Parifi Project Update: Strategic Insights and Key Milestones Ahead!

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4 min readMar 14, 2024

It’s time to review Parifi’s progress, outline our path, and detail plans for the upcoming period, especially with crucial roadmap items to address this year.

As we move towards the full launch, every milestone is critical and requires meticulous preparation. Keeping the community updated on our progress and strategy is paramount.

Here’s a quick overview of our protocol’s objectives and a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes preparations for upcoming milestones.

A Glimpse at Recent Progress

The LBP on Fjord Foundry: The Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) event introduced the PRF token to the community, ensuring liquidity, enabling token price discovery, and boosting community engagement. The LBP was completely sold out, marking a successful first step in PRF token distribution to the community.

Alpha Testnet Completion: Due to high community interest, the Alpha Testnet phase was extended until January 31st. It concluded with impressive engagement, high trading volumes, and diverse market interest. Our feedback form captured invaluable insights, setting the stage for the next development phase.

With these crucial milestones checked, preparations continued for the next steps in the platform’s progress.

Focusing on Current Priorities

Parifi is preparing for the Mainnet Beta launch, which is slated for the end of the month. Drawing from the Testnet feedback, significant enhancements have been made, and all efforts have concentrated on optimizing trading efficiency and enhancing the user experience.

Recent Platform Developments:

  • Immediate Order Placement: Users can now place new orders immediately after the relayer executes them, eliminating the need to wait for transaction confirmation.
  • Batch Execution: We’ve introduced batch settlements for orders, streamlining the processing of multiple transactions.
  • Tech Upgrade: Moving from Wagmi v1 to v2 enables seamless chain switching for users, enhancing flexibility.
  • Backend Enhancements: We’ve optimized data fetching with a hybrid approach, utilizing both the subgraph and backend for faster performance. Backend architecture and Cron Job management have been refined.
  • Bug Fixes and Code Optimizations: We’ve resolved bugs, optimized code, and improved WebSocket connections to relay backend information efficiently to the UI.
  • Network Migration: The platform has migrated from Arbitrum Goerli to Arbitrum Sepolia.
  • On-ramp and Off-ramp Integration: Integration of on-ramp and off-ramp services enhances user accessibility.
  • Load Balancer Implementation: A load balancer has been deployed to ensure high availability and improved performance under heavy loads.
  • UI/UX Updates: Several UI/UX enhancements include custom token selection, automated network switching, ISO 3166–2 state validation, real-time data integration in vault charts, and improved button states for better user experience.
  • Resubmit Transaction Feature: Users can now resubmit failed transactions with the new “Try Again” button.
  • Optimistic order creation: An optimistic approach is implemented to provide a better user experience when executing any order on the platform.
  • Referral Section: A new referral section has been integrated into the platform.

These updates aim to enhance the platform's overall functionality, performance, and user experience. We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to improve Parifi for our community.

Community Round 2 Is Closing in

Progress is moving steadily toward a full launch, but the focus remains on meticulous planning and community engagement. The upcoming PRF Community Round 2, following the LBP on Fjord Foundry, marks the next phase in the PRF token’s distribution strategy. This round aims for greater accessibility by conducting sales across multiple launchpads, with 30,000,000 $PRF tokens allocated from the total supply. Details on launchpads, token pricing, and vesting will be shared through Parifi’s official social channels.

As always, we want to express our gratitude to this amazing community. Your support and patience are vital and will continue to push Parifi forward one milestone at a time.



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ETHA Labs focuses on DeFi innovation, developing both essential infrastructure and incubating the next generation of Web3 projects.