand for additional languages and are planning for gradual implementation based on user base needs.

As illustrated, there was significant interest in UI/UX improvements and feature requests, with performance and security concerns also prominent. To sum up the feedback, 436 entries noted positive experiences and appreciation for platform features, 153 entries provided moderate feedback suggesting minor adjustments or mild concerns, and 23 entries were critical, highlighting significant issues affecting user experience.

Overall, the average sentiment score shows that most feedback tends towards a positive sentiment:

The Feedback Selection Process

Given the high volume of feedback, we implemented a strategy to filter and select entries that provided constructive feedback and were eligible for rewards.

We filtered the top 25% of the feedback based on word count during the initial analysis, identifying detailed and constructive entries. Then came data preparation, where we integrated user names, X handles, wallet addresses, and a brief feedback extract into a well-organized Excel list. We then expanded the scope to the entire dataset, applying a word count threshold to ensure the feedback was substantial and included only meaningful information.

Through spam filtering, we removed exact duplicate feedback entries, ensuring the feedback’s uniqueness and authenticity. We compiled a detailed and unique feedback list in Excel for the final output and forwarded it for internal review and further action.

The final count has revealed that 612 entries out of the total of 3217 are the most useful and relevant, helping us deliver significant improvements in the platform’s functionality. These entries will receive rewards along with our gratitude. Details regarding the rewards will be shared soon;

Preparing for Mainnet Beta

The feedback received during Alpha Testnet was extremely helpful in making the necessary improvements for Mainnet Beta. We have been working intensely on optimizing and fine-tuning every detail to provide Beta users an enhanced experience.

The next step is the Closed Beta, where access will be granted based on Whitelist registration. However, we highly value community feedback, so users who requested early access on Discord or Telegram have already tested the platform on the mainnet, providing positive insights.

Currently, Closed Beta is ready to launch, so if you want to join, check out our active campaign on Galxe and grab a share of the prize pool along with early access to the platform. We will soon have news for Alpha Testnet users regarding rewards, so make sure to keep an eye on our official channels for announcements!



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ETHA Labs focuses on DeFi innovation, developing both essential infrastructure and incubating the next generation of Web3 projects.