Changing seasons in Acadia National Park

Alan Wiig
Paris of the Eighties
2 min readOct 30, 2016
Gorge Trail, Acadia National Park. October 2016.

Maine’s Acadia National Park has wonderful hiking trails. On 15 October, toward the height of fall color in New England, I went up Cadillac Mountain, ascending Gorge Trail and descending from the peak on the North Ridge Trail. A selection of photos in chronological order follows.

Gorge Trail starts out relatively level…
A seasonal creek flows in the gorge, also forming said gorge over geologic time.
The trail quickly turns steep, with granite “stairs” crossing the stream bed or running parallel to the stream.
After popping out above treeline on Cadillac Mountain the view out over the North Atlantic extends for miles.
North Ridge Trail is less step but similarly crafted to Gorge Trail, with many sections of granite stair steps.
North Ridge Trail drops the hiker about half a mile from the Gorge Trail parking area, necessitating a walk alongside the Park Loop Road.
We made it to Jordan Pond (by car) for tea and popovers at the Jordan Pond House then watched the last of the sunset at the water’s edge…
…Then underneath the illuminated contrails from passing jets, we caught the actual last bit of sunlight fading out over Eagle Lake…
…Before finally watching the full moon rise in the east.



Alan Wiig
Paris of the Eighties

Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Community Development, UMass Boston.