Join the Parifi Closed Beta for Community Members!

Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2024

Welcome to an exciting new phase of Parifi’s journey! We are thrilled to announce the Parifi Closed Beta, exclusively for our valued community members. This is a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and help shape the future of decentralized finance.

Why Join the Parifi Closed Beta?

Participating in the Parifi Closed Beta gives you the opportunity to:

  • Influence Development: Your feedback will directly impact the final product.
  • Early Access: Be among the first to explore and use our cutting-edge platform.
  • Exclusive Rewards: Eligible beta testers will receive special incentives, including NFTs and more.

What to Expect from the Parifi dApp?

The Protocol offers a revolutionary approach to perpetual trading, integrating advanced features to address the unique challenges of the perpetual market. Rooted in decentralized finance principles, Parifi emphasizes a community-driven foundation built around the concept of parity.

Cutting-Edge Solutions Our platform features cutting-edge solutions to advance decentralized perpetuals including:

  • Account Abstraction: Streamlines user experience by simplifying wallet management and transaction processes, allowing for a more intuitive CEX/Web2-like user experience.
  • Chain Abstraction: Offers unified liquidity access to enter perpetual markets across all EVM chains, eliminating the need for complex cross-chain maneuvers with minimal latency.
  • Adaptive Pricing Framework: An innovative mechanism using liquidity curves and on-chain oracles to create an adaptive pricing framework, ensuring market stability and predictability.
  • Native Currency Ramps: Direct bank integration facilitates effortless EUR and USD onboarding and off-boarding, bridging traditional and crypto finance.
  • Automated Liquidity Management: Smart liquidity provisioning maximizes capital utilization in real time.
  • Unlimited Positions: Allows for multiple isolated positions in the same market, providing flexibility for various trading strategies simultaneously.

Join closed BETA today and explore these groundbreaking features to enhance your trading experience and foster a vibrant, community-driven ecosystem.

How to Apply

Applying for the Parifi Closed Beta is simple:

  1. Join Our Community:

2. Register for the Closed Beta:

  • Sign up via Parifi App.
  • After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email indicating you’ve joined the waitlist.

3. Get Your Access Code:

  • Reach out to a community member in the #app-beta channel on Discord.
  • They will provide you with a unique code to access the dApp.

Our Selection Process

We value our community’s insights and have a rigorous selection process to ensure we gather the most constructive feedback. Here’s how we select our beta testers:

  1. Application Review: We carefully review each application to understand your background and experience.
  2. Methodology and Approach: We use a structured methodology to assess the potential impact of your feedback.
  3. Selection Criteria: Feedback providers are chosen based on prior trading experience with other perps, engagement with the community, and potential to provide valuable insights.

What to Expect During the Beta

As a beta tester, you’ll be given early access to the Parifi platform. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Exploration: Navigate through our features and functionalities.
  • Testing: Engage in various use cases to test the platform’s capabilities.
  • Feedback: Share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions for improvement. Please fill out the Feedback form.
  • Referral Program: Refer up to 5 people to join the protocol and earn up to 50% from trades placed using your referral link.

Incentives for Beta Testers

We appreciate your time and effort in helping us enhance Parifi. To show our gratitude, we’re offering incentives to eligible feedback providers.

  • Parifi NFTs: Exclusive NFTs for constructive feedback providers.
  • Additional Rewards: Other exciting rewards to be announced soon.
  • Referral Program: Earn 50% of the total fees from your referred users.

Guidelines for Feedback

To make the most out of your feedback, here are some guidelines:

  • Be Specific: Provide detailed descriptions of any issues or suggestions.
  • Be Constructive: Focus on how we can improve the platform.
  • Be Timely: Submit your feedback promptly to ensure it’s considered in the development process.


Join us in this exciting journey to redefine decentralized finance. Your participation in the Parifi Closed Beta is invaluable, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback and insights. Apply now and be part of the revolution!

It’s time to experience next-gen perps ahead of everyone else!

Ready to join the Parifi Closed Beta? Apply Here



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ETHA Labs focuses on DeFi innovation, developing both essential infrastructure and incubating the next generation of Web3 projects.